Sunday, November 30, 2003

Sleep.... Sleep... Where are you?

So tired- must not stay up very long and type this out or else I will drop on the keyboard. My early day of work went swimmingly. I then organized my apartment- and cleaned up any messes. I came up with a wonderful idea on Thursday night that my mom and dad (who told me of plans of coming up to SF on Friday night) would bring up my niece Taylor for a sleepover. So that's what happened- they brought Taylor over and we all went to the Parade of Lights. They went out dancing and we went to the Supercenter Wal-Mart that is near my house. We loaded up on all sorts of junk- especially microwave popcorn because my parents bought me a microwave. Well anyway I kept a almost seven-year-old up until after 10:30 and she conked out right away. I lasted about thirty nine more minutes than her before I was passed out in bed. So she gets up at the butt crack of dawn and wakes me up at seven. We laid around the house for three more hours before heading out for what became a day of being out and about. I first took her to the Falls. She enjoys it there and we went to the gift shop and looked from up in the tower. We were going to head to the barn art center but the Trolley bus came over and distracted us so we hopped on and took a ride. We came back and looked at the art and enjoyed the free goodies. After a morning of enjoying beauty I took her to a place that crashes all thoughts of beauty- Chuck E. Cheese's. They don't take checks though so from a change scrounge I came up with six dollars of tokens for her to spend. I think that was the right amount of tokens for her though. I then took her to TGIFriday's for lunch and over to the mall to see Santa. Damn I spoil that kid. I'm really realizing how much I do, but that is what an aunt is for.

So I drove her back to Brookings today because I was going to meet up with my friends and go out. Well plans change and it ended up just being two of us watching movies (Down With Love and The Life of David Gale) and doing a puzzle. Woo Hoo! But it was fun. We are meeting up tomorrow for breakfast with our friend from Texas.

So it is 1 now- I've been up since 7- I'm tired. Might not get back until next week sometime -so have a great week.

Thursday, November 27, 2003

Well I'm heading back uh-home. It is going to be weird going back even though I've only been home-home for roughly 25 hours I get back into the mindset of living here. Thanksgiving day was great- I slept in- got up and watched the Macy's parade- went on the computer- packed up some more shit to haul- and ate a wonderful home made meal. Then later in the day my sister came over with my nieces. It was cool seeing them- I admitedly hogged the baby. What can I say she likes me. But anyway now I am going to head out on the road and prepare for work tomorrow at 6:45 AM- the good news is that it is only until noon. Then I am going to hang out in SF the rest of Friday and come back to Brookings on Saturday afternoon to see my friend who is up from Texas. Plans may change, but more than likely not. So see you this weekend sometime.

I forgot to mention the Hover boards!

How could I forget the coolest things that were shown in the Back to the Future Part II- The Hover Boards. The fact that they actually exist and are not sold busts my buttons. So a couple of kids might die- so what- bring on the hover boards. Sorry, I don't know what happened to me last week.

Life in Sioux Falls is pretty much the same as it has been for the last couple of weeks- no earth shattering events have happened. I wake up to my alarm clock- that also doubles as a cell phone- or at least I think it does- I think that it is a direct line to just my mother because no one else is calling me on it. Alright my bitching about no one loving me is over. Hopefully... Anyway I wake up to my phone alarm- hit the snooze button on it- yes it has a snooze. Cuddle with my cat- make her purr- and then kick her out of my bed. I lay in bed wondering why the hell I'm not up already hunting for another part-time job- and after a couple of hours of doing that I finally get up and start the day. I fuck around the apartment for a while- getting dressed and watching important shows like 'The View' and since I have some new channels I explore my new wonderful world of entertainment. Then the minutes fly by and I am out the door heading down good old I-229 and I90 to my wonderful place of work- to be unnamed. I am in charge of fourteen children- usually it is ten or less though. The next five or so hours fly by and then before I know it I am heading home to my apartment where I basically flop into the same routine I have in the morning- sweet mind numbing television. And since I live alone now- I usually get to bed at a 'decent hour' in fact I am up very late for me right now- but that is easily explained because I am at my parent's house. I also know why I was always so damn sick all the time when I lived here and why magically I am healthy at my new place. It is because my room at my parents is the tempature of a meat locker- maybe colder. So I am going to flop out on the living room sofa tonight in sweet slumber. I have much more shit I want to talk about but I am going to run upstairs and watch Futurama and maybe even The Family Guy before I zonk out. Ta ta

Friday, November 21, 2003

Britney knows how I feel

The most dangerous thing about cell phones isn't the driving hazard or even the possibility of brain cancer, at least not in my experience. The real danger comes in learning that no one wants to talk to you. My cell phone is my only phone these days, and since it is my first time with one I still get excited on the way home from work because I forget that I have no answering machine waiting for me- sorry that probably made no sense. It's just that I realize I am truly alone, I mean I have my cat, and I am sure glad I do because I would be very lonely without her. How do I describe it...... my loneliness is killing me? Um, no, nevermind that's a Britney Spear's song. Oh well...

