Saturday, December 30, 2006

Everything Comes Down to Poo- Scrubs music episode

This is so strange that I stumbled upon this tonight of all nights. But if I wanted to talk about what I do in the bathroom I would be P. Diddy.

It's Turk and JD at their finest- check it out. It almost makes me feel better.

Friday, December 29, 2006

I'm having a really fucked up night

I came home and went into my bedroom where I proceded to fall asleep at about 7:00 PM in front of the TV. I woke up and thought it was morning for about five minutes before I realizied it was 7:50 at night. I got up took out my contacts and went back to sleep till about 8:45. Then I woke up talked to my mom and started watching TV on ABC- it was over all the current hot stuff that is on the internet- YouTube, and other stuff. A story of Perez Hilton was just starting when the official news of Saddam Hussein's death came on. It was just way too weird- then after they announced it they had on about 20 seconds of Perez Hilton again before cutting to more Saddam coverage. I'm still convinced I'm sleeping.

I wasn't ready for his execution- wasn't it going to take years and years? I think I'm just used to the American way of how that goes, I guess. I have that uneasy feeling in my stomach. I can't believe it actually happened. I'm never never going to get to sleep tonight- never.

Happy Holidays and all that jazz

I should be sleeping- but why mess with a routine I already feel comfortable with...

I just got done watching 'Donnie Darko' for the first time. I actually really liked it. Somehow that Jake Gyllenhaal has grown on me. It was one of those movies that I wish I had actually paid more attention to while watching. In fact, I was making bracelets the whole time I was watching it on my computer. I have been a jewelry making crazy person lately. I'm quite proud of myself when I make a really nice one, but I somehow need to sell or give them away because I have so many!

I had a pretty damn good Christmas. I got an RCA MP3 player from Santa- yay! I was and still am totally pumped over it, but I am even more excited when I get to play with my niece's i-pod. I took to using that like a duck to water. It felt natural and right and someday I must have one! Till then I am pretty excited to use my player- I have over 1280 songs in it. I could fill five of those players (okay- maybe only four).

This last weekend I also watched another cult classic that everyone (and by everyone I'm talking about Cameron Diaz in Something About Mary) says is the best romantic comedy 'Harold and Maude'. I'm not saying I didn't enjoy parts of it, but frankly it was just another weird 70's movie. I would put it in the same category as Natural Born Killers, and True Romance- they may have loved each other, but they were fucked up and very unrelatable for me (I could probably put Sid and Nancy in this category too- but I've never seen the movie). I just don't get it- I'm one of those people who knows they are supposed to act like it was hip and wonderful- but I just can't do it. I know when something is funny or meaningful to me- and that was not. P.S. The Cat Stevens songs didn't help endear this movie to me.

I finished Cell a couple of days ago- I would kind of pick it up and read ten or fifteen pages here and there. It started off promising, but then I just lost really interest somewhere along the way. It really just made me want to re-read 'The Stand' again. I am trying to flip through Rejuvenile by Christopher Noxon. It is about the 'Reinvention of the American Grown-up'. In other words it talks about why we are still so childish even after we are supposed to be adults. It is pretty good and interesting talking about the different theories of why our society is never wanting to put away childish things. I've had it for two months and just now am opening it up!

I checked out 'The Constant Gardener' and 'Magnolia' and 'The Stand'(on DVD- I own it on tape), and 'In Good Company'. They were free- I hadn't watched them and I thought what the hell- I just might feel in the mood to tackle Magnolia- which I have mainly only heard bad things about. Anyway- I should be in bed dreaming peacefully about Jeremy Sisto, who I am just loving lately. It's his voice- it's so gravelly, and everytime I see him on Six Feet Under I want to jump on him, take care of him and/or run away from him. I like psychos I guess!?! I know that Six Feet Under is 'old', but I never got to watch it the first time and am enjoying all the episodes on Monday nights. I know how some things turn out- but for the most part I am ready to learn episode to episode.


Thursday, December 28, 2006

Baking Bonaduce from E!'s

Here is the clip from The Soup that I posted about awhile ago. The part that makes me pee my pants is the flavor injector part- it gets me every time I've seen it.

Monday, December 25, 2006

little superstar

here's the original Amy- my only viewer!

Nobody's Watching Little Superstar

I know it's Christmas, but I couldn't not put up this new Nobody's Watching video. If you haven't seen what they are making fun of- then you have never really lived. Merry Christmas!

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Lohan Holiday

This is really so terrible- but it is just too funny to not put on. I wish that the family seemed normal, but unfortunately they are pretty fucked up.

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Sweet sweet PMS

I have been known to cry over Werther's commericals if the mood strikes me. But when I heard this song on the radio, I lost it. I had tears streaking down my face. Plus, everytime I tried/try and talk about it I start bawling. The artist is Jason Michael Carroll and his MySpace page plays the song Alyssa Lies.

The lyrics are on the site as well. Grab some tissues- unless you are my sister who is a cold hearted snake! 'I hope the other two are as well.'- naughty!

Another thing- I went to 'Little Miss Sunshine' on Monday night. It was very good, which I expected. The beauty pagent talent portion was hilarious.

Saturday, December 16, 2006

Yul tide

Yes I'm aware it is spelled Yule tide, but I had to come up with a cutesy way of talking about Survivor. The finale is on Sunday so you know what that means- Panty party!

Oh, whoops I've been watching way too many of the weekly entertainment shows (Best Week Ever, and the hilarious 'The Soup'. If you haven't watched the 'Baking Bonaduce' clip from this week you have to catch it- I started choking from laughter. But seriously, I get to have my traditional party night with my mom. We yell at the TV, it's extremely exciting. My favorite used to be Yul, but lately he is annoying the shit out of me. Tom and Terry, my gray stallions of yester Survivors dominated the game physically and mentally. Yul does alright on challenges, but was a fucking idiot to make his hidden immunity common knowledge. I want Sundra or possibly Ozzy to win. Ozzy is amazing to watch during challenges- he flies over land challenges (sometimes water challenges too!) Sundra I want to win because she seems cool, she's hung in through the challenges- even when she gets the shit beat out of her at them. Plus, I liked her on Sex and the City as the tough girl/chef/sister of the black man that Kim Catrall tried to date.

It should be an exciting time tomorrow- yay Survivor!

That Particular Time

Here is a video a fan had made about Luke and Lorelai with the Alanis Morrisette song accompanying it. It's pretty good- especially for Gilmore Girls fanatics.

Friday, December 15, 2006

Gilmore Girls and other things I once loved...

Yes! I'm going to talk about Gilmore Girls again! I have been reading some other blogs that want to bitch and whine about this years writing and I agree it's not good, but come on!! Season 6 kind of sucked the big one too! One blog had the link to this cartoon about Gilmore Girls it's pretty right on about what is missing from a once beloved show. I'm ready to put it in a shoe box in the back yard now. Maybe if Heroes hadn't been such a success then Gilmore Universe would have been alright? Maybe Milo and Alexis would have stayed together, and they meaning Jess and Rory would have gotten back together. Rory always changes her mind about who she likes anyway! Then again we wouldn't have Heroes... It's sad to exchange one show for another. But anyway...

Work was hectic and crazy- I feel completely overwhelmed with trying to do all the Christmas/Holiday things and I totally feel like I'm struggling to accomplish it all. I just can't believe that Christmas is here. Yes, I'm going to talk about the weather- brace yourself. It's beautiful out, I am going to shit bricks when real winter hits us. I do enjoy going outside with the kids at work, but I'm not looking forward to snow days. If you consider getting one child securely in their snow pants, boots, coat, hat, and mittens a tough task- then take it times 16 and you can envision the lovely situation we face everyday.

I went to the library and got the following movies- The Break-up (even though I had seen it before and wasn't impressed), X-men 3: The Last Stand, Roman Holiday (unwatched for about the fifth time I've checked it out), and now here is where it gets a little goofy- Nanny McPhee, and Garfield- A Tail of Two Kitties. I love my taste in movies- I wonder what a TiVo would suggest for my viewing pleasure??

