Sunday, June 19, 2005

I wish life was like an 80's movie

I got all sentimental about 80s movies this weekend mainly because of watching most of VH1's 100 best Child Stars. The whole cast of Stand By Me was on it- I think I just didn't see River Phoenix and on Friday I watched the movie. Then just for kicks I watched Ferris Bueller's Day Off on Saturday while I was cleaning. I wish that life would have moments like the parade scene. I wish everybody would just be able to dance and sing along and be happy- I love that scene.

I also rented a couple of movies. I rented Shaun of the Dead, and then I rented a crappy one that had Lauren Graham in it- Number 13 or Lucky 13- something shitty like that. It sucked. I'm planning on eventually watching Shaun of the Dead. I'm also pretty psyched out about the Land of the Dead coming out. I'll have to go to it in the theatres.

I'm tired the weekends go by too fast and I took no vacation days.

Saturday, June 04, 2005

Hey! Up in Min-a-sota

I decided to get away from SF and Brookings this weekend and visit my good friend Rebekah and her husband Jamie. It is nice to get away from everything and just relax. It makes you appreciate your life as well-- with the whole homesickness thing. I really haven't done much this week, work, cleaning my apartment, sleeping and then back to work.

I would like to say that I have completely lost any 'love' I ever had for Tom Cruise- I frankly find him an arrogant asshole. I think he should just shut up talking about things that he isn't professionally involved in. The whole Katie Holmes thing aside- now he is talking smack about Brooke Shields and the fact that she had to use anti-depressants. If you want to talk smack then do a blog! I do it here and it's great and fairly anonymous. I was pretty hyped for War of the Worlds but I'm not so sure now.

Reading got hotter!