Monday, April 30, 2007

Heroes- String Theory

There is only one phrase that is fitting to describe this week's episode of Heroes

Funky butt lovin'!

Oh my goodness! Was that really less than an hour? I just watched the episode and there were too many things to even deal with.

The things that stick out in my head are:

*So that's the scar future Hiro was talking about- I didn't like it at first, but when Peter started throwing guys around I was kind of in to it.

*Matt Parkman is a complete tool!

*HRG is my favorite non-Hero hero. Of course he was trying to help everybody. My love is too deep for that character...

*I know I should have realized it- but the fact that Nathan was really Sylar shocked me. What shocks me more is that he is going to go see his mother who is played by Audrey from Little Shop of Horrors (aka Ellen Greene). I saw her during the preview for next week and freaked. What is it about Sylar that doesn't let me really be frightened by him though? Maybe because I still remember him from So NoTorious (yes- I watched it- what of it!?)

*I like the bad ass Peter a hell of a lot more than wah-wah Peter. I hope he keeps the edge. (Totally/sort-of off topic- I happened on an episode of GG today- from last season- the last episode with Milo in it. I got a little sad and then I got mad. It was the episode when Rory comes to see a reading that he is in charge of- and misleads Jess into thinking she likes him. Ooo! I'm getting fired up just thinking about it!)

*The only thing that was good about the fact that Sylar was being fake Nathan was that he mentioned it was '...this girl named Candice who allowed me to become president.' and I smiled knowing she died.

I am completely ready for next week's episode! I put in a cute picture of Milo because he's cute, especially with no facial scar. And I don't think that the first picture needs more explanation.

Starburst Little Lad Dance - Berries and Cream

Here's a how to do the berries and cream dance. Why oh why did Starburst think this was an effective sales idea? Don't get me wrong I do enjoy the commericals, but do I think about Starburst- hell no!

Saturday, April 28, 2007

Way to go Taylor!

My niece Taylor (who is absolutely beautiful in this picture!) and her team Platinum Power out of Brookings won first place in the South Dakota Cheer and Dance state finals (I'm not sure of the actual name- go with it!). I'm so proud of her- I didn't go to the finals, but I did get to see her last practice last Sunday. A little known fact, all the girls that I have cared for a lot when they were little have become cheerleaders. Amanda is in college cheerleading, Heidi is in high school and now Taylor. Huh? How did that happen?

Thursday, April 26, 2007

'If We Kissed' (Desmond/Sawyer)

I probably shouldn't post this because it just seems so wrong. If you don't watch Lost religiously (um- I mean regularly you may be confused. Basically someone took clips of Desmond and Sawyer and put them together in the most uncomfortably hilarious way. Enjoy!

Don't tell me what happens- la la la!

I just did something incredible. I went 24 hours without watching the latest episode of Lost- D.O.C. I had class last night and I just didn't get around to watching it. I could have stayed up until almost 2 AM to see it, but since I had to work at 7:45 AM, I wisely decided to go to bed. I just watched the episode.

After watching it my reflections-I did miss Sawyer, however there were exciting parts, especially the appearance of old Patchy (who really thought he died? I mean really- who did?) I admit I usually don't care as much about the Jin/Sun flashbacks, but this one was pretty good. Plus the reveal by parachute Jane Doe was pretty radical. They found the plane and no one survived- crazy. I'm just fresh off watching the article and I haven't perused by any other sites. I hoped and prayed that no one would reveal anything about the episode to me before I could watch it and I was lucky.

Now on to watching Earl, The Office, 30 Rock, and of course Scrubs. Hell- I still haven't watched my recorded episodes of Pussycat Dolls (don't judge me!) and Shear Genius (which is a hell of a lot more exciting than Top Design- that was a snooze fest of a reality show). I am hoping that I can cram in all this viewing and still get a fairly decent night of sleep.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Great site!

I stumbled upon a really great site tonight while looking at a poster out in the hallway while at class.