Anyway- I rewatched The Break-Up (still not the best- but at least the sound wasn't going in and out through the whole thing like it did in the theater I saw it in). The funniest part is of course when Jennifer Aniston's brother (John Michael Higgins) does an impromptu version of Yes' Owner of a Lonely Heart. It is worth watching the movies special features to see an alternate ending. It ends with Higgins character and Justin Long's character performing Rainbow Connection in Cowboy and Indian Maiden outfits- it was priceless!

X-Men was strange and I felt like I should have watched the second one again because I had forgot that Jean had died and I was confused. I might have to re-watch it in the future. I still haven't watched the other three, I'm not sure that I will.

Speaking of things that I check out and never use. I checked out Stephen King's Cell and actually opened it- and I'm terrified already. I have an obsession with his masterpiece 'The Stand' and lately I have been a fan of Dawn of the Dead (the new one). Cell is like a hybrid of both with of course the terrifying (and possible??) outcomes of everyone having a cell phone. Because when people are scared, confused, and needing answers and/or help they just whip out their cell phone (example- 9/11 or when I need to talk to my parents about a celebrity death- R.I.P. Frank Barone). Anyway- I probably shouldn't read anymore, but it's useless I'm hooked.

Good night and Merry Christmas!

Charlie Brown Christmas - Performed by the Cast of Scrubs

My sister told me about this tonight- it is pretty good. If you like Scrubs then you will love this. Merry Christmas!

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Britney Spears - Fantasy commercial

Why the hell is this still being used to promote her perfume? I have seen it more in the last couple weeks than I ever did before. It just seems like a fucked up 'any press is good press' thing to do.

Friday, December 08, 2006

Way too much free time on my hands

I just discovered the most fun way to dick away the long boring holiday season.

Go here and enjoy! It's great I got all the benefits of dressing up Hella for Christmas, but I don't have to actually physically try.

Try the other games on the site- it will have you avoiding any real work for hours at a time.

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Saturday Night Live: Lost Elevator

This skit on SNL 12/2/06 was so funny. "We all have to live by her viewing schedule now!" I just love all the theories that each person thinks make them so original. 'Purgatory.'

I almost forgot!

My sister sent me an e-mail with the following site- it only took me about fifteen times before I could pass the stinkin' thing. I always got stuck with about seven left- but I have been able to finish it the last three times I have done it.

Check out the website

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

I finally saw Saw

Technically I saw both the first and second Saw. I enjoyed them both- the first one the most. I already knew the big scary moments for both movies (damn spoilers!), but there were still some parts that I hadn't heard of. Watching Beverly Mitchell's character die was only slightly enjoyable- mainly because she wasn't quite as annoying as her Lucy character. If she was in the middle of a Seventh Heaven rant then maybe it would have been more enjoyable- but then I would have demanded a more violent death. I'm not sure when or if I will see the third one.
My niece Taylor turned 10 today. Ten years old is a big birthday. I took the day off from work and went up and got Taylor from school for lunch. Then I picked up both the nieces later in the afternoon and got ready for a little family party. It was pretty small-and I burned the pizza but all in all it was fun.
What about Heroes last night? It was pretty intense- I still have to watch it again to make sure I got everything that happened. I think that having all those special powers in one area would be the cause of the huge Peter explosion. Having all those powers suddenly would be dangerous. But I'm probably very wrong- who knows...
Gilmore Girls tonight- Merry Fisticuffs
That was a pretty good episode. Lots of fights- lots of jealousy! I would kick out Logan's teeth if I was Rory. What an asshole he is- I could feel Marty's nervousness. The fight between Luke and Christopher was either scary or funny- I'm not sure which one yet.
I have been watching Nip Tuck sort of this season. It is really messed up and it gets stuck on the stupid Michelle- kidney stealing story. I don't know why I even bother watching it- I just feel dirty afterwards, and not in that fun way.

Sunday, December 03, 2006

Scrubs Music Video -- Guy Love

I know I have put up now three YouTube entries, but I can't stop watching this. I can't wait to see the whole musical episode!

This is classic Mad TV

I was just looking at some stuff and stumbled upon this. Enjoy!

Saturday, December 02, 2006

Nobody's Watching

This is the fucking funniest thing I have watched- those Nobody's Watching boys are cute and funny- what!

Sunday, November 26, 2006

I've calmed down a bit

Woo! I think I'm getting a little stressed out from just thinking about the holidays. I went to both the Sioux Falls and Brookings Light parades this weekend. I had my mom bring Taylor up on Friday and we got a good spot, we avoided some glass and got ready for the parade. A group comes up beside us about seven or eight feet away. They had three or four little girls with them and soon a little girl starts playing with some broken glass on the ground. One of the women in the group goes over to girl and the glass and reprimends her and proceeds to kick it along the curb. All well and good, but she kept kicking it towards us with apparently no regard for how we felt about having glass near us. I was going to say something, but my mom stopped me. That is just the way I was raised, consideration for other people. Unlike my mother though, I don't just let people treat me any old way they want, if you aren't being considerate I'll tell you! Anyway, afterwards we went shopping and ate supper at good old Denny's. Then my mom went home and left Taylor for an overnight stay. I slept in the next day and then we got ready and went to the early matinee of 'Flicka' which was really good. Both Taylor and I were wiping away tears from our eyes. She used her shirt and I delicately used my fingers hoping it didn't create racoon eyes (because I actually put on makeup!) We went to Cici's for lunch because we like to try new places (pretty good food and affordable!) Then we shopped some more and came back to Brookings in time for the Light parade. It was a good Thanksgiving weekend all in all.

My Celebrity Gossip ravings
I have to ask a question that really no one has been asking. Where the hell is the Jolie-Pitt baby? They bring the other two kids out all the fucking time, but meanwhile the baby must be getting pastier and pastier. I just wonder why that isn't getting focus at all. Another celebrity thing that is annoying me is Britney Spears. You dump a parasite and take on another one. I would have rather seen her stay with her husband than to whore around with Paris Hilton. She started out so good too, building a perfect comeback and then she ruins it. Just doesn't make any sense.

Really that's all I'm going to say tonight- I'm done. Over and out.

I'm going to add 'Seventh Heaven' to my hate list

I was flipping through the channels out of complete boredom and came across tonight's new episode of Seventh Heaven and every single one of the characters annoys the shit out of me. I know it is fiction- but the way those characters act is pretty much exactly why I was turned off of from attending my church when I was younger. They all have an attitude of holier than thou when they interact with everyone, yet at the same time every time they act like assholes or bitches it's "I'm only human!" The main culprits in the show are the women of the family. That is my main reason I want to see Saw II because I hope that Beverly Mitchell's character gets ripped apart. Even the 7 year old twins make me want to go postal!

I can't watch this show when I am PMSing- it is absolutely terrible.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Robin Sparkles!

If you haven't heard the new sensation Robin Sparkles yet- you have to check it out. It really works for Black Friday. Hey, now that I think about it maybe it is subliminal messages to go to a Canadian mall? Naaa!

This last episode of How I Met Your Mother made me laugh so hard. Find out what it is aboot on CBS website- they usually have the whole episode on for free.

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Reba is the best

I am in the middle of watching CMT's Reba tribute show- and I have been bawling like a baby. The website says that you can watch it there. I taped it yesterday and I am going to bring it to Brookings for Thanksgiving. Click here to go to CMT's site. I couldn't stop crying during both 'The Greatest Man I Never Knew' and 'Is There Life Out There?'
I'm only half way through the show too!

Saturday, November 18, 2006


I completely forgot about talking about the fall finale and Sawyer and Kate getting it on. Umm- wild animal sex in a cage with Sawyer- umm. That will tide me over until February.

What a scary mask!

This is a picture I took while my nieces and I were in Lewis in Brookings. Taylor had tried on disgusting masks and Samantha laughed and laughed. Then I saw the W mask and told Taylor to hold it up to her face and I took the picture. It's priceless.

On to the other stuff that happened-

The Office. What about this last week's episode where the branches merg. Yes, another show that I can't miss. It was pretty good, the whole Pam-Jim-Karen thing should be good. I actually felt the hurt of Pam when she witnesses Jim having a new relationship with Karen. The passing of gum never had such a deep meaning. (If you saw it you would know what I'm talking about). Plus the Lazy Scranton video was hilarious (the NBC site has the full video). Anyway, I'm still not sure who I want him to end up with- maybe me!!

