Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Mama I'm a Big Girl Now

I would just like to hype up the movie Hairspray again. The clip contains a little of the song 'Mama I'm a Big Girl Now' that was sung by all three Tracy Turnblads. It is beyond awesome, and they are all absolutely beautiful.

The funniest way to get fired

Ignore Zsa Zsa's weirdo hubby picture- I just couldn't figure out how to obtain the picture alone. I about threw up when I saw the picture, but I couldn't stop looking at it.
from FoxNews.com

MUSCATINE, Iowa — A Wal-Mart (search) greeter was sacked for apparently showing too much of his friendly side to customers.

Dean L. Wooten, 65, was accused of greeting customers with a computer-generated photo of himself in which he appeared to be naked — except for a carefully placed Wal-Mart bag — and of telling customers that Wal-Mart was cutting costs and the sack was the company's new uniform.

A supervisor at the Muscatine store where Wooten had worked for seven years told him to knock it off after customers complained. He was fired five days later, in September, after he displayed the photo again.

Wooten's application for unemployment compensation was rejected by an administrative law judge, who said "a reasonable person would know the act of showing a naked body wearing a Wal-Mart sack would not be good for the employer's business."

Wooten said he did not see the harm in the photo, which he said was made by a friend who spliced a picture of Wooten's head onto a shot of another man's body.

Saturday, July 28, 2007

The Today Show Hairspray

More of the Hairspray cast on The Today Show. James Mardsen is trying to take over the world people. Seriously- any role of an attractive non-threatening character actor he's there. He's in everything! Everything! I wish that I had recorded this- damn it!

The Today Show Hairspray

I'm only slightly obsessed with Hairspray. I had to put this on- because I've talked a lot about Zac Efron, but I had to make it clear that he wasn't the only good part of the movie. Elijah Kelley as Seaweed Stubbs was awesome. Of course so was Queen Latifah.

The Tonight Show: Ross on the View

Barbara Walters is a complete and utter bitch. She is so rude that I don't even know what to say other than the fact. Ross was so upbeat and positive despite her rudeness. I would have reacted in one of two ways neither of them good. I would have called her out during the broadcast or I would have started crying. That is what I love about Ross, he deals with rude people in a classy way. Barbara Walters should be ashamed of herself.

Random thoughts

I just got done reading the article on Entertainment Weekly's website where they interviewed Daniel Radcliffe on his thoughts of The Deathly Hallows. It's strange to think that it was only a week ago that I had started reading it.

This last week has felt like a month. That statement is like a coin, one side is wonderful and the other side is depressing. I am eager to go back to work, this week had no big events (at least no fun ones) so I am ready to get back into a routine. I hope the kids remember who I am on Monday. That is what I love the most about my job. I know that I have said it before-- but so what- on the days when I come in during lunch they shout out my name and do a little chant. One of the children will shout Sarah! then a chorus joins in 'Sarah! Sarah! Sarah!' I try to play it off and quiet them down, but I secretly love it. I love my Cheers/Norm moment of the day. I need to remind myself of the good things about my job- which are lots of things really.

I have been doing lots of organizing this week- trying to tame my pack rat ways. I just have too much shit. When I get a new place, an actual house in perhaps less than a year- I will make sure I have plenty of storage room. I want a cozy feel to my living space not a cluttered one. I am already planning on having my own room devoted to 'artistic endeavours' Having a laundry room? And not that I think there are any great places to have Hella's litter box- but a house has to provide more places than what I have. Having a bathroom that isn't the size of a closet- a janitor's broom closet that is. My current bathroom is terrible. My tub and toilet are contained in a room together with a door separating the sink and linen closet. The space in front of the toilet is all I get. I get claustrophobic when I shut it.

Alright I'm going to stop bitching about my apartment. I think I'm falling out of love with it. All it's little quirks aren't cute anymore. In fact, now I'm thinking about how much I hate my kitchen. Just a straight line- no square- just a row. I hate it. The generations of occupants have left the cabinets coated with a grease I have tried in vain to remove. I open the cabinet before I plan on getting something or putting something away and wash my hands and go about my business. I would rather spend an extra hundred a month than have to live in such squalor. I got so steamed up about it that I decided to take some pictures. I like that in one of the bathroom pictures you can see my toilet seat that I haven't yet installed. It is the cheapest one from Wal-Mart and it is replacing one of it's kin. I really didn't bother straightening up anything for the pictures- sorry.

