Saturday, December 06, 2008

Britney Spears - Circus

Addicted to this song and the other songs on her new album. I feel like a sucker that I am being drawn into liking her again. But everybody likes a comeback so....

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Still kicking!

I am still alive. And on my way to healthy after a 3+ hours morning/afternoon at the Acute care. My first time going to it- hopefully never again! I was diagnosed as having pneumonia. I had to get my blood drawn which was an awesome experience. My veins refuse to be revealed so they couldn't do it on my arm *but they tried! Then they were going to try on my hand- but didn't even attempt it because no go! So what did they do?? They poked my finger and squeezed some blood out- but had trouble with that too. My blood refuses to leave my body!! Then they had me do a nebulizer treatment (Albuterol), and a chest X-ray! Oh what fun! Now I am on Avelox (an antibiotic) and Proventil HFA (a inhalation). I feel good that I went in- because I know that I would have felt good for most of the day and then been hit like a ton of bricks tonight. I left a kind of will on my computer last night- in case I forgot to breath last night. I may stay home tonight or go up to Brookings? Eh- I will probably just stay in Sioux Falls and try to feel like a person tonight. Just thought I would remark since my last post.

Friday, November 28, 2008

This is a bitch about my life post

I'm sick. I have been sick for a whole week now. I had the opportunity to call and set up an appointment today at my clinic- but I decided that I was on the mend. What horseshit! I feel horrible! Not only am I sick, but I'm alone. I'm always alone. I am going to die alone. Maybe even tonight--- okay- I take that back. I most likely have pneumonia (the actual or walking- what's the big difference!?- you still feel like shit either way). When I get horribly sick- I just need to cry. It makes me feel better. Anyway- here I return to blogging. I just want to feel good again- I feel like I am going to pop out my eye from coughing so hard. That or have an aneurysm pop in my head. I just feel like crap.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Reba is the best!

Yeah it has been such a long time that I forgot almost forgot my username and password. Life has been hectic~ in the best of ways!! I was just watching CMT and the video for 'Every Other Weekend' the Reba McEntire and Kenny Chesney song came on. It has been out since at least July according to YouTube, but it was my first time seeing it. I got a little thrill at seeing the actors from the show Reba be the parents in the video. It is another reason I love Reba- she obviously has connections to the people that she has worked with and seeks out opportunities to give them work again. My brother pointed out that I have been forsaking the blog in favor of Facebook lately and I thought I would start putting more random things up again.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Hello I'm still alive

It has really been a long time since I have posted anything on this blog. Maybe that is because my life really has not changed? On Sunday I turned the big 3-0! It sucked but not as much as turning 40 and being single and childless will be. I'm kind of in the pessimistic mood lately. I am waiting for myself to have this big realization or kick in the butt to get out and start having a social life of some sort. I am on vacation for the rest of this week, which makes me super excited to do whatever I want! Last night I went to the Drive-in in Luverne and watched the double feature of The Dark Knight and Hancock. I went by myself and only felt lame briefly. The Drive-in is such a good deal and it was a beautiful night for July. The Dark Knight was very good and this is coming from someone who really did not care for Batman Begins. I do have to say it was probably mainly because of the morbid desire to see a glimpse of what may have led Heath Ledger to go down the path he chose. He did give a great performance as the Joker- ten times creepier than I remember Jack Nicholson's Joker being (and he is by nature a creepy guy). I would not call it one of my favorite movies, but I would watch it again. Hancock was not as great. The storyline went south by the end. If they had cast someone other than Charlize Theron maybe I would have enjoyed it more? My mom will be coming up tomorrow and we are probably going to go to Mamma Mia! woo hoo! I love me some ABBA.

By the way here is a picture of Ryan from High School Musical 3- it is a gif, but I can't figure out how to put it up. But he is styling again- I can't wait for an all pink outfit again!

Sunday, June 15, 2008

I wish that I had got up in time to see this

Every year I think about going to it and every year I miss it. Next year I will go!

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Yay! David Cook!