On to the uncomfortable Gilmore Girls- which actually got better this week. Thank god they put more focus on the side characters. I know the show is titled Gilmore Girls, but the other characters have usually been the big draw for me. Plus, now that Jess won't be in the picture anymore (damn Heroes for being good- just kidding!) I am pinning all my hope on Marty becoming the true love of Rory. Please, please let him kick Logan's ass! Plus I'm hoping that Luke doesn't want to get back with Lorelai because I think he could do so much better.

I just got done watching both Slither and Thank You For Smoking. They were both good, I especially liked Smoking. I enjoyed Slither but I wouldn't want to watch it over and over. James Gunn (the writer/director/actor) has connections to both of the shows I mentioned. His wife is Pam on The Office and his brother is Kirk on GG. Weird.

Work is going fine- love the kids, deal with the parents and co-workers. School is going fine- I gave a presentation and didn't cry, puke, pee or poop my pants. It probably wasn't the best presentation ever- but I got through it.

I haven't had an entry since before the end of an era- K-Fed is now Fed-Ex- and Britney went from trailer trash to slightly skinnier trailer trash. Plus- I haven't been watching too much television in hopes of avoiding coverage of the wedding of the century (aka month). Maybe Katie will fall and the computer chip that was put into her brain will fall out.

Well- Happy Thanksgiving- eat lots of turkey and cranberry sauce.

Friday, November 03, 2006

Leave Doogie alone!

What is up with 'media' wanting to out everybody- even the obviously gay people? So what if Neil Patrick Harris (or NPH) is gay. Then he had to out himself, when frankly people didn't really care one way or the other. If he wasn't gay I might not like the characters he has played recently (himself in Harold and Kumar, and Barney in How I Met Your Mother). Oh, and I knew it officially when I saw him on Big Brother this summer- don't ask me why I just did.

Tonight I also saw the first six minutes of Tenacious D's Pick of Destiny. The kid who plays Jack Black is dead on- mind you he is just lipsynching to Jack- but the kid had the growl look down! I'll have to check out the movie- it might help to be drunk.

Plus, I went to the Heroes website (yes a really exciting Friday I'm having!) and putzed around for awhile and this is what I am taking away from my visit. A. I keep forgetting that Adrian Pasdar (aka Nathan Petrelli) is Natalie Maines (Dixie Chicks) husband. I have probably heard that five times, but I am always say, "Oh, yeah that's right." And B. I want to marry Masi Oka (aka Hiro) he is so smart! Seriously, check out his bio.

Let's talk about Lost. I really hope that Jack doesn't trust the woman Juliet- I think she is T-R-O-U-B-L-E. There wasn't really anything that knocked my socks off this last episode. When the group went into the other hatch and the new girl suggests trying the other televisions like it was this genius thing- I wanted to punch all of them. Especially Locke when he says "Well I'm suddenly feeling very stupid." Plus eye-patch guy looks like Will Ferrell.

Sunday, October 29, 2006

The new thing I learned today

It is said that you learn something new everyday and while it may not be the key to ending hunger, I thought what I learned today was amazing. Julian McMahon (aka Christian Troy on Nip/Tuck, and Doctor Doom on Fantastic 4) is Australian! I guess I never have heard him in interviews before because when I saw something on him on Perez Hilton's website (again- don't judge- it's my secret shame!) I was taken aback. His father was a politician or something. Plus not only was he married to Brooke Burns for two seconds, but he was also married briefly to Danni Minogue (yes Kylie (Locomotion) Minogue).

I'm at home, trying to clean my apartment. Mainly because just the other night before I fell asleep there was a show on about Hoarders and it scared me. I feel like I accumulate so much stuff so fast and I don't want to just throw it out, but I must. In fact, on to more boring information, I have decided that I won't buy any cosmetics/beauty products until I use up what I have. It has been hard, but I am sticking to it. Less clutter. Save the bathroom, save the apartment.

I went up for Hobo Days parade and caught the last seven minutes, but in my defense I had already gotten ready for the time change and was actually an hour early in my head (just kidding- I was late!) Then I had the girls for the afternoon. I got pumpkins from Lewis (because of proximity), two big ones and I got a little one for Samantha to carry. While Sam was napping, I made Taylor watch The Adam's Family movie. She really didn't get it at first- but I explained it and she ended up really liking it. We carved the pumpkins, this was the first year that Taylor did the face carving all by herself- and she did awesome.

Oh- and I just watched Hoot. It was really good. It was Hoot or Saw- baby owls or torture- it was a tough call.

I just have to put in my favorite new quote- it is from The Soup on E! Joel McHale is talking about 'To Catch a Predator' on NBC after they just showed a fake clip promoting it as a comedy.

"Did you see all those Indian guys?" "Now we're even outsourcing our perverts!"

I almost peed when he said that, because it is so true- there are a lot of foreign men who show up at those houses. (Although I haven't watched it this season)


Thursday, October 26, 2006

Why I am glad I don't have any children

Because if my children did what these two children did I would kill them. Really, I would! I can't believe that two young children can do that much damage- in my mind I am seeing the young Earl and Randy from My Name Is Earl, but even they wouldn't have done this much damage.

I have been having a good week so far. My mom is having a pity breakdown, she feels so helpless with her new knee hurting. She cried on the phone with me for about fifteen minutes. I'll have to get her a card and hang out with her this weekend, my poor mom.

Lost's 'Every Man For Himself' was on tonight. It was good- Sawyer sure got the shit beat out of him. I admit, I really thought that they had put a pacemaker in Sawyer- first it was 'Naaa' then I got suckered. A side-story that seemed out of place was the Desmond saving Charlie/Claire and the baby from being struck by lightning. Is the new character (name I don't remember) of S.R.'s(intials because I always misspell his name- I might just call him Love Actually hottie) an asshole or what. Is he trying to be the new It guy now that Sawyer and Jack are out of the picture? Taking ownership of the golf clubs signifies that to me.

Well- life is going good- can't really complain about anything. I'll be up in Brookings tomorrow for class and a night of Survivor. But no Grey's Anatomy- I am seriously considering making an 'I Hate Grey's' blog. I watched it the first year every once and a while and I tried to give it a chance, but I really don't like it. What makes me sick is how everyone just thinks it is the best thing since sliced bread. All the characters irk me- especially 'Choose me' Meredith with her raspy stupid voice. Man, I'm getting enraged just typing about it!! Plus, not since Two and a Half Men has my love of an 80's icon gone so far south. Yes I am talking about you Duckie and Can't Buy Me Love Boy! Watch vintage or new ER- it has sex, different races, humor, and most of all heart and soul- which Grey's never has had and never will. Alright, enough about my anti-Grey's. Let's talk about how much I hate Desperate Housewives!

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Further Instructions

What about Lost tonight?
Nude Psychic Desmond- check
polar bear burned with hairspray torch- check
Locke past involvement with growing and selling drugs revealed- check
Weird connections between the Ecko, Locke and Desmond- check
Old (new) survivors of crash questioning Hurley- umm not check

If I was on an island with Santino Rodrigo I would notice. To try to sneak them in is lame. Lame lame lame. Would Kate not have noticed him- don't think so!

I wasn't thrilled with tonight's episode- oh well! not every one can be a winner. Speaking of winner. Jeffery won Project Runway- which is alright I guess. I really loved Michael's designs during the show, but he didn't bring his A game in the finals. I saw some of the outfits on Bravo's website a couple weeks ago and was disappointed and I knew he wasn't going to win. For me it was between Laura and Ulle.

Anyway- I'm going to bed- see ya!

Friday, October 13, 2006

Have you ever been head butted?

Well- it hurts, even when you get hit with a four year-olds head. I got hit on the bridge of my nose today at work accidently by a child and I thought my little nose was going to fall off. I'm still convinced that it will bruise- but there really are no signs yet that it will. It is just really sore and feels higher than usual. Well that was a highlight of my day!