Anyway- I'm really trying to think of a future place. I'm sure I'll develop the same feelings after a while, but I need to get a new place. I'm so sick of white walls I could puke. I'm in a ranting mood. I think watching 'Running With Scissors' put me in it. I never had attempted to read the book before- and I'm kind of glad- because I don't think I would have enjoyed it. It was the seventies and you had a narcissistic and psychotic mother, bfd. There is something about those kind of movies that leave you feeling dirty and empty. I didn't feel anything deep- just used.

For fun news-

I'm planning a party for the High School Musical 2 premiere in August. I found a book the other day at Shopko that I grabbed. I'm bringing up to Brookings tomorrow to go over it with Taylor. I think I'm more excited about the party planning than the actual movie- but oh well.

I also watched 'The Nativity' and the end of Season 3 of Deadwood last night. I also read The Ice Queen by Alice Hoffman. I'm still not certain how I felt about it.

Seeing all this typed up I realize that I need to just get out of my apartment

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Zac Attack- how Tiger Beat is that!

Here is the YouTube clip of Zac Effron on Jimmy Kimmel last night. I also had to include the picture of him because yeah he's hot. Why do I feel one step towards the Dateline perverts? I mainly put it up for Taylor- enjoy!

Other news--I just got done watching The Departed. I actually enjoyed it. In fact this would probably be the first movie where Leonardo DiCaprio was actually attractive to me.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

New Season of My Boys on TBS

Well people if you have not yet watched My Boys now is your chance to catch up. The new season starts on July 30th with the first two episodes of the season. Before that they are having a marathon of the first season. This Sunday the marathon starts at 9:30 AM and goes until 3 PM here is good old South Dakota.

I just rearranged my furniture tonight- look out I'm on vacation and I'm going crazy! I cleaned my computer completely since I moved it. I have had my computer for a little under a year and I have probably did major cleaning and organizing about six times- is that normal? Not sure what I am going to do tomorrow.

Right now I am positively made of time. I got Little Children from the library today. I read the book about two years ago and I'm interested to see how they translated it.

Another weird thing to mention- I have tried to 'Simpsonize' myself a couple of times. I keep getting a picture of a really slim girl with short black hair. I used two completely different pictures and I keep getting the same results. Frustrating! I did do some of my relatives and here are the pictures.

my niece Taylor

My sister Amy

And my lame one that looks nothing like me- I just changed the length of hair.

A picture worth a thousand words

I went on Dlisted just now and found this picture. I can't help but smile when I see the picture. If you want to see the uncensored picture- more power to you. I'm watching Rocky Balboa right now. Milo!

An image to distract myself- even though it's a disturbing one

Ugh! I just saw this on Just Jared. Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes are getting their freak on. Suri cover your eyes!

Oh human stupidity

The picture really has nothing to do with this post- other than stupidity...
Well, I just got back from doing something I didn't want to do. It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. I have a couple days until I find out the consequences. Now my vacation has become a waiting game. Now to clean my apartment. I really need prayers for that job.

I might also watch a couple episodes of Season 3 of Deadwood. There now I have something about entertainment.

Done and done

Well- I finished up Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows around 2:00 PM. I am pretty impressed I got the book at 11:00 AM on Saturday and barely read it on Saturday and Sunday morning. Most of my reading was done from Sunday afternoon on. Loved it and cried like a baby. No spoilers from me.

I guess big celebrity 'news' happenend recently- I feel pretty darn bad for Lindsay Lohan. Mostly I feel bad for all young girls that looked up to her.

Anyway I need to get to bed now- I have people coming to fix my tub which has practically been pouring hot water non-stop. I also have to face something really unpleasant tomorrow. It is going to require a lot of courage and I'm convinced that I am going to be really depressed and sad tomorrow. In fact, it may last longer than that. I'm not sure if I will reveal any details to the blog, but if anyone reads it please pray or think of me.


Monday, July 23, 2007

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows- seriously no spoilers!

