Sunday, October 28, 2007

Why, oh why do I watch 'zombie' movies?

Because it scares the shit out of me and I love them. I watched 28 Weeks Later tonight at my parents' house. I am in town to hang with the nieces because I won't see them on Wednesday (unless I change my mind and still come up) or next weekend (I'm not coming up). Before I left SF I went and picked up two movies that were waiting for me at the library, the one mentioned already and Transformers. I may watch that tomorrow at home. Anyway back to the zombie movies. I get into a phase where I want to watch them and then for the next couple days every time I go outside and it is quiet I get really freaked out. I had to go out to my car at 1 AM and it was quiet (duh it's late) and I could see everything because the moon is bright- I was still scared. The verdict- I liked the movie- much more Americanized than the original 28 Days Later. I might have to watch Dawn of the Dead soon, and yes it will be the new one because I liked it (so shove it! horror movie snobs!)

I was thinking about going to Into the Wild tomorrow during a matinee. I'm still curious to see how it was brought to the big screen. We'll see- I'll probably just do Halloween kind of stuff with the girls.

Here's the 28 Weeks Later trailer if you are interested

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