Tuesday, November 02, 2004

Election Day

I took the day off from work to vote- mainly I took it off for sanity sake. I have already put my 'two cents' in on how this election turns out- well maybe not for the president but for the local and state ones. Now I am hanging out in- you guessed it- the library computer lab! Thrilling as it is....

I bought Arrested Development Season One- I'm slightly ashamed at my spending habits. It is either eat or shop when I am feeling lonely and bored. Lately I have turned the shopping a lot more. I checked this book out from the library the other day and it is an encyclopedia of Urban Legends. You don't realize how many urban legends there are out there until you read through it. Of course with every fictional story there has to be a little truth to it.

I was in town two days ago for Halloween. The nieces dressed up as Lilo and Stich. The baby was Stich and she looked just like Eeyore- the costume was exactly the same color and had the floppy ears just like him. I dressed up impromptly as a red-necked woman. I colored my neck red- I wore a wife beater covered with a flannel coat, I had a baby on my hip, and I was carrying a Wal-Mart bag.

Speaking of Wal-Mart- a Supercenter opened in Brookings last week-this would have been thrilling news last year. I have been in Sioux Falls for almost a year- I moved in on November 10th last year. I really like living alone- for the next couple of years that would be fine by me to live with just me and Hella.

Work is good- love the kids. One of them told their mom that I was her favorite singer- isn't that a riot (for anyone who has heard me sing). I have been watching Motormouth on VH1 and I die everytime I see it- there are people like me out there!

Anyway now I must go and be lazy in the afternoon in the week- man I miss doing that everyday!

Reading got hotter!