Well I'm only about 200 pages into the book so far- I just haven't sat and read for very long. So far it has been good- no rehashing old topics in too much detail. The story has actually moved along. My sister already finished it. Nerd Alert! Alright I'm just jealous.

The niece and I sat around and did pretty much nothing at my apartment till about 4:30. We actually made jewelry last night- I let Taylor use whatever beads she wanted. Today we did french manicures and then put on some make-up before going to The Pizza Ranch and The County Fair. It was Taylor's first time there and it was my first time being able to actually play. I didn't realize what a mini-casino that place actually was until today. Chuck E. Cheese and Gigglebee's has some games that are just for earning tickets with little game, however County Fair has about double the amount. Then after a little bit of reading Taylor and I went to the light show at Falls Park. Before the show we went up in the tower. Taylor went up in the elevator and I thought I would do the healthy route of going up the stairs. I almost needed oxygen when I got up there. It was sickening how out of shape I am. It only had to be about 7-9 flights, but I didn't think it ever was going to end. The light show was exactly the same as last year and the year before that and so on and so forth. We then came home and here I am. Watching my secret shame- aka Big Brother. And now for sleep- but first maybe a couple chapters...

Saturday, July 21, 2007

Hairspray Heaven

I went to Hairspray today with the niece. Love, love, loved it! I went out last night for supper because it was my birthday on Friday. I thought maybe I would go last night, but I was just too damn tired. Since I am an actual old woman now- I'm not looking forward to turning 30 next year. Well something that makes me feel like a teenager is Zac Efron. Yes- I can't resist it any more- I love him. You know the classic SNL skit- 'More Cowbell' that's my only criticism about Hairspray 'More Link(or Zac).' Anyway, it was a nice way to bond with the niece.

Here's the official blog for the Hairspray movie

I recommend it to everyone. Even seeing Danny Zuko in drag fat suit wasn't that bad.

Always the uber-geek I also got the new Harry Potter book today- although I didn't stand in line at midnight. I have read exactly two pages so far, because I have been running all over town. I have all next week off, I didn't plan it for the purpose of reading the book uninterrupted I just got lucky. I also went to Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix on Tuesday. The actress that played Umbridge did her job well- she truly terrified me. It's not every week when I shell out the big bucks to go to the nice theater. But hey I deserve nice experiences every once and a while.

Friday, July 20, 2007

Thriller (Prison style)

I was just on Dlisted and they had this up. It's pretty interesting that they have the prisoners do this in the Philippines. If I had a bunch of people available I'd probably make them to the same thing.

Monday, July 16, 2007

Oh, Brian Krakow- how I love you

I'm watching State of Mind and watching Devon Gummersall who, of course, is best known as Brian Krakow (or Brain). I saw that he was on it and I freaked- I was going to watch it just for Lili Taylor. The last role I got excited about him playing was Felicity, and as I recall he was a psycho. Maybe, he can get a role on Lost. Oh, now I'm feeling like watching My So-Called Life.

To Wong Foo, Thanks for Everything! Julie Newmar

Seriously, who doesn't know that whole title? Am I a bitch to yell at the screen about how stupid the people are. Lotion- wtf? My lord almighty Fragilay and Westerburg High sucked. The other teams weren't that great either. If there was a show to make me feel superior it's this one. Free Falling- come on people! Last Dance with Mary Jane- AAAAAAAA! Manic Monday- sweet lord! Now I'm just reacting while I'm watching. Alright- I am going to make a team for next year. Now to find the perfect name.

Sunday, July 15, 2007

I've Never Been To Me (Charlene)

Bingo- I found what I didn't even know I was looking for.

I've Never Been to Me

I had to post this because I just went to Shrek 3 and one of the parts that got my attention was when a witch was singing this song. I just love this song and I must sing it if I ever get drunk enough to sing karoke. Plus I love Priscilla Queen of the Desert. I'm going to look at some more videos of Charlene's I've Never Been To Me.

Confessions of a Matchmaker

I recorded a lot of episodes and I am watching them all right now. It's an A&E show that is based in Buffalo, New York and follows a matchmaker Patti that tells it like it is. I'm starting to reach that point in life where I realize I have to step up the looking for someone or else I'm going to be alone with a cat for the rest of my life. My mom of course is trying to be my own personal matchmaker asking everyone she can if they have any single friends that they can 'hook me up with' Ugh!