More delicious pictures of David Cook- plus a couple of funny ones :)

And how could I leave out my favorite new commercial <3

Thursday, May 08, 2008

Vote for the Worst- David Archuleta

I really don't want people to vote for him- but this was funny and I couldn't help laugh. The little drawing is totally right on.
He does remind me of that character in Malcolm in the Middle that was Malcolm's best friend in the wheelchair. He is such a gasper and does not know how to string together a sentence. When he butchered the words to Imagine- he cemented my views on him.

Sunday, May 04, 2008

More David Cook pictures- continued :)

He may be cocky- but when you are that good you can get away with it!

Plus- how cute are the dolphin pictures? I mean... come on... they melt my heart.

I also had to sneak this one in about Rock of Love 2 because it is hilarious and totally looks like Daisy.

David Cook FTW (for the win)

So the last couple of years I haven't been into American Idol. I would watch the first couple of episodes out of my strong desire to see people's dreams crushed and then I would get brief updates from my family about who the people were and who was good. Well- this year was no exception until recently. David Cook is of course going to win it (even if he doesn't actually win it). I have seen some pictures and grabbed them for this- this is for Amy.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Man it's been a long time since I've written on here

Facebook is just not the same as typing about random things to either the odd stranger who comes across this or my relatives :(

I have not done much of anything this weekend other than spend money and watch an whole lot of TV. Back in December I bought a new LCD HDTV. While buying I knew that the television can also be used as a computer monitor. I hadn't tried using it as such until Thursday night and man I love it! I tried to find a splitter so I can connect both my small one and the television, but I guess it isn't available in stores but only online. 37 inches compared to 17 is quite a difference in watching online television. sigh.

Anyway- I need to straighten up a little tonight and then get to bed so I can go up to Brookings tomorrow.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Ugly Betty's Back!

This is the first vodcast of Ugly Betty. It is hilarious! I miss this show. Michel Urie and Becki Newton are my favorite.

Wednesday, April 02, 2008

I hate fake people-- rant post

A series of small things has made me just livid today. When I try to think rationally about them I just can't make sense of it. I work with so many women/girls and I really usually like that- until the little groups start acting snippy. Which is exactly what is happening now at work. I am a loner, but I do like to be included every once and awhile and right now I am feeling shunned. And I don't know why... It makes me feel like I am in high school again (or even worse- middle school!) and it just makes me feel bad about myself and I in turn get bitchy. I just had to rant to something and my cell ran out of battery in the middle of my phone call to my mom. I just want to scream- which maybe I will before I go to work tomorrow- it might be therapeutic. Plus- when people misspell every other word on things- it drives me bonkers.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

My love Jason Segel to co-write a new Muppet movie!

This is slightly old news, but I am still psyched about it since I <3 him. (<3 is my new favorite thing lately since I finally realized why it meant love- yes I am slow [for those who don't-- it is because it makes the shape of a heart laying on it's side] and yes I realize I am the only one who didn't realize it, oh well)

There is an article on MSN about it and his answers pretty much sum up why I love him so much. Source

Why I love the flair application on Facebook

A. Because it is awesome
B. Because it is a fun time waster
C. Because it is so much fun making your own
D. Because who doesn't or didn't like buttons when they were growing up? They are fun to collect in real life and in virtual.
E. You don't have to sign up your friends to get flair- you have to send them- but there is no 20 friend limit to fill out before you get something.
F. You get to share private little jokes and loves or likes that your friend has with them.
G. Who doesn't like getting presents?
H. You learn more about your friends by the flair they give you and what they display.

Seriously I could go on and on... because it is a little thing that I am/have been obsessing over lately.
Here is my current flair profile. The sucky thing is that you can only display 56 of them- but so far I think you get endless amounts of them. Just what I need more junk in storage!

Friday, March 14, 2008

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

The Jeannie Tate Show - Hillary Clinton

Can't get enough of this show! If you haven't seen the other episodes- type The Jeannie Tate Show in YouTube or

Sunday, March 09, 2008

SNL- Project Runway

It's Fierce! Amy Poehler does a great Christian.

Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Danny Noriega - Tainted Love - Top 8 Guys

I didn't watch the show tonight- but I had to see what this guy would do. He is so flaming. I love it!