I went to class today and then over to my parents' to watch Survivor Pearl Island. The immunity challenge was something else tonight- the way that those girls had to balance themselves was frightening to me- not found of high unstable places. Then when all of the tribe memembers had to be on top of the tiny platform that was the last straw- who comes up with these ideas? Even a circus act would have had a hard time doing that.

Anyway now I am watching the new Earl episode I recorded- I'm happy it is focusing on Randy. The cat (Sebastian) looks just like my cat Hella- (yes I named my blog after a cat- but don't you judge me damn it!) Speaking of crazy cat stuff- I got her a outfit for Halloween which is basically just a little pumpkin hat. I tried it on her tonight- she wasn't too excited. I included a recent picture I took of her- she was trying to wrestle the camera out of my hands and was getting ready to pounce. Anyhoo- I have to finish Earl and then go to bed and nurse my 'broken' nose

Monday, October 09, 2006

Check out my friend Dayna Collins in the Las Vegas Band Killjoys

My close friend and former roommate Dayna is in a band in Vegas and here is the site- it has some songs so you can hear her awesome voice. I'm going to get a picture up as soon as possible.

Right now I am planning on watching Heroes on my Media Player and then going to bed. Not only did my niece turn 3, but I just celebrated my 3 year anniversary at work (holy committed Batman!)

Sunday, October 08, 2006


Why do I feel the desire to see this film? I worry a little bit about myself because of that. The idea of seeing people really having sex and real acting is the draw I guess. My viewing of pornagraphic movies is very limited, but I have always been disappointed in the lack of acting. That is probably what guys like most about it- but I have to have some sort of a story or what is the point? Anyway I probably won't see it.... unless I find someone to go with me- which would be who?....

I am going to go to The Devil Wears Prada tonight though. I just want a night out of my apartment for once. I really don't know where my weekends go so fast- it really takes my breath away.

I went up to Brookings yesterday for my niece's 3rd birthday celebration. It was fun and she got about ten million things with Elmo- but not the new TMX Elmo. I have been searching SF for them and no luck. I also tried searching to find a child-sized rake (plastic or real) and none of the stores I went to had them(Nyberg's ACE, Lewis, K-Mart, Wal-Mart, Shopko, Family Dollar) that was going to be part of the present I got Samantha so that she could go out and rake leaves (and also provide me with a photo-op which I love). So I ended up taking them both to Wal-Mart and finding a Waterbaby that is dressed like Elmo. It's cute.. but it's no rake.

Recently I lent my mother my First Season of Lost and encouraged her to actually watch it- since she never just sits and watches a movie when I am with her (unless in a theater). She is getting hooked- so hooked that now she is telling me her theories and scoffing at things I say about the characters. I remind her that she hasn't seen season 2 yet- and that it explains a little more about the characters. She was on the last disc when I left last night. She didn't believe that they would kill off a main character (Boone) I told her to get ready for the next season.

As if I didn't have enough shows that I like I have added one more. Heroes is becoming a new fixture in my viewing habits- mind you I just record it and watch it- I'm becoming very anti-commercial now that I can forward through them. One draw was Milo Ventimiglia (formerly of Gilmore Girls) he has been on a couple of shows in the past, but they never looked promising. This show actually does. However- my head does kind of swim because of how many characters they have and the fact that the show never centers on one character. I heard that it go the go ahead for a full season so I don't have to get invested and then dumped.

Well- I'm gonna go- bye now! I've got to go and kill some Asian-ladybug beetles.

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Lost- A Tale of Two Cities

Wow!~ I didn't think much would get revealed in the first episode much less the first five minutes of the show. That was fucking awesome- what a set-up. A woman in a simple house putting on the song Downtown and having a book club and then bam- here's The Others living like The Village. I'm looking forward to what happens! Plus the new actor Rodrigo Sanitaro(sp?) is hot-to-trot yum. I am re-watching the show now while I should be finishing my papers for school tomorrow. Back to work.

Sunday, October 01, 2006

I Pity the Fool!

I'm attempting to put a picture on this entry- I just saw it on someone else's blog and it was too cute...
Yay! I did it- enjoy

The site said something like


If someone can make one- please let me know- I would seriously consider purchasing one.
On a different note- I finished the rest of My Name Is Earl and it was good- the extras are substantial too- the alternate universe episode was funny- you all should check it out

Saturday, September 30, 2006

Cold Case

Okay I'm going to admit to occasionally checking out the show. I love the way they incorporate music into the show- because that is how my brain functions in a music memory way. I recorded this last week's episode and just finished watching it. It was about a shooting spree in a mall by two crazed teenagers. Well in the episode a new clue is discovered and well it brings up another guilty party in the shooting. I just bawled and bawled because I related to that so much- when you are on the outside looking in everything just makes you feel like life will always kick you when you are down. While I wouldn't have been able to ever be the shooters- I could see myself being that third person the one that daydreams about it. This is probably not making sense. Basically watching the show made me feel like a teenager again- which I did not enjoy.

Went to the Sugarland concert in Brookings on Thursday night. If I hadn't been so freaking tired I probably would have enjoyed it more. The band or should I really say Jennifer Nettles is really good- so energetic it made me even more tired. My niece got her photo signed which I am sure that she is going to absolutely love forever. You know you are getting old when you would rather watch Survivor than go to a concert.

I also just watched last week's episodes of The Office and My Name is Earl. They were pretty good- I just want to grab Jim and hug him- the poor guy. I have been watching my Earl Season 1 episodes and I just laugh and laugh- I know I have said it before but Jason Lee is just so damn funny and Jamie Pressley just cracks me up. If you don't watch the show you really should it is heeelarious. Another show I watched this week was the new Gilmore Girls. I know that it has been getting attention because the creators/writers left the show and everybody is talking about how the show is going to decline. But frankly it happened last season- the show really sucked last year. I bought the season but I haven't even opened it yet- because I'm not looking that forward to it and that is not typical of how I felt about seasons 1 through 5. The characters are just assholes (Logan) and I want to hit Rory over the head to get her to shut up. I never really liked her anyway, but she is just driving me crazy. When I feel like I can really express more about it I will type up a good entry- right now I am just getting myself all worked up over it.

I should probably go and clean. Later Gator

Saturday, September 23, 2006

Man- I'm not as young as I once was

I went out- again- with my co-workers for supper and drinks. We had plans to go to the new Nutty's on the north side of town and eat and then go to Nitwits for the comedy show. I absolutely love the new Nutty's it is so spacious and just very nice. When I go to the old one it brings back memories that are both good and bad (mostly bad), and it is just always so fucking crowded that I don't even feel like a person I feel like a sardine. Anyway the food was so-so, but it will definitely rank on my going out for a drink list in the future. Nitwits was alright- there were moments that I laughed a lot- but for the most time I thought about other things while the comedians were performing. Then after an additional drink I ran back home and started straightening up because my parents were coming to spend the night. Basically I just had to hide things like bill statements and other stuff that they would have snooped through.

I should be getting ready to go to a wedding that starts at 4, but I haven't yet. I was planning on picking up a new dress or outfit for the wedding- but that is starting to look like it's not going to happen. But I need to take a shower and get going so I'm out- bye

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

For cute's sake

I just saw the new TMX Elmo in action on Yahoo

No matter how much Elmo shit is out there I still think the character is cute. My younger niece Samantha is obsessed with the red guy and we feed into it majorly. Her birthday is in early October I might just have to earn the cool aunt award and get it for her. Speaking of Elmo I just started reading 'My Life as a Furry Red Monster' by Kevin Clash. I saw it on the library listings and put it on hold. I have only read about ten pages- but I have already got a little weepy.

Anyway- I should be in bed- I really shouldn't be staying up so late when I have to work all day tomorrow. Oh! I hate to admit my purchases and I really shouldn't have got them, but I picked up Season Six of Gilmore Girls (even though I think it is the worst season so far) and Season One of My Name is Earl (I can't help but love the show- I want to marry Jason Lee!) Did I mention I got LOST Season 2 too?? Well I did! What is wrong with me?

Monday, September 18, 2006

What is it about the electricity going out...