I'm watching the 41 year old virgin episode. Wow! Turns out he may be gay? Of course...

Friday, July 13, 2007

Perez Hilton Show

Oh my! So many truths in so little time. It has probably been on for a long time- since April it says- but hilarious none the less.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Never have I been more annoyed

alright that's not exactly true, but I'm watching The World Series of Pop Culture and Fragilay and El Chupacabra are pissing me off. Seriously freaking annoying the questions they missed... Bluntman and Chronic, Terrance and Philip and the list goes on. It really wasn't a good one. Fragilay won and defeated the previous winners El Chupacabra. They only won because of one person though- I'm sure they will be out soon. If not I'll eat my hat.

That said I'm not sure who I want to win. It's so easy for me to say that I could shout out all the answers while I'm at home, but I'd probably choke too.

I think before I go to bed I'm going to watch Black Snake Moan. I got it from the library and I felt so dirty when I went to pick it up. I'm totally loving that my library is allowing putting a hold on DVDs. It's basically better than a rental store because I don't have to spend any money (I'm cheap at strange times) and a local rental place doesn't hold a movie for you anymore. Woo hoo!

If there are any local readers of this blog you should check out The Brookings Arts Festival that is going on this weekend in Brookings,SD. It is a lot of fun!

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Cute puppy picture

I completely lifted this off of Wizbang Pop!, but oh well!

"A male long-coated chihuahua named "Heart-kun" with a heart-shaped pattern on his coat sits at Pucchin Dog's shop in Odate, northern Japan July 10, 2007. The one-and-a-half-month-old chihuahua was born on May 18, 2007 as one of a litter. The shop owner Emiko Sakurada said that this is the first time a puppy with these marks has been born out of a 1,000 that she has bred. She also said that she has no plans to sell the puppy."

Oh for cute!

Don't think I have forgotten about the new Harry Potter: Order of the Phoenix- I haven't! I am going to make my sister go with me. During the Arts Festival craziness perhaps?

Sunday, July 08, 2007

Have you ever hated a picture of yourself so badly it makes you cry

haha. I have to admit, I didn't enjoy Big Brother for a long time. I would catch a couple episodes here and there- but I wouldn't make plans to watch it. That has changed. This season they had me at gonorrhea. If you don't know what that means you obviously haven't watched it yet. I'm currently watching the second episode right now. The girl Jen freaked out when they revealed the photos they have up on the wall all summer. It was truly comical. I don't do the Showtime Big Brother live show and the live feeds so this is pretty much it as far as learning anything. I love the food challenge they aired tonight. These people seem to be getting along so well right off the bat that you know they are going to have big issues soon. Here are some pictures that are too cute. Dustin curling his eyelashes= priceless!

Here's a picture of Nick who is from Minnesota and apparently swings both ways. But, mmm mmm mmm!

I have done absolutely nothing today or yesterday actually. I have sat on my ass and watched television. I have been working my way through Season 3 of Deadwood. I have watched the first two discs and am almost done with the third. I also watched Bridezilla for about three hours! I started watching it and I was hooked. It's not fair that they continue one of the bride's stories to the next episode. Genius- but not fair!

I took a bath and after lotioning up and hearing the reunion of that terrible Flavor of Love girl show, what should come on but only my favorite trivia show. That is the 'World Series of Pop Culture'. I set up my DVR to record the series now, and while I was at it I also did the Scott Baio show too! Why must I love reality shows!! I need to get out of the house- ASAP!


Yes, I'm a dork. I just watched Borat today. For the first time. My stomach is still sore from laughing. I wish that they could make another movie in America again, alas they were too popular. Does Borat prove that Americans don't really listen to what people say? I'm watching the outtakes right now... And of course my favorite would have to be the Sexydrownwatch one. I included it- but please no one under 18 needs to watch it-

NSFW and/or Not Safe for Taylor

Friday, July 06, 2007

Don't ask me how I found it or why I'm posting it- I just am.

To celebrate both the upcoming movie and book I give you a really strange muscial production starring characters from Harry Potter. By the way there are more videos and some of them are even stranger. Enjoy!

