Saturday, December 30, 2006

Everything Comes Down to Poo- Scrubs music episode

This is so strange that I stumbled upon this tonight of all nights. But if I wanted to talk about what I do in the bathroom I would be P. Diddy.

It's Turk and JD at their finest- check it out. It almost makes me feel better.

Friday, December 29, 2006

I'm having a really fucked up night

I came home and went into my bedroom where I proceded to fall asleep at about 7:00 PM in front of the TV. I woke up and thought it was morning for about five minutes before I realizied it was 7:50 at night. I got up took out my contacts and went back to sleep till about 8:45. Then I woke up talked to my mom and started watching TV on ABC- it was over all the current hot stuff that is on the internet- YouTube, and other stuff. A story of Perez Hilton was just starting when the official news of Saddam Hussein's death came on. It was just way too weird- then after they announced it they had on about 20 seconds of Perez Hilton again before cutting to more Saddam coverage. I'm still convinced I'm sleeping.

I wasn't ready for his execution- wasn't it going to take years and years? I think I'm just used to the American way of how that goes, I guess. I have that uneasy feeling in my stomach. I can't believe it actually happened. I'm never never going to get to sleep tonight- never.

Happy Holidays and all that jazz

I should be sleeping- but why mess with a routine I already feel comfortable with...

I just got done watching 'Donnie Darko' for the first time. I actually really liked it. Somehow that Jake Gyllenhaal has grown on me. It was one of those movies that I wish I had actually paid more attention to while watching. In fact, I was making bracelets the whole time I was watching it on my computer. I have been a jewelry making crazy person lately. I'm quite proud of myself when I make a really nice one, but I somehow need to sell or give them away because I have so many!

I had a pretty damn good Christmas. I got an RCA MP3 player from Santa- yay! I was and still am totally pumped over it, but I am even more excited when I get to play with my niece's i-pod. I took to using that like a duck to water. It felt natural and right and someday I must have one! Till then I am pretty excited to use my player- I have over 1280 songs in it. I could fill five of those players (okay- maybe only four).

This last weekend I also watched another cult classic that everyone (and by everyone I'm talking about Cameron Diaz in Something About Mary) says is the best romantic comedy 'Harold and Maude'. I'm not saying I didn't enjoy parts of it, but frankly it was just another weird 70's movie. I would put it in the same category as Natural Born Killers, and True Romance- they may have loved each other, but they were fucked up and very unrelatable for me (I could probably put Sid and Nancy in this category too- but I've never seen the movie). I just don't get it- I'm one of those people who knows they are supposed to act like it was hip and wonderful- but I just can't do it. I know when something is funny or meaningful to me- and that was not. P.S. The Cat Stevens songs didn't help endear this movie to me.

I finished Cell a couple of days ago- I would kind of pick it up and read ten or fifteen pages here and there. It started off promising, but then I just lost really interest somewhere along the way. It really just made me want to re-read 'The Stand' again. I am trying to flip through Rejuvenile by Christopher Noxon. It is about the 'Reinvention of the American Grown-up'. In other words it talks about why we are still so childish even after we are supposed to be adults. It is pretty good and interesting talking about the different theories of why our society is never wanting to put away childish things. I've had it for two months and just now am opening it up!

I checked out 'The Constant Gardener' and 'Magnolia' and 'The Stand'(on DVD- I own it on tape), and 'In Good Company'. They were free- I hadn't watched them and I thought what the hell- I just might feel in the mood to tackle Magnolia- which I have mainly only heard bad things about. Anyway- I should be in bed dreaming peacefully about Jeremy Sisto, who I am just loving lately. It's his voice- it's so gravelly, and everytime I see him on Six Feet Under I want to jump on him, take care of him and/or run away from him. I like psychos I guess!?! I know that Six Feet Under is 'old', but I never got to watch it the first time and am enjoying all the episodes on Monday nights. I know how some things turn out- but for the most part I am ready to learn episode to episode.


Thursday, December 28, 2006

Baking Bonaduce from E!'s

Here is the clip from The Soup that I posted about awhile ago. The part that makes me pee my pants is the flavor injector part- it gets me every time I've seen it.

