Friday, May 27, 2005

Gone to the Dark Side I have

I went to Star Wars III yesterday- and I loved it. I was a little apprehensive about going, but I'm glad I did. It cleared up all the little questions that were out there. I try to not get too jazzed up about it because well then I'd for sure be a geek- alright I admit it I am....

I got out of work very early- and I headed up to Brookings- got the niece and went to Madagascar. It was pretty good- enjoyable entertainment for child and adult. I may even go to Star Wars with my sister tomorrow... talk about movie overload. Anyway- I am forced to become a morning person this summer- I usually work afternoon or late morning hours, but I am going in at 8 for the summer while a coworker is on maternity leave. I don't like the idea of enjoying going to bed early and waking up early- yuck!

Sunday, May 22, 2005

Jersey Girl

I am up for my mom's birthday and my parent's anniversary- yes my mom got married on her birthday- I would never do that. Anyway- it is a gorgeous day outside and I just want to fold this day up and put it in my pocket. I got a phone call from my niece last night that totally shocked me. They got a kitten! My sister hates anything that has fur- so for her to get a kitten was the last thing I thought could happen. I was so freakin' excited last night I couldn't wait to see the kitty. She is mainly white with a lite goldish brown on her head. She is really cute- however not as cute as my Hella was and is. Taylor is sitting right beside me and elbowed me as she read the last sentence. I have a little bit of 'crazy, scary cat lady' going through me when I am with the kitty- who is named Jersey by my niece. I suggested the name Pink so that they could dye her with KoolAid- but they weren't down with that.

Anyhoo--- I must again talk about how happy I was that Tom won on Survivor. I also bought the first season of Scrubs on DVD this week- I'm ill what can I say....

My niece is driving me nuts about going to Disney yuck! Ouch! She did it again!

Sunday, May 15, 2005

Rat Bastard

I had a whole grand thing typed up about how great it was that Tom won- and something happened. Anyway- yay for Tom- boo for Ian- have a great week I'm out!

Sunday blues

My weekend has flown by so fast it is disgusting. I went out for a work get together on Friday night and I was slightly buzzing and I talked and talked and made an ass out of myself- it was great. The next day I had my family come up and we went to a relative's high school graduation party. Then I had my niece spend the night and we ran all over town this morning and afternoon. I'm going to break down the "world" news that happened this week.

I couldn't believe the news that Kenny Chesney and Renee Zelweiger got married. It was too too weird. In fact, I still can't believe it- huh? I am going to give it 18 months- unless she gets pregnant then maybe 20 months. It would probably be hard for her to get pregnant though since she doesn't have any fat on her body.

The finale to Amazing Race was good- I was happy that Uchenna and Joyce won- I still wanted Rahb and Ambur to win. (I know that's not how they spell them). I was pretty sure that they would, but oh well....

The finale to Survivor is on tonight and I am up to watch it with my mom- I hope that Tom or Ian win. It will probably be Jen or Katie and I won't be happy.

I watched Closer last week- strange- I enjoyed it, but mainly because it was so sexual. Oh and don't forget Jude Law- he is a total siren. I might even watch Alfie just because he is so yummy. I also watched Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events. It was alright- I think Jim Carrey can be funny in anything though- I mean... look at Me, Myself, and Irene- that blew.

I have got to go because I am going to watch Survivor and eat some meatloaf.

Sunday, May 01, 2005

Sideways Smideways

Oh my God I'm back again-
I was going to come up with a creative lead in to the Katie Holmes and Tom Cruise thing- but I was too sickened to come up with anything. In my mind I hear conversations between them and I think that that is why I am particularly annoyed by the 'romance'. Everytime I start watching Dawson's Creek I get so bothered by her voice- and he is just as bad. Wow- I had a real break through just now. 'Dawson I like you but I love Pacey' and then I hear 'You complete me/Show me the money!' no wonder I am sickened by it.(I couldn't come up with actual dialogue from the show- because I didn't want to)

Anyway--I also saw Sideways a couple weeks ago and I was not impressed. I love Paul Giamotti (sorry about spelling) but I thought this was his least impressive movie. The storyline is something I've seen a lot of in real life, admittedly with new wine information. I have seen it happen tons of time where a guy will have everything going for him but still have that desire to fuck it up by fucking. Anyway, maybe I missed something... but I don't think so.

My friend Dayna had to have a trip to SD a couple weeks ago because of a funeral- and selfish me I was so happy to see her. She came up to Mitchell Monday at 9:30 PM and left at 2:30PM on Tuesday. We went out to the bar at 11:00 PM and got back to my apartment at 6:30 AM -we went to the Brickhouse and ended up going out for a poker game after it closed with the employees. I was dee-runk- and man it sucked- I felt so bad Tuesday. I wish I could have had more time to see her- but I'm saving up my money for Las Vegas!

I 'm going to go- later

Reading got hotter!