I was sitting in front of my computer reading the yahoo entertainment news and finding out Mariska Hargitay's dad Mickey died and getting ready to look at more mindless stuff before getting ready for bed and all of a sudden bam- total darkness. I wonder if I am the only person who first thinks 'Did they shut off my electricity because I haven't paid?' I probably not the only person- but I hope that there are some respectable people that think it also. Anyway I have moved my furniture around and I haven't ever had to navigate in total darkness- and then I couldn't find my flashlight because I had moved it when the plumbers were here. Thank goodness for cell phones- I guided myself to the window to see the streetlights out. Then I got about setting up all the candles throughout my house and then I took a bath by candlelight- which I don't do enough- it is so soothing. I was all excited to go to bed fairly early (10:30 PM) and was starting to do a traditional journal entry when the lights came back on. So much for me fending for myself and getting some much needed sleep!

I debated a lot on whether I should go the legal or illegal way of obtaining music and finally went with getting Wal-Mart downloads for 88 cents. It makes me feel like I'm not a criminal and I get to get all the songs I really want rather than just downloading because it's there. Anyway I had to download all the popular hits now- like Crazy, Promiscuous, and Waiting on the World to Change, etc. And I did it with a regular Wal-Mart gift card and I have spent about $18.00 out of $25. Hopefully I won't get too addicted to it.

Just for shits and giggles I looked up some Sarah songs to listen to- (yes I'm strange and vain!) and I started to feel like I was high- my name just seemed so weird. Hearing it over and over again just made it lose all meaning.

Anyway I should be in bed sleeping-because I work early tomorrow- so goodnight sweet city of Sioux Falls

Thursday, September 14, 2006

I love Michael from Project Runway

If he doesn't win the show will be total bullshit. I just love all the outfits he does- there has only been about two outfits that weren't very good. I was completely invested in him since they showed his audition- and they almost didn't let him in! Someone else I am oddly enough starting to cheer for is Laura who I hated on sight alone during the first initial ads on the season. Pregnancy agrees with her- she is very pretty in the lastest episode. Plus her meanness seemed to lessen and I actually felt sympathy for her. I am watching the last episode now after I recorded it with my handy dandy new Media Center TV recorder which is the best thing about my new computer- a built in DVR player! I also recorded the first episode of Survivor while I was gone. I also watched it with my mom in Brookings, but it was pretty good I may have to re-watch it again.

I had class tonight and it was fine- but strange at the same time. I have barely slept for the last two nights and I don't do well on less than six hours a night- I had quite the experience while giving a little speech. I was a blabbering fool- I started crying while giving a presentation- yes crying. Not even a simple little weak voice- it was a take my voice away crying jag in front of about 25 people that I do not know. It was really surreal. Luckily it was based on emotional aspects, so crying wasn't really out of nowhere. Nevertheless I was the first person up who cried while presenting- Aaaa! Well I should probably go to bed- I'm getting tired- night!

Monday, September 11, 2006

Yes- my first at home entry ever!

I am sitting in the comfort of my apartment- it is a little too weird. Also I'm not used to the messenging thing anymore- I am not really wanting to share too much with a stranger I meet face-to-face much less a person who I really haven't met at all- once burned twice shy I guess. I had way too much fun doing that stupid stuff about four years ago- it was fine while I was in my stupid phase of life... I did way too many idiotic things with strange 'men' I met over messenger- I really don't like to think about that span of six months. Anyway- I am really not sure how much messenger I am going to do- we'll see...

I saw the news of Anna Nichole's son dying- whenever I saw that kid on the shit fest that was her show I felt so sorry for him.

I have been really busy these last couple weeks- with work and school and my mom having had knee replacement surgery. I have also had to call in the maintenance people I rent from because my kitchen sinks were filling up with nasty water and I had tried everything I possibly could to remedy the situation. That is the best part of renting- all you have to do is call a man to come and fix something for you and then they are gone!

I went out with my co-workers on Friday to say farewell to another co-worker. I just couldn't hang back and get drunk- because I really would be stranded the next day.

Anyway I promise that I will actually have more substantial things to say in the future but I just thought I should get something up on the first day I have internet connection.

Saturday, September 02, 2006

Completely in love!

Well after a week of nesting for my new arrival, I delivered a healthy, beautiful Dell computer. I love it so much I almost weep a little when I think of it. But, alas- I'm at the library again typing up my totally deep thoughts. It's going to be about 9 days until I get internet- so till then if I get the urge I'll come and type on these tiny little monitors (since I of course have a 'huge' 17-inch one and this is only a 15-inch- just joking. I came to look at movies and I thought for old times sake I might as well give it a go. Anyway- I'm off..

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Hey- I'm a college student- wanna get drunk and skip class?

Just kidding- that is how I had trouble the first time I went. Now I am a working college student- quite a change from not getting out of bed until 11 OR 12 even on the days I had an 8 AM class. I went up to Brookings to get my financial aid refund on Monday and stood in line from 8-8:40 to find out that my check wouldn't be available until Tuesday. Great! Then I got to high-tail it to SF to be at work at 10. I went home for one hour and then went back to Brookings to stay at my parents. Well- I got the check though- Yay!

Oh- yeah and I got a computer- well I ordered one and it should be in within a couple of days- Aaaaa! Finally- finally - I am extremely excited. Goodbye crappy computers that never work. Goodbye sitting in public and being aware of every noise I or my body makes. I need to get my internet figured out- not sure what I really can get- I'm gonna have to investigate. So I just thought I would share this with the one other person who actually looks at this thing. Oh- and I was out of town when the Blue Angels were here- sorry! The 3 dollar theatre is actually West Mall 7 and is located in the Western Mall right off of 41st on Western. It is wonderful. I went to The Lake House a couple nights ago- confusing, but good. I admit it I can't not like romance movies. Anyway- hopefully this will be the last time in a while that I will have to use a computer at the library.

Saturday, August 12, 2006

Hey- it's August!

Wow! I didn't have a entry in here for about forever. Life is pretty much the same since then. I did register for my classes this next semester in July- that was like a blast from the past except that it is so 'high-tech' compared to only four years ago. Some more big news is that my brother was put in the hospital in SF on Tuesday night. I got a phone call right after I was done with work and was told he had been coughing up blood and he had major pains in his rib area. He had been sick for a while, but the doctors in Brookings just basically gave him antibiotics and said it should cure it- it didn't. Turns out his leg which had swelled up to about twice it's normal size had blood clots in it (even though Brookings had looked and not found any). He is on blood thinner and is being observed through the weekend. I took off Wednesday to be with him and my mom. And through sheer luck I was able to spend most of Thursday at the hospital as well. He is obviously getting better, because he is surly as hell. I'm not going to go as long today- because all I get is yelled at by him. I thought I would take an afternoon for me.

There is good news- I am planning on getting a computer of my own soon- with some educational loans I should be able to get one and also internet access- finally! I am trying to not get too excited about it- because it may fall through- I hope not. Well- off to the hospital I go!