Monday, December 25, 2006

little superstar

here's the original Amy- my only viewer!

Nobody's Watching Little Superstar

I know it's Christmas, but I couldn't not put up this new Nobody's Watching video. If you haven't seen what they are making fun of- then you have never really lived. Merry Christmas!

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Lohan Holiday

This is really so terrible- but it is just too funny to not put on. I wish that the family seemed normal, but unfortunately they are pretty fucked up.

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Sweet sweet PMS

I have been known to cry over Werther's commericals if the mood strikes me. But when I heard this song on the radio, I lost it. I had tears streaking down my face. Plus, everytime I tried/try and talk about it I start bawling. The artist is Jason Michael Carroll and his MySpace page plays the song Alyssa Lies.

The lyrics are on the site as well. Grab some tissues- unless you are my sister who is a cold hearted snake! 'I hope the other two are as well.'- naughty!

Another thing- I went to 'Little Miss Sunshine' on Monday night. It was very good, which I expected. The beauty pagent talent portion was hilarious.

Saturday, December 16, 2006

Yul tide

Yes I'm aware it is spelled Yule tide, but I had to come up with a cutesy way of talking about Survivor. The finale is on Sunday so you know what that means- Panty party!

Oh, whoops I've been watching way too many of the weekly entertainment shows (Best Week Ever, and the hilarious 'The Soup'. If you haven't watched the 'Baking Bonaduce' clip from this week you have to catch it- I started choking from laughter. But seriously, I get to have my traditional party night with my mom. We yell at the TV, it's extremely exciting. My favorite used to be Yul, but lately he is annoying the shit out of me. Tom and Terry, my gray stallions of yester Survivors dominated the game physically and mentally. Yul does alright on challenges, but was a fucking idiot to make his hidden immunity common knowledge. I want Sundra or possibly Ozzy to win. Ozzy is amazing to watch during challenges- he flies over land challenges (sometimes water challenges too!) Sundra I want to win because she seems cool, she's hung in through the challenges- even when she gets the shit beat out of her at them. Plus, I liked her on Sex and the City as the tough girl/chef/sister of the black man that Kim Catrall tried to date.

It should be an exciting time tomorrow- yay Survivor!

That Particular Time

Here is a video a fan had made about Luke and Lorelai with the Alanis Morrisette song accompanying it. It's pretty good- especially for Gilmore Girls fanatics.

Friday, December 15, 2006

Gilmore Girls and other things I once loved...

Yes! I'm going to talk about Gilmore Girls again! I have been reading some other blogs that want to bitch and whine about this years writing and I agree it's not good, but come on!! Season 6 kind of sucked the big one too! One blog had the link to this cartoon about Gilmore Girls it's pretty right on about what is missing from a once beloved show. I'm ready to put it in a shoe box in the back yard now. Maybe if Heroes hadn't been such a success then Gilmore Universe would have been alright? Maybe Milo and Alexis would have stayed together, and they meaning Jess and Rory would have gotten back together. Rory always changes her mind about who she likes anyway! Then again we wouldn't have Heroes... It's sad to exchange one show for another. But anyway...

Work was hectic and crazy- I feel completely overwhelmed with trying to do all the Christmas/Holiday things and I totally feel like I'm struggling to accomplish it all. I just can't believe that Christmas is here. Yes, I'm going to talk about the weather- brace yourself. It's beautiful out, I am going to shit bricks when real winter hits us. I do enjoy going outside with the kids at work, but I'm not looking forward to snow days. If you consider getting one child securely in their snow pants, boots, coat, hat, and mittens a tough task- then take it times 16 and you can envision the lovely situation we face everyday.

I went to the library and got the following movies- The Break-up (even though I had seen it before and wasn't impressed), X-men 3: The Last Stand, Roman Holiday (unwatched for about the fifth time I've checked it out), and now here is where it gets a little goofy- Nanny McPhee, and Garfield- A Tail of Two Kitties. I love my taste in movies- I wonder what a TiVo would suggest for my viewing pleasure??