Autism affects one in 166 people. Since Autism awareness month is going on I thought I would just type a little bit about it. Please check out the following sites:

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Monday, April 23, 2007

My mad ramblings

Soldier: Honor troops like Va. Tech dead - Yahoo! News

I just came upon this article on Yahoo! and it is very true. While all the coverage has been focused on Virginia and the horrific senseless deaths, the other horrific senseless deaths get a brief mention usually as a runner on the bottom of the screen. I think that Americans have gotten so blaise about the daily report of soldier's deaths. It's sad- heartwrenchingly sad that is how things are. I'm not saying as a political thing either- just as a human. I'm guilty of this too and it is something I need to start doing more- focusing more on important things and putting the entertainment news on the back burner.

Okay- I can't segue into the next topic very gracefully. So here it goes....

I just took a much needed bath- and I really mean much needed. I had gone to Hy-Vee (that's a grocery store for those out of the midwest) and I had gotten Dial White Tea soap even though I had plenty of soap at home, and Burt's Bees pore-refining mask. I sunk into the bath and got squeeky clean and put on my mask that comes in a powder form (as close to cooking as I get). My family is a bath family. A lot of people I know hate baths, and they also shower in the morning. My mom made the point one time that sleeping in your bed after a long day with no shower or bath is disgusting- she's right. If I could take a bath at night and a shower in the morning I would be set- of course my skin would be even drier than it is and you have to actually wake up early enough to be able to take a shower. Anyhoo- for no apparent reason I had the following thought run through my mind. How does Sherilyn Fenn feel about having two characters she played on Gilmore Girls be not wanted. I mean she has played two people most recently Anna Nardini, Luke's former girlfriend mother to his daughter April, and back in 2003 she briefly played Jess's stepmother Sasha. I really hope they don't bring her back- no offense. Plus- April really needs to stay in New Mexico- really! I'm ready to say goodbye to GG- I just don't want it to be a lame goodbye. I think she should just meet someone new- or maybe fall madly in love with Kirk and steal him away from Lulu. Okay- I should just watch Heroes and get to bed. Okay- before I do...

Any idiot who goes on IMDb can see it themselves- but Scott Patterson (aka Luke Danes) has starred in in my humble opinion two of the greatest sitcom episodes. He was the guy that Grace got the water boobs for in Will & Grace. And he was the one that Elaine had to determine if he was sponge worthy. He wasn't awww...

Plus Olivia Hack who played Rory's young and geeky freshman roommate, Tana Schrick, was also Cindy in the Brady Bunch movies.

Okay- night

Yay! Amy you got them

1. mermaid, school dance, trophy Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
2. England, snow, lawyer Bridget Jone's Diary
3. batting cage, face slap, lasting friendship When Harry Met Sally
4. time travel, dance scene, New York City 13 Going on 30
5. school play, Christmas, London Love Actually
6. balcony, candle, 1980's Rent
7. sex in elevator, shopping, game show Mallrats
8. running, feather, legless person- Forrest Gump
9. buddy film, pizza, rocket Toy Story
10. end of the world, devil, mute The Stand

Well, finally! I was wondering if you would ever get them all!

I haven't started watching the new Heroes yet- I am pretty excited I guess. I feel so disconnected from the characters though after so much time off. I have to go shopping for groceries for a work potluck tomorrow! woo hoo

Then I get to go to work at 9:15 till 5:30 and then haul ass to Brookings to meet with a group for class. Then I get to stay there for who knows how long- and then come back.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Why is it cute when a baby swears?

If you haven't seen the Will Ferrell comedy short in which he stars with a swearing baby you've got to check it out- it's much cuter than it sounds. My parents wouldn't enjoy it because they hate anything Will Ferrell is in.

I had to take it off it was always playing- it never stopped! You can easily check it out it's called The Landlord.

Monday, April 16, 2007

Get the last four movies

1. mermaid, school dance, trophy (hint- part of a series)
2. England, snow, lawyer Bridget Jone's Diary
3. batting cage, face slap, lasting friendship When Harry Met Sally
4. time travel, dance scene, New York City (hint- it involves a fashion magazine)
5. school play, Christmas, London Love Actually
6. balcony, candle, 1980's (hint- alternative lifestyles)
7. sex in elevator, shopping, game show Mallrats
8. running, feather, legless person- Forrest Gump
9. buddy film, pizza, rocket (hint- stars one of the actors from another movie in this list (one you got right)
10. end of the world, devil, mute The Stand (I wasn't sure if it counted as a movie since it's a TV movie- but I love it!)