Saturday, July 22, 2006

5 females in a car together is not a good idea

Hey- I'm back from my "vacation" to the Black Hills. I knew that it would be hard to get along every once and a while, but every other day we would have big blow-ups- it was terrible. I mainly blame it on my sister being a control freak about how our vacation went. She had the whole thing planned out in a 'Treasure Hunters' like fashion. Cute idea- but hauling around two children and a limping mother in really hot summer weather didn't lend to a fun and comfortable time always. Day one we got on the Interstate and went to the Corn Palace, Al's Oasis, stopped by and considered going to the Murdo Auto place (but regained our senses), went to Wall Drug, and arrived at the hotel and went into the swimming pool. Day two- my older niece felt sick and didn't want to do anything. After two trips to Wal-Mart we finally started our day. We went up Dinosaur Park and to Storybook Island in the morning. We attempted a picnic at Storybook Island, however my niece still felt sick and spent most of the time in the bathrooms. It was fun there- not the same fun I remember- but still fun. After those events we regrouped at the hotel and then headed out to Mount Rushmore (and my younger niece slept most of the time- except when she woke up and screamed her head off). We went back to Rapid and had a late supper at good old Denny's. Day three- my sister had made reservations for tickets to the 1880 train leaving from Hill City- at 9:45 in the morning- we had to be there by about 9:15- which was near a miracle. The train ride was beautiful- Samantha (the younger niece) screamed her head off again most of the ride. We went back to Hill City and headed out to Flintstone's Bedrock City and had lunch and tried to enjoy the day- in 105 degree weather- Samantha once again screamed and threw fits and I was in the middle of a fight with my sister. It was terrible- absolutely terrible- in fact I may never be able to look at the show in the same way again. We then went to Wind Cave and my mom, Samantha, and I waited while the other two went in the cave (for about two hours). After that my sister took us to Custer State Park and we went on the loop where we saw at the very end two grown buffalo and two babies. Then at about 8:30 having not ate anything substantial since lunch we (meaning my sister) took us up Needles Highway where the daylight quickly faded and left us terrified up on the top by the Needlehead. We made it out alive and ended up getting back to Rapid at 10:30 PM. Then we started pulling into a Perkins and my inner bitch came out and I said no way- we are doing fast food- I'm not waiting another 20 minutes or longer for my food. I was so pissed off that night that my sister got the point that she was planning too much for us. Day four- I got to drive and we left for Deadwood at 10:00- we spent most of the afternoon there and gambled away quarters and took touristy photos- we didn't get to do as much as I wanted, but we did get to go up the hill towards Mount Moriah's Cemetary. I'll have to have an adult vacation some year and go either by myself or with a friend. After that we went to Spearfish and to the D.C. Booth Fish Hatchery where we met up with relatives and fed the fish and ducks- it was fun! We went to supper at Sanford's in Spearfish and came back in time to swim and relax at the hotel. Day four our last day we decided to bypass going to Reptile Gardens and went to Bear Country USA instead. The driving section was pretty fun- but the Babyland was so adorable to behold. The baby bears put on a show for us- too cute to imagine. Then we got back on the road and headed home. Oh yeah- it was my birthday too- I turned 28! It went by without much fanfare and I am another year older- woo hoo. Anyway- I had to work on Friday and now I am trying to relax for awhile before I get back to regular life. My cat was alive and well when I came back- I was going to have a relative come and check up on her while I was gone- but no one ever did do it for me. I was pretty happy to come home and have her there. I plan on going to Clerks 2 tomorrow and maybe swimming with the nieces- see you later

Saturday, July 15, 2006

I should be packing

I really should be getting ready for my trip that starts as soon as my relatives come and pick me up. The intentions are to come in the AM hours, but to be honest it won't happen until 2:00- I just know that is when it will happen- my mom will take forever. You know something that is getting me especially concerned about my mom and her knee problems is that of all the people in my life she is the one person who really has tried to take precautions in her health. She has never really struggled with her weight, she tries to get enough exercise into her life, she eats a hell of lot more healthy than I ever have and she is still struggling with her body. It should be enough to frighten the shit out of me- I mean my grandma's mind is betraying her and my mother's body is betraying her- but really it is just kind of convincing me to stay on the same path. Weird.

I watched Shopgirl this afternoon. I really liked it- I was actually surprised- but I may even buy it eventually. What is it about Jason Schwartzman that he can be the most disgusting guy ever- but you still like him? He is just so real- I just really think he is the most sincere actor. He really seems to dedicate himself to the character.

Wednesday, July 12, 2006


Hey- only two more days of work before I am free- free- free! I am so excited- I don't know how I will handle being a free person for almost six whole days! I am going up the the Black Hills with my female relatives and the good news is that I already had my period- so I won't be easily angered. I checked out the newest version of Pride and Prejudice the other night and I was watching it and when it got to the part where Mr. Darcy asks Elizabeth Bennet to marry him I broke down. I started just sobbing- deep-uncontrollable-gasping for composure- crying. I know that I like/love Pride and Prejudice, but man I just lost it- mainly in a pity party for myself, but also I was just ready for the sadness.

I have to get done typing soon- because the newest season of Project Runway is on tonight! Man! Heidi Klum must love being pregnant! Three in less than three- damn! It absolutely blows my mind! Then again if I was able to get into shape as fast as her and looked as cute as she did pregnant- I would want to be knocked up too. I am looking forward to the new season- it should be fun. Speaking of BRAVO shows- I absolutely love 'Life on the D-list' I really don't find her stand up that hilarious- but Kathy Griffin's real life is f#@cking funny. It is sad if what was said about her husband is true though- stealing money ain't cool- but I wish they could find a way over it- they are so cute together.

Anyway- I'm sure I am forgetting tons of things I meant to type- but oh well- I'll let you know how the vacation went- bye

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Happy 5th of July!

Hey- I haven't created any posts in a while. Mainly because I feel like I never get to rest and just sit back and use a computer anymore unless it has to do with work. Anyway- work is fine- just what anyone should expect when you work with all women - snitty and backstabbing. The most glorious thing happened last week- Star Jones got officially canned from 'The View.' I think that the day should be observed as a national holiday- I have always disliked her strongly. She was one of those people where you just wish that you are there to witness when they get what is coming to them- and it actually happened. I didn't like her fat or thin or anywhere in between- mainly because she is such a hypocrite about everything. I almost felt sad for her and then she went on her farewell tour of morning shows- making sure to point out how betrayed she felt, but she wasn't going to resort to a 'cat fight.' Give me a break!

Anyway- what else has happened recently:

*Aaron Spelling died- way to go Tori- you found the perfect way to kill your father- stress him to death.

*Patsy Ramsey died- who knows which way she went- up or down?

*I just found out Kenneth Lay died today

*North Korea tested missiles- frightening

*my mom has to get a new knee soon to replace her previous surgery she had about 20 years ago

*I took my nieces to 'Cars' on the day that we were going to go swimming- it was Samantha's first official movie and she did great!

*I took my nieces to the swimming pool in Brookings- Taylor went to the big pool by herself and I took Sam to the wading pool.

*I went to the concert by Jodee Messina at the fairgrounds and I had a good drunk night- I was going to take my niece, but she was sick. So instead I took my parents and ended up going off by myself

*I'm going to go on a vacation to the Black Hills with my mom, sister, and the nieces during the week of July 17th

*I went to a drive in movie double feature of Click and The Benchwarmers by myself and it was fun- I advise more people to go and do the same every once and a while.

*I checked out the entire season 2 of Deadwood from the library and watched it in this order- episode 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 1, 2- I think that is how many there were give or take 11 or 12. They were f**king great!

Anyway- I have to work early tomorrow- so I should probably go home and relax before going to bed- because you know you are getting old when you sit in a strange position and it wrecks your body for the next week.

Monday, June 12, 2006

Get out of my dreams.....

I have had the most messed up dreams lately. Last night I dreamed that I was a counselor at a camp that was taking place at a house I used to babysit at in high school. I was Angelina Jolie and a fellow camp leader was Brad Pitt. We went into the basement and did naughty things on the big freezer. It was so weird and random- especially considering the whole 24/7 coverage of them makes me ill. I still can't believe that I had that dream. I always have messed up dreams right before my period though. I had my nieces up this weekend for Friday night and Saturday day. All the plans I had made fell through. I was going to bring the nieces and my mom to see the hot air balloons on Saturday but it was canceled. Anyway- I have Wednesday off of work and I intend on getting all my crappy college stuff done. Did I mention I have to take some classes this next year? Well I do and I get to run around on Wednesday trying to figure out what has to be done in order to re-register at my college and to register for classes. I intend on taking my niece to Cars on Wednesday and possibly to the swimming pool as well- if I can get all my college stuff done before 2:00- which shouldn't hopefully be a problem to do.

Anyway - I have recently watched Meet the Fockers, Hitch, The Station Agent, and probably other movies that I can't remember. I only liked the last two, enough to watch them again in the future, however not enough to buy them or spend money on them to rent.

Saturday, June 03, 2006

The Channel

Hey- I'm up in Fairmont this weekend. We went to restaurant mentioned in the title. It is this little place right by the lake- it has regular old greasy food- but a nice outside atmosphere. We had a couple of drinks and ate and then came back and watched some of Scrubs Season 3. Then after they went to bed I stayed up and looked through some blogs that had just been updated and do you know what I realizied? My blog is fairly interesting compared to the majority out there. I don't think that it is earth shattering, but what some people put in their postings- is either way bizarro or boring as all get out. Anyway- we are going to run around and do some errands and then we might go and see The Break Up. Maybe.