Monday, March 03, 2008


I don't know if I am the only one who is unsure of something because they heard from some unremembered source that an object is used for something intimate. I consider myself to not always fall for that kind of stuff- but ever since I was young I could remember playing with these balls that were about the size of a ping-pong ball and they would chime. I swear to God someone told me when I was around 12 that they were used for sex. So every time I have seen them deep down inside myself I think that. Plus, as the picture shows they come in a sexy little case...
So anyway I typed in 'Chinese balls' tonight and instead of getting pornography or sites that promoted alternative uses for them- I discovered that they are called Baoding balls and they are supposed to be very beneficial to health. If they are used for other things other than what Wikipedia says I don't want to know...

Home sick and have been on the computer way too much

I just saw the preview for The Love Guru with Mike Myers. I'll take any Mike Myers I can get- it's been such a long time since he has done a big comedy.

I am home sick today. I got sick last week, but didn't feel the really bad until Saturday. I just thought I would give myself one more day at home to recuperate before I went back to work. I had got a pile of movies from the library earlier on Saturday and I have watched three of them. They included, The Darjeeling Limited, Saving Sarah Cain, and 1408. They are all movies I would most likely not watch again- Saving Sarah Cain being the worst of the bunch. The premise and acting was godawful.

The trailer makes it seem promising- but it is not

1408 was the wrong movie to watch while I was feeling ill. It made me feel a little worse actually. But I had checked it out from the library about two times before and never watched it- so I was determined to actually do it.

I am just starting to feel like I want to get out of this apartment- so I think I will be ready to go back to work tomorrow. Thank goodness.

Also, my dad turned 60 today! Happy B-day dad!

Monday, February 25, 2008

Other performances from Oscars

Amy Adams sings 'Happy Working Song' I found this on ONTD and I have to agree that Kristin Chenoweth and her should have switched songs, because there was a lot more action and fun in 'That's How You Know.' Since Amy sang both in the movie- I think she should have gotten to do the reenacting one.

Amy's performance

Kristin's performance

And then there was Jon McLaughlin's So Close also from Enchanted.

Jimmy Kimmels F@cking Ben Affleck Response to Matt and Sarah

I'm amazed at the amount and the caliber of celebrities he got to be in this. Obviously not NSFW or kids.

Oscars 2008

Well, a whole bunch of movies that the majority of the American population didn't watch (and never will) won at the Oscars. I mean...come on...this was the drabbest bunch of winners for acting awards in quite sometime. I tried to get a picture of them, but wasn't able to.

Edit- Alright I slightly take it back- because I saw Marion Cotillard's speech and I bawled like a baby. I love how genuine she came across. I also love when people are so excited that they cover their face in disbelief.

I was excited about who won for Original song though
Glen Hansard and Marketa Irglova from Once for Falling Slowly

I love that song- I always sing along to it.

here are clips of the Oscars--it will probably be on for about two seconds though before they get taken off.

The performance

and when they won

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Happy Birthday Billy Zane!

I always got yelled at during 1997 because I said that Rose should have stayed with Billy Zane's character because he's hot. I don't care if he is bald, I still love him.

I'm also going to sneak this in- I bought another High School Musical 2 doll last night. I'm kind of having buyer's remorse, until I look at his big bushy hair and 'I majored in vacation' shirt. Can you guess who it is?

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

So I watched Across the Universe last night

And I still not sure how I feel about it. I enjoy the whole musical aspect of course, but most of the story built around the songs was 'eh'. Jim Sturgess is pretty charming and good looking. The whole lesbian girl Prudence story could have been cut. I think I'll keep the soundtrack and occasionally watch the movie from the library.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Something that makes my ovaries hurt a little bit..

okay strange title, but Victoria 'Posh' Beckham's youngest son Cruz is adorable. He came on stage last night while the Spice Girls sang Mama and did some breakdancing. Beyond adorable.

Monday, February 18, 2008

Lordy Lordy Look Who's 40!

Yikes! It's not going to be as bad as when I turn 30, but good lord... she can't be that old yet!
Here's a tribute video that someone made of her which consists only of her three Hughes films. I have a hankerin' for a marathon of the three movies now. My favorite Molly Ringwald movie has to be Sixteen Candles- I love you Jake Ryan!

Sunday, February 17, 2008

What does happen with that stuff?