Here are the results from Amy -she got six right. Woo hoo!

Why am I still up?

It probably has something to do with sleeping in until an ungodly hour Sunday afternoon (yes I said afternoon- don't judge me dang it!) I have had the weirdest, loneliest weekend that I can remember in recent history. Friday's big events consisted of me watching the movie Speak (It's a Showtime movie based on a young adult book and I liked it) then going to Wal-Mart at 11:00 PM. After I hauled home my unnecessary purchases I started watching Akeelah and the Bee. I was invited by friends to come to their house for the weekend and I should have accepted because I have been cooped up in my apartment all weekend. I feel like I'm practicing on being a shut-in or something- it's a little scary. Anyway- I woke up from a dream/nightmare on Saturday afternoon by my doorbell (a missed package delivery- darn!). I then called up my friend and proceeded to tell her my nightmare (I was still really sleepy- I feel bad now). Hell- I'm going to tell you too!

'In my dream I was in my bathtub (or my parent's - can't remember) and I was looking at my foot and I noticed some sort of odd mark. I thought it was some sort of weird pimple so I tried to pop it and all of a sudden black gunk starts seeping out of it and before I know it a disgusting caterpillar pops out and is in the tub with me. It suddenly grows in size and becomes a massive beast of a caterpillar. The weird thing is it seems to be made of children's craft foam sheets. Whenever I try to grab it, it runs around the bathtub. I finally trap it and it turns into some kind of sheets. With one hand I am holding down the squirming sheets and with the other I find directions for the caterpillar (which I guess I must have bought in egg form for daycare?) and then my dream got messed up because it said that there were 3 of them. I realizied that must mean two more caterpillars to find in my body- Aaaa! I put down the directions and I feel a bump on the back of my shoulder and just as I was popping that one out I woke up to the doorbell. Weird

I of course just looked up the main themes in the dream dictionary


To see a caterpillar in your dream, signifies a stage in your own personal growth and development where you are on your way, but have not yet reached your goal. (Fair enough- I can see that even without the aid of a dream dictionary

The whole popping thing means:
To dream that you are popping your pimples, indicates that negative emotions about need to be expressed and acknowledge. Those emotions that you are holding back are on the verge of erupting.

Since it takes place while I'm in the bathtub:
To see or be in a bathtub in your dream, suggests a need for self-renewal and escape from everyday problems. You need to rid yourself of the burdens that you have been carrying. Alternatively, it indicates your mood for love and pursuit of pleasure and relaxation.

When I lay it out like that- it's completely strange that all three of those were together but they make complete sense. I believe that dreams tell us a lot- I just don't analyze every dream. There is a reason I had this dream though- maybe it is for this unique moment of realization. Huh- I really learned something while I was typing this...

Plus- Shia LeBeouf hosted SNL this weekend and was pretty good. Everytime I see him though I remember when my (ex)friend said she liked this boy on the Disney show Even Stevens- this was in 2003 and he has gone from little boy to very young man- it makes me feel sad and old. I liked the Digital Short they had I'll probably post it. I'm starting to get addicted to Jason Sudekis between SNL and 30 Rock.

Saturday, April 14, 2007

My thoughts on Don Imus

Okay they are not very deep first of all. On work week mornings I usually watch television while I'm running around. I flip through the main channels and go through the big news channels- I have a very unique process that I just do- it's the OCD in me. Occasionally I would put my television on MSNBC during a commercial break and go about my business of grooming and dressing. All of a sudden I would start to fall asleep while standing and I'd look at the TV and suddenly be horrified at the image coming at me. (Sorry about the picture- it's making me a queasy) It was of course the radio 'personality' Don Imus. I did not thankfully grow up ever being aware of this guy and quite frankly have never sat and watched his show on purpose. In fact, I would rather watch CSPAN instead of him. When I first heard that Imus was making news with what he said on a broadcast my thoughts were 'somebody listened to him?' After hearing it repeated numerous times this week I am disgusted at it, but I am more disgusted that he would actually have a fan base at all. I mean there is truth to the saying 'He has a face for radio.' But Imus didn't/doesn't even have the voice for radio. Okay- I really don't know why I did this entry- but I for one am happy to be free of the fear of accidentally falling asleep while getting ready for work.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

A mean comment (me venting)