I got cable this Thursday morning so I don't have to rely on my DVDs. I borrowed Season 4 and 5 of Friends from my sister- and I had crazy dreams involving the New York gang- haha (I'm laughing at how lame I am). I also started watching my Back to the Future trilogy. I must say that old 'future' movies are always so strange to watch. In the 80s I fully believed that Part II would be possible by 2015. I just hope that someone invents a machine that walks a dog outside- that is always something that is shown for the 'future'.

So I am living in my new apartment. I was taking baths right away because I didn't have a shower curtain. Well earlier this week I got a rod and a curtain. I tried to take my first shower early this week- and it wasn't a pleasant experience. The highest the spray head goes is to my breasts. I almost strained my back trying to shampoo and condition my hair. I probably looked like Will Ferrell in the Elf movie when he is taking a shower in an elf-sized one. I never felt more freakish than when I was in the shower- it's not like I'm terribly tall- just 5'10!

Speaking of cable and tv. I watched Survivor last night. It was the episode where the rest of the group boots Rupert. Not that I wanted him out, but in retrospect he played the game too weirdly for my tastes. He threatened to hurt players that voted for him and acted too intimidating. It was a strategy that worked for a while, and now it's done. I'm not sure who is going to win- so it might get exciting again. I just hope that Jon doesn't win- god he's annoying. I also watched a show I have rarely caught in the last couple of years- ER. And damn I'm glad I did. They killed Romano. He was freaking out about being near the helicopter and ran down to floor level and out side to feel more secure. And wouldn't you know it- just as the helicopter takes off the wind shifts sending it crashing into the landing and over the edge of the building landing and instantly killing Romano. I liked that asshole darn it. But it was a great death.

It sucks that I don't have my internet access in SF yet- I miss it extremely. It is probably among the top three things I miss the most.

Saturday, November 15, 2003

Missed me?

Hey! I signed the lease Monday morning- went to work- and then came back to Brookings packed up some shit and my cat and moved down to Sioux Falls. I am just visiting my parents and using their (my) computer. Yes, so I will have limited access to a computer and the internet now- but at least I am away from my parents. My cat was freaked for the first couple of days- but now she is at home. I have no cable yet- and I am extremely bored when I am at the apartment. Next week I am going to be dovoted to finding another part-time job. That is what I like about Sioux Falls, many more possibilities.

The one thing I hate about living by myself is how much time is spent in silence. I don't like to talk all the time, but I have no one other than my cat and myself to talk to. I have so much shit left to pack up and bring- but my parents hauled up shit through out the week for me- so I don't have to do as much. Boring I know- but maybe I will think of more to talk about later- if not see you next week???

Saturday, November 08, 2003

I'm Movin' Out!

I finally got to see the apartment my parents picked out on Thursday. It is two bedrooms- 475- and allows cats. I snatched it up right away. I also have new carpet, lineoleum, and a new fridge. It is nice. I think my cat will like it- she can run around and watch birds outside the patio window. Now I am contemplating packing shit. I have so much and yet it is all little trivial crap- such as beauty products and movies. I am going to be moving for the next month or so. And why did I title this entry Movin' Out- you may be asking- because I have heard the Billy Joel song about umpteen times since Thursday on the radio- so it is my theme song for well- movin' out. I had an interview at my job for a different position- actually I was hired as a substitute for a child care facility- but I have been in the same room for the majority of time I have been working there. I was filling in for a person on medical leave- and it was determined that her position was going to be open this week. I applied and was touted by the head teacher for it. If more than one person applies then there has to be interviews- and more people did apply. I think I have it though- so that means I don't have to move around from room to room every day- which I am happy about.