Anyway- I rewatched The Break-Up (still not the best- but at least the sound wasn't going in and out through the whole thing like it did in the theater I saw it in). The funniest part is of course when Jennifer Aniston's brother (John Michael Higgins) does an impromptu version of Yes' Owner of a Lonely Heart. It is worth watching the movies special features to see an alternate ending. It ends with Higgins character and Justin Long's character performing Rainbow Connection in Cowboy and Indian Maiden outfits- it was priceless!

X-Men was strange and I felt like I should have watched the second one again because I had forgot that Jean had died and I was confused. I might have to re-watch it in the future. I still haven't watched the other three, I'm not sure that I will.

Speaking of things that I check out and never use. I checked out Stephen King's Cell and actually opened it- and I'm terrified already. I have an obsession with his masterpiece 'The Stand' and lately I have been a fan of Dawn of the Dead (the new one). Cell is like a hybrid of both with of course the terrifying (and possible??) outcomes of everyone having a cell phone. Because when people are scared, confused, and needing answers and/or help they just whip out their cell phone (example- 9/11 or when I need to talk to my parents about a celebrity death- R.I.P. Frank Barone). Anyway- I probably shouldn't read anymore, but it's useless I'm hooked.

Good night and Merry Christmas!

Charlie Brown Christmas - Performed by the Cast of Scrubs

My sister told me about this tonight- it is pretty good. If you like Scrubs then you will love this. Merry Christmas!

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Britney Spears - Fantasy commercial

Why the hell is this still being used to promote her perfume? I have seen it more in the last couple weeks than I ever did before. It just seems like a fucked up 'any press is good press' thing to do.

Friday, December 08, 2006

Way too much free time on my hands

I just discovered the most fun way to dick away the long boring holiday season.

Go here and enjoy! It's great I got all the benefits of dressing up Hella for Christmas, but I don't have to actually physically try.

Try the other games on the site- it will have you avoiding any real work for hours at a time.

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Saturday Night Live: Lost Elevator

This skit on SNL 12/2/06 was so funny. "We all have to live by her viewing schedule now!" I just love all the theories that each person thinks make them so original. 'Purgatory.'

I almost forgot!

My sister sent me an e-mail with the following site- it only took me about fifteen times before I could pass the stinkin' thing. I always got stuck with about seven left- but I have been able to finish it the last three times I have done it.

Check out the website

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

I finally saw Saw

Technically I saw both the first and second Saw. I enjoyed them both- the first one the most. I already knew the big scary moments for both movies (damn spoilers!), but there were still some parts that I hadn't heard of. Watching Beverly Mitchell's character die was only slightly enjoyable- mainly because she wasn't quite as annoying as her Lucy character. If she was in the middle of a Seventh Heaven rant then maybe it would have been more enjoyable- but then I would have demanded a more violent death. I'm not sure when or if I will see the third one.
My niece Taylor turned 10 today. Ten years old is a big birthday. I took the day off from work and went up and got Taylor from school for lunch. Then I picked up both the nieces later in the afternoon and got ready for a little family party. It was pretty small-and I burned the pizza but all in all it was fun.
What about Heroes last night? It was pretty intense- I still have to watch it again to make sure I got everything that happened. I think that having all those special powers in one area would be the cause of the huge Peter explosion. Having all those powers suddenly would be dangerous. But I'm probably very wrong- who knows...
Gilmore Girls tonight- Merry Fisticuffs
That was a pretty good episode. Lots of fights- lots of jealousy! I would kick out Logan's teeth if I was Rory. What an asshole he is- I could feel Marty's nervousness. The fight between Luke and Christopher was either scary or funny- I'm not sure which one yet.
I have been watching Nip Tuck sort of this season. It is really messed up and it gets stuck on the stupid Michelle- kidney stealing story. I don't know why I even bother watching it- I just feel dirty afterwards, and not in that fun way.

Sunday, December 03, 2006

Scrubs Music Video -- Guy Love

I know I have put up now three YouTube entries, but I can't stop watching this. I can't wait to see the whole musical episode!

This is classic Mad TV

I was just looking at some stuff and stumbled upon this. Enjoy!

Saturday, December 02, 2006

Nobody's Watching

This is the fucking funniest thing I have watched- those Nobody's Watching boys are cute and funny- what!

Reading got hotter!