I have been wanting to say something about this for the longest time and I have totally avoided it because it's mean to say, but man I have to. I don't know if a lot of people have been watching Top Design, but the finale was tonight and it was Matt and Carisa as the last two contestants. I just have to say how bad I feel for that Matt guy's beard of a wife. I feel more sad for their daughter. I mean come on- he is gay- there is no other explanation. If he really isn't it makes me feel even more disturbed. I have encountered a lot of similiar situations in real life and I have not felt as strongly as this situation. I am not saying that there is anything wrong about being gay- in fact it's the complete opposite. I just had to vent- because it just creeps me out! I still haven't seen Shear Genius- but thank god it will have gay guys being honestly gay. It's like how you feel about LeAnn Rimes husband, Amy.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

A cute little game

Alright people have probably been doing this for awhile- but it's new to me. Steps for game are 1. Go to IMDb and type in 10 of your favorite movies (one at a time of course!) 2. find 3 plot keywords and 3. see if friends can guess your movies

Here it goes

1. mermaid, school dance, trophy
2. England, snow, lawyer
3. batting cage, face slap, lasting friendship
4. time travel, dance scene, New York City
5. school play, Christmas, London
6. balcony, candle, 1980's
7. sex in elevator, shopping, game show
8. running, feather, legless person
9. buddy film, pizza, rocket
10. end of the world, devil, mute

I probably made it too easy- I dare you Amy or anyone else to guess (ah- who am I kidding it will just be Amy maybe Nate). Enter in comments.

How I Met Your Mother -- The Wrong Bachelorette Party Gift

Last night's episode of HIMYM was really good. They don't show the part when the gift gets opened it was pretty good. I am just amazed that censors let them say a lot of the things they said.

Monday, April 09, 2007

Probably ancient news

I was just looking around and I found out that the second National Treasure movie is filming some scenes at Mount Rushmore. The Hill City high school generally has their prom there and it got moved because of it. I very rarely watch Keloland at night time so I'm sure it's old news- but oh well. Here is a link about it Nicholas Cage in the Hills

Now everybody is going to want to have a Treasure Hunters game to play on the way to Mount Rushmore- Amy you should try to sell kits of it at the Arts Festival!

I taped the Little People, Big World and about to watch it- it is about the littlest child getting hit with the pumpkin trebuchet- I'm going to probably cry and cry.

Jesus arose and my MP3 player has fallen

Dang it I am so depressed today. I went up to Brookings last night and was listening and grooving to my player through my car radio. I pulled in the driveway and turned the power off and went into the house. I was talking to my parents and then we got ready to go to sleep. I turned off the TV and was going to listen to some music through the stereo in my parents living room. I pushed the power button and instead of going to the menu it did pretty much nothing for around 40 seconds and then the following message pops up 'File system corrupted!' I shrugged it off and tried again- and after trying it an additional 30 times now I am convinced finally that it won't suddenly heal itself. I was just starting to love the damn thing truly!! I had accepted that it wasn't an iPod and I was fine with that, mainly because I had purchased music through and it worked in my player. I feel like I lost a little piece of me- not a major part, but definitely a piece I wouldn't mind keeping. I have looked on the RCA site to see if I could find anything to help my situation. I am going to have to have someone with more insight help me- because I still haven't figured it out. Aaaaaaaaaaa!

I went to Blades of Glory. It was pretty funny at times- I'm not going to deny that I laughed, because I did. I just wish that the original movie (The Cutting Edge) got some credit- I mean come on they even did the same routine at the end! Will Arnet and Amy Poehler are such a wacky cute couple. The funny part about going to the movie is that I took my 10 year old niece to it. I got her parents approval beforehand since they had gone to it. I found myself covering her eyes a couple of times. For the most part things went over her head.

Well anyway-- maybe if I pray really really hard my MP3 player will be fixed. I'll try!

Monday, April 02, 2007

Bawling like a baby

I just got done watching the final episode of Six Feet Under and bawled like crazy. I just lost it during the last couple of minutes when they were showing how and when the main characters died. The thing that made me the most depressed was the fact that Claire only married the Ted guy when she was in her 40s or later. It just reminded me of when I was bemoaning the fact that I'm never going to get married and a stranger chimes in that she knows someone who is 50 and just fell in love. I don't want to wait until I'm in my later life. I would like the option of having a child, thank you! I don't know why I watched it now I'm all depressed. I think it was supposed to make you feel better by showing that they all (for the most part) lived long lives. This is why I should not watch any new shows- I get too emotionally invested. Now I am thinking about my own family and death- it's a whole vicious cycle.