Well-it has been nice chatting with myself- I suppose I shall go.

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Man- I hate that

I had a huge entry all typed up, but this computer wouldn't let me publish it or save it. Probably because I swore? Anyway- it was about moving my furniture in my apartment (I constantly rearrange- it's sick I need help), having my nieces up for a sleepover(it was fun, but short), and being the errand girl in Sioux Falls for my family members in Brookings (car trouble-not mine- but it became mine). That is the short way of saying everything that I said in my last post.

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Mission Impossible?

I might as well admit it- I went to Mission Impossible III last weekend- and it wasn't half bad. My niece came up Saturday and we went to the double feature of Over the Hedge and the formerly mentioned movie. They were both good movies- my niece really liked Mission Impossible and it almost made me forget crazy Cruise real life shit. Anyway- it was nice enjoying summer activities- I can't believe it is time for summer! I am at the library and it is going to storm big and bad very soon- so I better get going. But first I have to talk about something sad that happened at work today- well it actually started yesterday- a child's mother died of a brain aneurysm that she suffered while she was at work. The girl isn't in my room- but it was so sad- I am praying and thinking about her and her family. I couldn't imagine losing my mother when I was a little girl- that would be so hard.

Saturday, May 13, 2006

Going to a Bachelorette party for an acquaintance

Last night I went out with girls who all probably four years younger than myself for a former co-worker's bachelorette party. I got roped into it somehow- and it started out really fun I played the happy go lucky person that I can be. I was really happy until I got insulted from a guy somewhere out of left park. I am a big girl I am not going to pretend I'm not- I don't think that I would be as funny or nice if I wasn't and on the other hand I can be a downright bitch. The situation was that I went outside to talk to my friend on my cell phone and I put my purse down on the table and there was a group of guys nearby. Before I could sit down one guy says 'Don't sit there." I said I wasn't going to and before I can say anything else he says, 'I wasn't worried about you taking someone's spot, I was worried about the chair.' A group of about 5 guys with him kind of make sounds like they can't believe he said something like that, but they didn't say anything. So that pretty much put the end to my night of fun. It just sucks- I am really nice and I can't hide my feelings at all. So did I just turn around and ignore him? Yes and no- I let him know he was an asshole, but I let the tears flow while I talked to my friend on the cell phone. I tried to not let the other people focus on that- but they saw my face after I went back in and the story spilled out. Last night was just a reminder of why I don't like to go out to bars- because people are complete assholes. I would rather be overweight and alone than skinny and in a shitty relationship with an ignorant frat boy. I really don't know why I am putting this in here- but I am so be it.

Sunday, May 07, 2006

New Haircut

I got a new do- it is short and layered and I like it so far. It cut off all the black- well almost all of it. I feel like a new woman. I went home to Brookings yesterday and did some fast bonding with the nieces. We hung out at Lyons Park and had fun.

I went out and got Mucinex because I am struggling to breath lately with all the junk in my lungs. Is that how other people get started on medications- they watch a commerical featuring cartoon images of disgusting health problems??

Anyway- Gilmore Girls is still pissing me off- Survivor is still rocking- and LOST is I mean-- hello- who wasn't talking to the TV telling Ana Lucia to not give the gun to Michael ( I know I was). They got rid of both of the drunk drivers in a dramatic way though, huh? Of course we don't know that they are both dead yet- but a gun shot in the stomach is a pretty unrecoverable wound.

Okay- I have another reason not to have children- I watched the movie 'Thirteen' a couple of days ago and I never want to have a teenager- ever. Basically it is one notch above 'Kids' as far as disgusting. But not far below. I would put my child in a bubble before I let them hang out with girls like those.

Anyway- goodbye- talk later

Monday, May 01, 2006

I have a new love in my life

is it sad that it is a library? I am at Oak View or is it Oak Ridge Library? Either way I love it- it feels like my own personal library, at least in comparison to the Main Branch. I will probably spend the majority of my library time here. It is really nice- I know I shouldn't talk about how nice it is and if anything I shouldn't mention it at all, but that would be selfish. And I am very very giving. Imagine going into Barnes and Noble and being able to get a lot of books without paying- that is how it feels here- because the books and movies and everything are so shiny and new.

Just thought I would do a quick note while I was here

Thursday, April 27, 2006

The Myth of Me and You

I read this book last week (the title) it is by Leah Stewart and it is a novel about a woman's journey to find an old friend that she had abandoned years before. I had seen reviews about it and had planned on reading it, I think I was half believing that it would offer some insight into my friend betrayal that occurred about two years ago. The thing I realizied though when I was half through it is that I don't feel as strongly about it as I did- that pain has healed a lot. There is still scar tissue, but I don't wake up every morning feeling the pain. The only thing that I really could appreciate from the book is that I am not alone at grieving the loss of a friendship- in many ways it is worse than a romantic break-up. Since I have read the book I have had Vickie in dreams of mine- and they mimic real life. Anyway- I think she is living at home with her parents again- did I mention she was my neighbor all my life? Maybe people realizied what a bitch she was and dumped or fired her. Okay that was mean- I know, I know! I'll stop...

Now I am reading Shopaholic and Sister, mainly because I read the other three and I don't like to not finish a series. Those books always make me want to slap the shit out of the Becky Bloomwood because she's an idiot and at the same time I totally see myself in her actions.

Okay- I really don't know where I am going with this entry, but I better get to sleep it was a long long day at work

I'll leave you with one word of caution before I part- Only watch 'She's the Man' if you have a couple of hours to waste, absolutely nothing to do, and it's free. Otherwise see 'Just One of the Guys' (that is the title I think?) it was done better, that and it's an 80's movie which can't be beat!

Saturday, April 15, 2006

Wow- I am such a bitch!

Have you ever reached a point in your life where you just don't care who you piss off? Well I have reached it and gone a mile beyond. I am constantly coming down to Brookings to see my relatives and no one ever comes up to see me. I almost lose my job, does anyone come up- no. I cry about how lonely I am, does anyone come up- no again. I get an award from work and am really excited about it- still no one. I'm bitching and yes I am fully aware of it. The same comment from everyone in my family is - 'When I have some money I'm going to come up and shop.'- um hello I don't come to Brookings for the vast opportunities to spend money I come up to see you shitheads. As a punishment/encouragement for my older niece her parents have decided that she wasn't going to have any sleepovers in Sioux Falls until she read all her required reading. It is basically my punishment- because I really enjoy doing things in Sioux Falls with my niece. Plus- maybe a better punishment would be to take her TV and DVD player out of her room - wouldn't that make more sense- but of course that would be taking away the 'babysitter'. Anyway- I am in my 'kick you in the balls' stage of PMS. Every little thing is making me want to scream. I always tell my cat she is lucky she doesn't have to deal with her family. Okay that sounds crazy- but she is often the only thing to talk to other than myself. Wow- I am so lonely.

Gilmore Girls made me almost puke this last Tuesday- Rory is the biggest cock tease ever- I am really not liking her this season. The writers are totally letting me down- I hope they can pull it together. Survivor is on, and yes I am watching it. Terry is as close to perfect as possible- perfect being Tom from last season. I am totally into the masculine powers he possesses. Rrrr! There are currently three shows I try not to miss- those first two and Lost- in other words I have Monday, Friday, and the weekend to possibly do things.

Another thing that I have recently enjoyed is finally biting the bullet and getting a library card from SF. I was convinced that it would be too hard to find somewhere to park or that I would get a parking ticket that I hadn't got one. Now I will be there all the time- because for me shopping and checking out books is really similar action to me. It feeds me desire to gather shit without making me really really poor- and I don't have all the clutter. When I get the urge to buy I'm going to go to the library- I promise!