I always wondered where the other teams clothing goes after the game is done and they turn out to not be the winners. Here's what happened to the New England Patriots shirts and hats.

MANAGUA (Reuters) - Shirts and caps proclaiming the victory of the New England Patriots -- when the American football team actually lost the latest Super Bowl -- have ended up in the hands of poor Nicaraguan children.

Hundreds of shirts and caps, which had been manufactured in advance to celebrate the Patriots' expected victory over the New York Giants, were handed over to children in the southern city of Diriamba.

"The children are the winners," said Miriam Diaz, of World Vision, a Christian humanitarian organization.

World Vision has links with the National Football League, or NFL, and every year helps out poor children in Latin America and Africa with the unwanted "winners" shirts of the team that actually loses the Super Bowl.

Winners' shirts and other garments are produced in advance so players and fans can put them on to celebrate immediately after the final whistle of the game. Garments of the losing team are obviously unwanted.

The Giants stunned the previously undefeated Patriots 17-14 in this year's Super Bowl.

(Reporting by Ivan Castro)

Here is the link to the story

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy V- day

I was in a pissy mood today. But this pigeon valentine cheers me up.

Monday, February 11, 2008

so tired-- can't function

I was getting some songs tonight and I came across an old song that I hadn't heard for some time. This last week I had a couple of events that made me cry and I kind of needed a song like this to remind me that those little things are not that important. Besides I did have a really good and full weekend. I went to a goodbye party for a co-worker which meant getting really drunk. I had just recovered (slightly) from the night when my sister and nieces came up to spend the night. We kind of hunkered down and they went to bed early and got up early (before 6 AM) in preparation for Taylor's cheer competition at the Arena. Samantha and I hung out at my apartment and then later went to Enchanted and a quick trip to the library and then back to my apartment. It is kind of nice to just bum around with my niece without having to travel. That is the sucky thing about not living in town with them anymore. It did make my day to have her not want to leave my apartment when it was time to go. I am still up and have been since 6 AM Sunday. My eyes are closing as I type. Anyway-- here's the lyrics to the song.

Ships That Don't Come In- Joe Diffie

I could tell he'd had a tough life
By the way he sat and stared
And me, I'd come to push and shove
So I pulled up a chair.

We talked of roads untraveled
We talked of love untrue
Of strings that come unraveled
We were kings and kindred fools
And just when I'd hit bottom
That old man raised his glass
And said at least we had our chances
There's those who never have.

So here's to all the soldiers
Who have ever died in vain
The insane locked up in themselves
The homeless down on Main
To those who stand on empty shores
And spit against the wind
And those who wait forever
For ships that don't come in.

He said it's only life's illusions
That bring us to this bar
To pick up these old crutches
And compare each other's scars
'Cuz the things we're calling heartache
Hell, they're hardly worth our time
We bitch about a dollar
When there's those without a dime.

And as he ordered one last round
He said I guess we can't complain
God made life a gamble
And we're still in the game.

So here's to all the soldiers
Who have ever died in vain
The insane locked up in themselves
The homeless down on Main
To those who stand on empty shores
And spit against the wind
And those who wait forever
For ships that don't come in.

Wednesday, February 06, 2008

One thing that did make me happy today....

Yes, that's right a High School Musical 2 Ryan doll. I almost bought it in December one day and then the next time I went to look for it- no luck. I really should be ashamed to admit that I ordered from Target- but I'm not. Not only that, I bought a couple of other things that haven't come yet. I'm still considering if I'll show those. I'm really not a doll collector, but come on it's Ryan wearing his awesome pink shirt and hat- who wouldn't want that? My main complaint is that his hat isn't hot pink enough.

Amy- special message to you- did Taylor point out in HSM2 that directly after 'I Don't Dance' Ryan and Chad have swapped clothes. You need to check it out.
Looking at these pictures I look like a shaggy dog with my growing out bangs. Yikes!

Nobody Likes Me, Everybody Hates Me, I Guess I'll Go Eat Worms

I'm totally feeling that way right now. It sucks.
I didn't get the job. I got a nice phone call telling me. I've been crying all morning. I'm trying to get it all out so I don't cry at work. I've been just down on myself and I just need to get over it. I keep trying to focus on the positive-- but today it just isn't helping.

