Saturday, February 26, 2005

I'm in a hurry, and don't know why.....

I hate when I feel so rushed and unsatisfied. Really I don't need to do everything and have everything work perfectly for me.... But why do the things I really want to work turn to shit? I'm just curious. The computer is doing alright today- but now the printer has broke down.

oh well- just up for the night- laundry, family, and I was maybe going to go out with friends- but that didn't happen. So now I'm sitting in the basement, freezing my ass off, and bored out of my mind.

On to talking about shows- I hadn't mentioned 'Project Runway'- but I became a fan of it about midway through. On Wednesday was the finale- and it was good. I really didn't care for Kara Saun or her designs- frankly I think she was just doing what her job currently is-- costume designing. I love Jay, not so much his final designs, but his personality was/is refreshing. Wendy Pepper- as 'vicious' and 'backstabbing' as everyone found her- I could relate to... I mean hello! it is a reality/contest show. Ever since the first Survivor people have been coming up with strategies for those things. I thought her designs were commercially good- and I don't think you should be belittled just because the clothes are well tailored. But hell- I don't know anything about fashion.

The Gilmore Girls are breaking my heart- in a good way- I hope that it continues to be good and that they don't string us along for too long. I sometimes think I should go on a chat room to talk about GG- but I like to feel that the show is made for just me. I don't want someone else's opinions ruining it for me. I would be a happy person if I could live in that show. It packs the right level of intelligence and wit. I really wish that I could start a course on the show- Gilmore 101- to guide the uneducated.

Survivor is eh- alright I guess- I think I am watching it out of habit still- but it can still hook me. I am looking forward to the new Amazing Race with Amber and Boston Rob- ummm- I can't wait for his accent to sink in.... I'm feeling all warm just thinking about it.

I picked up a Darwin Awards book at Goodwill and I absolutely loved it- I am really hoping the next one goes to Paris Hilton- at first she was just annoying- but I'm getting so sick of her- I just hope she doesn't procreate.

The Oscars are on tomorrow- and I can't cheer for anything really because my movie watching this year hasn't been so solid. I didn't want to see Ray or The Aviator. And I haven't gotten around to Sideways or Million Dollar Baby (which I'm not so certain I want to see). I do plan on going to 'Finding Neverland' this week- probably on Wednesday. I plan on crying my eyes out.

I was just about to publish this when I realized I forgot to talk about the BTK killer, who was arrested in Kansas. For the ones that haven't read about it yet- he was a Cub Scout leader. Well, hopefully he isn't gay, because they tend to frown on that (that is sarcasm and a bad joke). And with that I shall say goodnight.....

Saturday, February 12, 2005

I am a snob

I hate explaining things that I think are common knowledge to everyone. I think that makes me a complete snob, but at the same time I work with 3 and 4 year olds everyday and when someone seems as clueless as them I get annoyed. Anyway- right now I am transferring my family's home videos to DVD. I am starting out with the ones from last year at Easter and I think they are so funny. How much difference a year makes. I can't wait until they are all on the DVD and I can take it home and watch when I miss them. I also have new footage from last weekend of Samantha walking about seven solo steps.

I am up for the weekend and I don't know why, but it is kind of nice. I am trying to forget about Monday and the shit holiday. I may type more tomorrow...

Reading got hotter!