I went to a couple of movies at the 3 dollar theatre recently- Brokeback Mountain and Rumor Has It. Both were disappointments- I was convinced that I would like the first, but I didn't. Heath's emotions weren't believable to me. Plus, I couldn't help think about the first time they make um (definitely not love) lets say lust -and that the first time a guy fucks me up the butt I would hope that it would involve a passionate kiss first- but that's just me. I just didn't leave the movie feeling touched which according to the ads I was supposed to feel. Rumor Has It was like I thought it would be- I don't really like Aniston or Costner- and the story line that a girl goes after the man who she thinks could have possibly been her father and then sleeps with him after taking his word that he is sterile- it was damn disgusting. But Mark Ruffalo was in it so what could I do? There wasn't near enough of him in it though. I am heading back to SF tonight and I plan on going to a movie tomorrow night- a couple came that I was curious about- basically all of them are frightening.

Anyway- I got to bitch about people anonymously and now I feel better. Thanks.

Sunday, April 02, 2006

I'm still alive (and employed) and so is my grandma

The last two postings are really down- and rightfully so- they were dark times in my life. I am still employed and am working at fixing the past choices I made. It is really hard because I am having to do a lot of work on my time off from work. I just wanted to say something so people who might stumble upon this wouldn't think I offed myself.

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Should I be saying this?

Hey guys-
I'm at my friend Rebekah's right now- hiding out from life in general. I have a 'situation' at work- born out of my own idiot past. I am on an administrative leave for a couple days. I didn't do anything completely sick or mean or criminal(?), but I did do something stupid about three years ago during my interview that I finally corrected yesterday. I have been crying almost nonstop the last three or so days. I might find out today what my future is going to be? I almost hope I get fired, then I can move on with my life. Anyway- I probably shouldn't be writing about this, because A. it is really private stuff and B. it makes me sound like a really terrible person, but anyway I did so... If anyone stumbles upon this blog please pray for me, really quick because I need the prayers.

Sunday, March 05, 2006

My grandma is dying

Nice title huh? But it is the truth- she suffered a stroke in 1998 that left her with multi-infarct dementia ( basically like sudden Alzheimers). I had a great relationship with my grandma until something happened in the family when I was 13 that basically ended our close relationship. Right after she had her stroke she was moved to an assisted living center in Brookings- but she didn't want to be there- she was insistent on returning to Miller (where she lived after my grandfather had died). So the plan for that summer was for me to move to her trailer with her to see how she could function. That was one of the hardest times in my life because my grandmother could not find interest in anything. Nothing was a diversion from the empty part of her mind- I could tell that life didn't mean much anymore. After living with her for a month, my relatives realizied that she wasn't going to be able to live alone. She went to live with my uncle for awhile before they realizied they couldn't care for her anymore. She has been living in a nursing home in Miller since about 1999, and my mom heard from her brothers that grandma has stopped eating and drinking. I went up with her last weekend and in the past she had spoke little, but this visit she said nothing. My mom feels so guilty and I feel so bad for my mom- because in a way all of her family should feel that guilt- but she is the only daughter (enough said!) In many ways I have already grieved my grandmother as she used to be- but it is still hard to let go of my past, my last grandparent. I wrote a paper in February 2000 about my grandmother that I had saved in the pile of papers from college. My mother and I talk to each other every night (yes- I am a mommy's girl) and my grandma sent my mom a letter at least once a week. Long handwritten notes- occasionally typed during the years that my grandmother wrote for the local Miller Press. The paper was supposed to answer the question 'whose diaries would you like to inherit and why?' I actually feel like those letters tell me all I would want to know- as I wrote 'These letters talk about feelings that my grandmother gave outright to my family, rather than hiding them until she died.'

Anyway- life is moving on. Work would be great if it weren't for some of my co-workers. I really need a long vacation from them- not the kids. My sister has a new job and a new show that she is totally in love with thanks to me spreading the Gospel of Gilmore Girls. She is addicted to it since I lent her my DVDs. I am so glad that Rory kicked Logan to the curb- will it stick though? Maybe Jess can comfort her! There is so much pop culture crap that I could talk about however I would like to focus on one of those shows that you don't admit to watching- Flavor of Love. Why any fairly attractive girl would want to even touch him I don't know- but damn it makes awesome trashy TV. If I had to spit on someone it would not have been the huge loogie that Pumkin spat on NY. How does one learn to spit those on people?

Oh one more thing is Project Runway- it is pretty good this season. I have no idea where they find these people but I hope they keep finding these personalities. I keep singing 'Lighten up it's just fashion! " Santino has to be a lead role in sequel to Zoolander- and Tim Gunn of course. 'Where is Andrae?' ---hahahahahaha

I went to The Family Stone and then rented Elizabethtown- I would reccomend the first. Maybe I didn't enjoy Elizabethtown because Jessica Biel is in it? Only for about 3minutes total, but just enough to turn my stomach. You know those people that are so attractive, but there is just some look in their eyes that makes you not like them- well that sums up how I feel about her. That is why I haven't seen the Texas Chainsaw Massacre because I would be cheering for the maniacs to get her.

Alright I better get going- ta

Sunday, January 22, 2006

Okay a couple of last things before I leave for home from MN. My hair is still mainly black and is getting long- past shoulder length. I keep thinking about getting it stripped and I never set up an appointment. I will have to invest in a black wig if I ever ever get the urge to dye my hair that color again- it's terrible. I have been having my PMS dreams the last two nights (they are very vivid and very strange) I hope I didn't yell out in my sleep- or worse, I sometimes believe that I still sleep walk. Anyway I lost the storylines of my dreams about 30 seconds after I woke up.

This is how incredibly lazy I am- I bought a tv for my bedroom- and managed to find a DVD player and VCR for it. I live by myself! I could go out into the living room barenaked or dressed in a chicken costume and no one would know- I only have me to entertain mainly- so why did I get another tv? Because I'm lazy! It actually has made me wake up a little earlier in the morning and start getting ready- yes that is all the motivation I need in the morning The Early Show.

I am starting to think that I am having a breakdown of some sorts because I am writing a bunch of nonsense. Maybe that is because my friend has been sleeping for over 12 hours and I am incredibly bored. Anyway bye

I'm alive

I have tried unsucessfully to get my computer at my parents to work- the cookies are disabled again- and whatever magical powers I had last time are not working now. I'm up in Fairmont, MN just hanging out with Rebekah again. It is kind of a lazy weekend. We went to Fun with Dick and Jane this afternoon- it was amusing as long as it lasted- definitely not one that I would want to watch over and over again. Then we went shopping- which is always fun! We went out for supper and then attempted to go to some local 'hotspots', but gave up looking for excitement and came back to her house and watched Underworld- which I had never seen yet.

Anyway- I did finally see RENT. In fact, I went two weekends in a row. I loved it of course. Anthony Rapp is so good- the whole cast is phenomenal- especially Mr. Jesse Martin from Law and Order. I have a little bit of a crush on him now.

Last weekend I went to a George Strait concert in Fargo- it was with Miranda Lambert and Tracy Lawrence- it was really good- but I went with my brother (who was so hungover and in an incredibly pissy mood) and my parents (who suprisingly were fun to be around). All three performers did a great job- Tracy Lawrence was so much fun- I really didn't appreciate how many of his songs I loved. Country music is really good people- just check it out!

My shows are doing well- Lost is pretty interesting- they really have done a lot of revealations lately with the 'monster' and introducing us more clearly to 'the others'. I've got Rebekah and her husband hooked on it since they borrowed Season 1 from me- they are eagerly awaiting the release of the second season since they don't have cable television. I don't really think that I could survive without cable television- every once and a while I get the 'crazy' notion that the TV is bad for me and that I should cancel it- but then I come to my senses. It has been about 27 hours since I have been at home and I don't have my wonderful channels that tell me about the world going on around me and I feel like I'm going insane! Well- on to the next topic...

Gilmore Girls is definitely taking new twists and turns. They have an actress Cheryl Flinn(?) returning to the show after she played a different character about 3 years ago. She was Jess's newly found stepmom and now she is the mother of Luke's newly found out about child. So the source of actresses was so small that they had to bring her back? Anyway- I wonder where they are going with it.

Scrubs is back- which is awesome. I have been watching more sitcoms recently- My Name is Earl and The Office. Project Runway is back and just as fun as last time- gay male fashion designers are so overly dramatic. And basically those are the only shows I care about enough to try to watch.

So anyway- I'm going to go- I'm reading The Devil Wears Prada and it really is fun to imagine that world of glamour and all the bitches that run it.

Reading got hotter!