Tuesday, February 05, 2008

John Mayer struts his um... stuff

Cover your eyes! John Mayer put on the now infamous suit from Borat while on his Mayercraft. I really shouldn't like it-- but I do!

It's from ONTD and here is the link

John Mayer man thong pictures

Monday, February 04, 2008

A day full of crap

I hope that today is not an indicator on how the rest of the week will go. I went to work this morning- thankfully not early in the morning- and I drove way too far before I realizied that I had a flat tire. It wasn't just flat- it was shredded.

So I got the car dragged by a tow truck to a tire store and went to work- albiet thirty minutes late. I also didn't get picked up by the shuttle car for over thirty minutes because they went to the wrong business. It was craziness and of course expensiveness. I'm ready to do nothing- but I do have to go and pay rent tonight.

I also find out on Wednesday if I got a new job at work. I'm crossing my fingers, but I'm prepared if it just doesn't work out that way.

Did everyone see Paula Abdul's 'performance' at the Super Bowl? It was prerecorded- but I think she did damn fine. Hell of a lot better than I would have thought.

Saturday, February 02, 2008

These Dreams

I had a dream last night and I don't remember the specifics but I do remember that I was doing drugs specifically cocaine. Of course I don't have any actual experience with doing so, and I think I based it on all the images I have seen of it. I looked it up on the dream dictionary and here is what it says about cocaine in dreams.

---To dream that you are taking cocaine, indicates that you are feeling empty and devoid of emotions. You are looking to get out of your commitments or denying your responsibilities. You lack ambition. On a more positive note, the dream may be telling you that you need to be more lively and energetic.---

I have been given new opportunities lately when it comes to work and other parts of my life. So I am choosing to see it as more of the second part of the explanation.
I have had some strange dreams lately. An earlier one- about two weeks ago- I dreamed about mice and rats.

To see mice in your dream, symbolizes domestic problems, business loss, deceit, and insincere friends. It represents minor problems in which you are spending too much time dwelling on.

To dream that you kill a mouse, signifies that you will overcome your rivals.

To see rats in your dream, signifies feelings of doubts, guilt and/or envy. You are having unworthy thoughts that you are keeping to yourself but are eating you up inside. Alternatively, it denotes repulsion. The dream may also be a pun on someone who is a rat.

It was more mice than rats though.

I love remembering dreams and seeing into them. I believe that you remember some of them for a reason.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

My crappy little Futurama sketch

I was watching the special features on the last disc of Volume 3 of Futurama and it had little step-by-steps on how to draw the characters Fry and Leela. I did this one of Fry and even though it isn't perfect it makes me happy.
Plus- I meant to write step by steps on it- whoops!
Oh yeah-- and Futurama blows Family Guy out of the water.

Friday, January 25, 2008

Happy Birthday Amy!

I won't tell anyone how old you are!

Thursday, January 24, 2008

What do I have running through my brain tonight?

I was thinking of some songs that I would want to look up to put on my mp3ish player tonight. I was driving home and I heard a song that I knew from a movie (Shag to be specific) and I tried to remember it so I could look it up tonight and I was getting nowhere. I even went through my tape of Shag (I gotta buy the DVD) only to get to the end and not have any of the song information on the end like they do now. It wasn't on the actual music CD (either is Stagger Lee- WTF?) I had to watch my favorite parts while I was fast forwarding through.

anyway...I finally found the title and the singers. It's 'Let Me In' by The Sensations. The song that constantly says wee ooo wee ooo... Anyway that led to finding about twenty other songs that I love and then led me to a song I would play constantly on my parents' record player. I'll Be Your Long Haired Lover From Liverpool by Jimmy Osmond. Yes, he an Osmond and this song kicks Puppy Love's butt. I used to play it over and over again. I think that song can roughly sum up that fact that I was not in the cool crowd in elementary school or anytime since...

If you haven't ever heard the song I suggest you do-- I would marry some guy if he tried to sing this to me. A young child probably wrote the song- but it is one of the most beautiful love songs I know.

