Tuesday, March 18, 2008

My love Jason Segel to co-write a new Muppet movie!

This is slightly old news, but I am still psyched about it since I <3 him. (<3 is my new favorite thing lately since I finally realized why it meant love- yes I am slow [for those who don't-- it is because it makes the shape of a heart laying on it's side] and yes I realize I am the only one who didn't realize it, oh well)

There is an article on MSN about it and his answers pretty much sum up why I love him so much. Source

Why I love the flair application on Facebook

A. Because it is awesome
B. Because it is a fun time waster
C. Because it is so much fun making your own
D. Because who doesn't or didn't like buttons when they were growing up? They are fun to collect in real life and in virtual.
E. You don't have to sign up your friends to get flair- you have to send them- but there is no 20 friend limit to fill out before you get something.
F. You get to share private little jokes and loves or likes that your friend has with them.
G. Who doesn't like getting presents?
H. You learn more about your friends by the flair they give you and what they display.

Seriously I could go on and on... because it is a little thing that I am/have been obsessing over lately.
Here is my current flair profile. The sucky thing is that you can only display 56 of them- but so far I think you get endless amounts of them. Just what I need more junk in storage!

Friday, March 14, 2008

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

The Jeannie Tate Show - Hillary Clinton

Can't get enough of this show! If you haven't seen the other episodes- type The Jeannie Tate Show in YouTube or FunnyorDie.com

Sunday, March 09, 2008

SNL- Project Runway

It's Fierce! Amy Poehler does a great Christian.

Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Danny Noriega - Tainted Love - Top 8 Guys

I didn't watch the show tonight- but I had to see what this guy would do. He is so flaming. I love it!

Monday, March 03, 2008


I don't know if I am the only one who is unsure of something because they heard from some unremembered source that an object is used for something intimate. I consider myself to not always fall for that kind of stuff- but ever since I was young I could remember playing with these balls that were about the size of a ping-pong ball and they would chime. I swear to God someone told me when I was around 12 that they were used for sex. So every time I have seen them deep down inside myself I think that. Plus, as the picture shows they come in a sexy little case...
So anyway I typed in 'Chinese balls' tonight and instead of getting pornography or sites that promoted alternative uses for them- I discovered that they are called Baoding balls and they are supposed to be very beneficial to health. If they are used for other things other than what Wikipedia says I don't want to know...

Home sick and have been on the computer way too much

I just saw the preview for The Love Guru with Mike Myers. I'll take any Mike Myers I can get- it's been such a long time since he has done a big comedy.

I am home sick today. I got sick last week, but didn't feel the really bad until Saturday. I just thought I would give myself one more day at home to recuperate before I went back to work. I had got a pile of movies from the library earlier on Saturday and I have watched three of them. They included, The Darjeeling Limited, Saving Sarah Cain, and 1408. They are all movies I would most likely not watch again- Saving Sarah Cain being the worst of the bunch. The premise and acting was godawful.

The trailer makes it seem promising- but it is not

1408 was the wrong movie to watch while I was feeling ill. It made me feel a little worse actually. But I had checked it out from the library about two times before and never watched it- so I was determined to actually do it.

I am just starting to feel like I want to get out of this apartment- so I think I will be ready to go back to work tomorrow. Thank goodness.

Also, my dad turned 60 today! Happy B-day dad!

Reading got hotter!