Thursday, July 05, 2007

Happy 5th!

I woke up today and I had to look at my phone to see what time it was. It was 11:59 AM when I looked at it. I woke up and putzed around, went upstairs and started eating lunch when all of a sudden it dawned on me. I asked my dad in a panic 'Was the hot dog contest on?' The answer was (of course) 'yes'. My dad found out who won by watching old coverage of the spelling bee and looking at the runner at the bottom. Joey Chestnut won. I didn't like his gulping technique last year- it made me want to hurl up everything I ate. I guess he got a whole lot of them down. Sixty six of them to be exact. I just looked at the pictures of the event and wow! I'll put the link up for Yahoo's picture album of the Nathan's Famous Hot Dog Contest. You know how that story in Stand By Me goes about the blueberry pie eating contest- poor Kobayashi couldn't keep up with Chestnut and he lost it- goo!

Pictures are seen here

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

What I will be watching tomorrow

I'm ashamed of admitting it, but I ended up watching Nathan's Famous 4th of July Hot Dog eating contest. This year looks like it will be a battle. I'm of course cheering for the smallest contestant- because it amazes me that they can pack them away and are a stick figure.

Have a Happy Fourth of July Everybody!
Eat lots of hot dogs!

Monday, July 02, 2007

The Simpsons

I'm feeling a little bummed that I don't live in a big city, because I wish I could take part in going to one of the 7-Elevens that have been changed to Kwik-E-Marts. It also makes me sad because we don't even have any 7-Elevens around where I live anymore. No we have replaced it with Casey's(which always stink- every single one I have gone to...) or (and I'm not lying for people not around here...) Kum and Go convience stores or Food n'Fuel. Here is an article about it-- from Yahoo!

I have been watching a lot of The Simpsons lately. I'm catching up on the last five years of not seeing many episodes. I'm looking forward to the movie and yet another thing I wish we had around here was the Simpson family on the couch. I want to take pictures of myself sitting on Homer's lap damn it!

Sunday, July 01, 2007

Bet on It- High School Musical sequel song and musings about my weekend

Alright- so I just took this from Perez Hilton's site. But basically I wanted to make sure that my niece could see/hear it and I don't want her being bombarded with the negativity that is his site. About one eighth of all his postings are good, the others consist of crap and juvenile, mean spirited pictures. It took me a long time to realize what the doodles were supposed to be on pictures, it just didn't come to my mind that someone would be that immature. Anyhoo...

Enjoy Taylor and Amy! It's a good song on it's own. Now that I'm on board for HSM (or High School Musical for the unenlightened) we'll have to watch the new one together (forever..do do do do do do). Sorry started singing We're All In This Together.

This weekend was fun I went to Brookings Friday night and slept downstairs at my parents. I was there to bring my car in for a long long overdue oil change- I probably should have had about three oil changes in the span. I also brought it in because I have been leaking antifreeze/coolant like crazy. Well the car mechanics weren't able to fix it on a Saturday and they advised that I didn't drive it- so they gave me a loaner. We did a shuffle however and I am now driving my mom's big bad mini van. I went to the Brookings Library and got some music cds including; Amy Winehouse's Back to Black, Kellie Pickler, Lisa Loeb's Lullaby album, The Nitty Gritty Dirt Band's Greatest Hits, Roy Orbison Greatest Hits, Sammy Kershaw's Greatest Hits, Steve Miller's Greatest Hits, Gwen Stefani's Sweet Escape, and the musical Spring Awakening. I also got some DVD's. The Holiday and two discs of Dead Like Me, season one. I hung out with the girls on Saturday afternoon and we played in the sprinkler for a while, and shot at each other with these syringe-like water shooters that I got from the dollar store. It was fun! Afterwards we were sitting outside drying off and we had ice cream pails and were drumming on them. I started filming and taking pictures and soon Samantha decided that she wanted to wear the pail on her head and have Taylor do the same thing. She is now known as Buckethead.

Today I did pretty much nothing in the morning, but sleep away the morning. I got up and actually started doing productive work. I have pretty much just been piling up crap around my living room for a couple months and I finally started going through and organizing all my crap. This weekend was definitely better than last weekend. And on to the next week...

Reading got hotter!