I'll be your long haired lover from Liverpool,
and I'll do anything you say.
I'll be your clown or your puppet or your April Fool,
if you'll be my sunshine daisy from L.A.

I'll be your leprechaun and sit upon an old toad stool,
I'll serenade you till I'm old and gray.
I'll be your long haired lover from Liverpool,
you'll be my sunshine daisy from L.A.

You'll be my lovely daisy on the mountainside,
there are lots of other flowers, too.
But all the other flowers hung their heads and cried
because the loveliest of all of them was you.

But you were evidently the exception to the rule,
I picked you quickly then I ran away.
'Cause I was your long haired lover from Liverpool,
you were my sunshine daisy from L.A.

I'll be your long haired lover from Liverpool,
and I'll do anything you ask.
I'll be your clown or your puppet or your April Fool,
cut my hair, I'll even wear a mask.

I'll be your Valentine, and you'll be mine, and things'll be cool.
We'll move along together every day.
I'll be your long haired lover from Liverpool,
you'll be my sunshine daisy from L.A.,
you'll be my sunshine daisy from L.A.

I'll be your long haired lover from Liverpool,
and I'll do anything you ask.
I'll be your clown or your puppet or your April Fool,
cut my hair I'll even wear a mask.

I'll be your Valentine, and you'll be mine, and things'll be cool.
We'll move along together every day.
I'll be your long haired lover from Liverpool,
you'll be my sunshine daisy from L.A....

An Example of my cool factor when I was younger- note the well fashioned Barbie and the Rockers design of my shirt.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

What is wrong with this nation?

I really hate how women are being treated in this society lately. I'm not an ultra feminist, but shows like Rock of Love and Flavor of Love, and my most recent hate Millionaire Matchmaker. The 'lady' who runs this disgusting organization can try to make it seem all about love, but she is nothing but a fucking pimp. It sickens me. I started watching it just by flipping through and landing on it accidentally.

Patti from Millionaire Matchmaker

She services men who are millionaires and 'helps' them to find their mate (aka whore). Not only do I hate how she treats the women on the show- dismissing some women because of their age, hair color (she hates red heads), and her standard of beauty-- but she is not much better at how she transforms the men. Since these men are rich she tells them how to do everything from how they dress, to how they decorate their houses. I could go on and on about how much this show pisses me off... And I'm sure if I watch anymore I may go on another crazy tangent

There is another matchmaker named Patti that I do like from A&E's Confessions of a Matchmaker. She is down to earth and you can sense that she truly is trying to help the person find someone to share their life with. She is beyond awesome and she could beat the shit out of Bravo's Patti.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Heath Ledger dies at age 28

Rest In Peace Heath Ledger. Too young and too talented to die at 28. I've never been a big crazy fan, but I have liked him in the movies I've seen that he was in. It's sad.

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Sam the butcher passes on

The actor, Allan Melvin, who played Alice's old man died on Thursday. He was 84. I posted this mainly because I love this picture.

Monday, January 14, 2008

Umm... I sincerely don't make a habit of watching this show

But I just watched about ten minutes of Rock of Love 2 tonight and I was totally A. disgusted and B. horrified and C. ashamed to recognize one of the 'girls' as a former Beauty and the Geek contestant. That made me sad for her that this is her life.

her on Beauty and the Geek with Scooter (who I loved)

her on Rock of Love 2

Queen Sized

What I'm talking about has nothing to do with the clip. I just got done watching Queen Sized on Lifetime. It starred Niki Blonksky as a high schooler who was put up for prom queen by cruel classmates. It was good. I have been on the receiving end of many insults over the years since I am bigger as well. I have never had tough skin and I remember every single hurtful word. The relationship between the mother played by Annie Potts and Nikki's character was just like my relationship with my mom. It was kind of spooky. I twist and turn every comment or look my mom gives me and I know I do. Anyway-- I would recommend watching it if you have the opportunity to. The next showing is actually today (Monday January 14th) at 8 PM here in eastern South Dakota on Lifetime.

A couple of scenes reminded me of Hairspray. I had to include a picture of her with Zac Efron- I just had to...

More Conan singing!- it's a different song Forty Days

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Day off from work!