I finally got to stick around SF yesterday after work- my friend Vickie came up and we went out to eat with some of her high school friends- (my sort of friends) at Granite City. It was very nice I hadn't ever ate there before. We then went to Nutty's and talked for a while. By 10 I was ready to leave and I did. Some memories were brought back to me that night- and I came home ready to relax and hang out and then crash into bed. I went on the internet to check my e-mail and important news (aka entertainment). I am not a patient person- in fact my parents have a nickname of 'Miss One Note' for me. Well, I have been waiting for a person to contact me for about three and a half months- and I had given up after about a month and a half. It just so happens that this person was also involved in the stirred memories from earlier that night- and last night I talked to him again. I really don't know what to say to him. I know it is weird to say- but I am a different person than I was in the summer- I have a life- I'm not some groupie hanging on his every word. I doubt that he would know about this blog- but even if he did I don't care- I waited a long time to hear from him and that is just as friends. Frankly much of the conversation was like being a mirror- where he was talking to himself about how wonderful he is. I mean people want to talk about themselves- I understand that- but they also need to try to relate to others every once and a while. Anyway- what should have made me happy didn't. I am more confident in what I have to offer- which is a lot.

I gots to go- I get to babysit my baby niece right now- bye

Wednesday, November 05, 2003

Nomad Sarah

Hello- a brief time that I am home and not sleeping. The last couple of days have sucked. I got sick Saturday night and stayed sick until well... today. I think I had a good old sinus infection this time- made me feel like complete shit. Come Monday morning I attempted to get to Sioux Falls, made it as far as Elkton exit and turned the fuck around. I didn't want to die that day. Two other people died that day because of weather related accidents. So no work on Monday- but I felt like shit so I couldn't really appreciate it- besides I stayed up and did shit like clean my parents house, shovel, and run errands. The next day I went up to SF early to look for apartments with the parents. The first one we looked at was really nice- pretty expensive for a poor ass girl like me- but it was very nice. We then looked at three or four other places before I had to be dropped off for work. My parents continued looking for me- and found some other places of interest. Well anyway- no one shows apartments at night- so I couldn't see any of them that night. I left at 7:30 this morning in my car behind my mother. She had an appointment at 8:35 in SF so we were going to do more looking after she got done- and before I had to work at 10:30. Needless to say- the plans fell apart and I barely made it to work on time. I am resigned to the fact that I am never going to find a place that is affordable- allows cats- and is nice. Just don't know what I am going to do- I guess I am going to have to get up early again tomorrow and head down to SF and search some places. Sorry for anyone who actually read that whole mess above- just me getting my thoughts out.

Right now I am listening to Forty Licks the greatest of Rolling Stones. I checked it out from the library. I never thought I was a big fan of the group- and I am never going to be rabid- but they are good. Hearing all their songs together helps me realize how much I do appreciate the music. I also got Movin' Out- the musical based on Billy Joel's songs. I don't care how uncool it makes me- Billy Joel is the bomb- um.. was the bomb in the eighties. I haven't listened to the whole CD yet- but it was good- just a different guy singing his songs basically.

Anyway- wish me luck on the roads tomorrow- and I'll chat later.

Saturday, November 01, 2003

Life is just going so fast these days.

Drive, Work, Drive, Eat, Watch Sex and the City, Sleep- and repeat cycle- that is my life. I have been able to fit other things in such as more television programs and of course more eating, but my life is starting to take that boring routine kind of feel. Watching the show has made me so want to start having sex- and at the same time run screaming in the other direction from every guy I encounter. Speaking of encountering, I haven't heard from a friend of mine in over two months- is that a sign- why can't guys be friends with a woman that they flirted with. I had the best relationship with a guy- mind you it was over im- and I meet him- things go really good- we keep talking- I meet him again- things start to go not so good- and after a while I don't hear a peep from him. I just don't understand what it is about me that makes guys run away from even friendship- it has always been that way. Is it just me or all women- is When Harry Met Sally right- can men and women not be friends without the sex thing getting in the way? Can they not be friends with me because they aren't attracted to me? I just don't get it. I really liked this guy- he was smart and funny. Another thing he had in common with all guys I connect mentally with is that he was extremely skinny- I just don't know why I am attracted to those guys. I would really like a big teddy bear of a guy- but my mind connects with guys that were tortured in high school because of how small they were. It blows my mind.

It is not even midnight and I am already yawning up a storm. It's sad really. I didn't go out this weekend. I am having a sleepover with my niece tonight. I should probably comment on Survivor- the new twist was obviously coming- and only time will tell how the tribes react to the new-old tribe members. I am sure it just knocked the socks of some Survivor watchers, but I was prepared when the old members came back for revenge. How badly would that have been to keep it secret from the media during the interview day after they originally got kicked out- knowing that the twist was coming and having to keep silent about it, and make sure not to let it slip. I think that is different than the other people on Survivor- those people really did go and splurge on food right away and let go of the game- but the people who are going back in the game kept living it and had to pretend that they didn't until now. Anyway.. still not sure how the series is going to end, and that makes it exciting.

Reading got hotter!