I feel like I haven't had one of those in so long. It really hasn't been any different than what I do for a weekend day, except it's in the week and all the rest of them are working! Yay! I called in to confirm that I had the day off because I took voluntary time off that got covered. I then set my alarm clock for two hours later and then went an additional two after that! I think I'm going to go to a movie today. It is between Enchanted and Sweeney Todd. After that I really don't know what I will do. I have a bunch of gift cards for supper, but I may just want to come home and cook- hahaha- yeah right! I still have to straighten up my apartment a little bit tonight, while I watch Ugly Betty!

TV last night--
Project Runway last night was something else. The person who got kicked out I was kind of on the fence about, he didn't do a horrible job every time but he didn't produce anything wonderful. The winner, however is a different story Victoryia or however the fuck you spell it. Her dress was truly heinous. They were supposed to make a prom dress and it was so ugly. I am so not for the modern empire dress. It makes skinny girls look pregnant, and who really wants to go for that look- especially at prom?

I really hated it and I was so ready for the judges to rip into her and I was so shocked when they praised it. Anyway- whatev I'm not Miss Fashionable anyway...

On to rants about my hair---
I think I really need to get a trim job this weekend. Since my hair is long enough to study the ends I have been spotting split ends every once and awhile and it is driving my crazy. I intend on keeping it long, but I need to slightly even it up and make it look a little more tamed. I also want to do something different with it. I have even let the thought of body wave (aka perming) cross my mind. I had a lot of trauma because of perming earlier in my life so I really need to think it over.

Anyway... on with the day!

Monday, January 07, 2008

Ginnifer Goodwin

So I have been making my way through season 1 and now season 2 of Big Love on Sidereel. In case you don't know what the show is about a brief synopsis is it is a polygimist family and the drama that surrounds them. Bill Paxton plays the husband who has three wives played by Jeanne Tripplehorn, Chole Sevigny, and Ginnifer Goodwin. I am starting to like all the characters in their unique ways but the first one I took on to was Ginnifer's character Margene. She plays the youngest wife and is young and still getting used to polygamy. I was wasting time on IMDb and I looked up Big Love and went on her page and I saw a listing and went OMG! I knew I remembered her from something. She was on Ed (remember Tom Cavanaugh and Stuckey Bowl?) She played the nerdy girl that Justin Long always hung out with and then later on got with his best friend- her name was Diane. She really looks quite a bit different and it is crazy to think of Ed as being an old television show it kind of feels like it was just on yesterday. I miss seeing that show.

A video that is wanting Ed on DVD
You can see Ginnifer at about 2 minutes in.

The opening for Big Love

Sunday, January 06, 2008

Conan sings Blue Moon of Kentucky and I got drunk last night

It is almost 5 PM and I am in my pajamas. Last night I got fairly drunk. It was very freeing. I never ever go out anymore. I talked and talked and I acted all sorts of a fool. But I love the idea that I can blame all that on being drunk. I went to Perkins afterwards with one of the five couples I hung out with(yes that part did suck a little bit), but it turned from a woo hoo! fun time to awkward and I keep trying to pinpoint if it was something I said or just that we are all old. I had them bring me back to my car and then I did drive home. I probably shouldn't have but I did. In my defense it just really sucks being single without real friends or family in Sioux Falls. If I get a taxi home then I have to get another one to get my car the next day. So it comes down to spending money and the inconvenience factor versus ending my own and/or somebody else's life. Hmm... which choice should I have gone with? I'm a terrible person. But, this Conan skit did make me feel better.

Saturday, January 05, 2008

Yes I am lame and made this on my Printmaster

I am still undecided as to what I am going to do for voting for a president but I totally remember this 'slogan' from awhile back and I love it! This is the first candidate from either party in at least the last couple of years that I can stomach though.... Hmmm...

I really didn't mean to make it look like Obama was doing the threatening, but it works either way...

Friday, January 04, 2008

Britney finally went completely beserk

I totally should be sleeping but I just checked ONTD and the Britney drama is on. She holed herself and her two young sons in her mansion and refused to turn them over to Kevin Federline's bodyguard. Apparently she is being treated by paramedics because they believe her to be on something, definitely a car accident that you can't look away from. I am praying for her little innocent boys.

Reading got hotter!