I should erase all of that sadness with mocking stupid rich white girls. I am currently taping the Hills finale afterparty so I need to watch the show and then yell at the screen at the vapidness that is MTV reality. I'm secretly addicted to it- not so much Laguna Beach- just The Hills? Anyway- I really should get ready for bed- night

Alanis Morissette

I know that I check out Perez Hilton for a reason. Here is a Alanis Morissetted version of The Black Eyed Peas My Humps. The video is just hilarious. She must have just got all her guy friends to surround her. The lyrics are just terrible, which you know, but when you hear it this way it is just so very clear. Is one of the guys that guy from Felicity? The gay boss at the coffee shop? Anyway- enjoy

I wish I had a big ass TV

I am watching the show Planet Earth on the Discovery Channel- my sister asked if I could record the series for her so I did- I'm glad she asked me to because it is really cool. I had seen it advertised but I really hadn't any intention of watching it. The images it recorded are just amazing and that is why I wish I had a big TV. It's the Deserts episode.

I went up to Brookings on Saturday afternoon and hung out with the nieces. We went to Wal-Mart and got some things and then came back and I boiled my first batch of eggs- ever. It's kind of sad to admit that I had never been the one to do it and I'm 28. I even tested one later and it was just perfect- the yolk didn't have the greenish coat that you try to avoid by immediately putting in cold water- I was beyond proud of myself. Today hard boiled eggs, tomorrow the world! Anyway, after that Taylor and I decorated eggs with a tie-dye kit while Samantha slept. When she woke up we did the traditional dyeing of eggs and had supper. We also made some bunny baskets with milk cartons. They are really cute. I was thinking about bringing both of them to an early showing of the new Pixar movie 'Meet the Robinsons', but the 5 showing was too early because Samantha was just getting up from nap and then the 7 show was too early because we were eating, so I asked if the 9 showing was a parent possibility. I was given permission and we went- but I was really hesitant because I had heard the younger niece was kind of a twerp the last time she went to a theater. I almost think it was the perfect time- it was pretty empty and she did awesome. If there had been someone in front of us I think she may have had a harder time. I think that I have only taken her to 2 movies in an actual theater- both Pixar- but I'm not sure. I sent Taylor out to get the treats after we got seated and I stayed with Sam. I was hoping that Taylor would take two trips but she did it in one! She carried in her 10 year old arms- one medium popcorn, a box of popcorn, a kiddie drink, and two (count em) two medium pops! I was so surprised! She sits down and I ask- 'Did you get the straws?' and she said 'Oh man!' Then when I got back she told me that they didn't have the Hi-C punch, so she got her Mello Yello. Samantha only had about 10 sips, but taking her out of the theater was like taking out a drunk baby. She was laughing and just acting completely silly. It was a really good day spending time with them. I feel like I don't get to see them enough and it is always rushed time. It didn't feel that way on Saturday. By the way- the movie was pretty good. An animated Back to the Future Part II, pretty much. Anything by Pixar is good.

My mom came up on Thursday night and we went to Dreamgirls. I enjoyed it- yet at the same time I wasn't taken to a different world. That's what I like about musicals (hell movies), you believe the world they make for you. You buy what the actress is supposed to be selling you- someone else's life. I just kept thinking about how pretty Beyonce is and what a tool Jamie Foxx is, and I'm not sure what else.... basically what dresses were the prettiest? I wouldn't turn my nose up and seeing it again- but would I buy it- not sure.

Something I was digging was this last weeks episode of Lost- it was titled Exposé ( I figured out ohow to type it Alt 130 éé- thank goodness- that was driving me crazy trying to figure that out. It was a great episode in my mind. Kind of a throwback to Tales from the Darkside or The Twilight Zone or something like that- it's more terrifying when you think back on the whole time they both knew they were going to be buried. Ahhh! It was a harmless fun episode and it tied up the loose ends that was Nikki and Paulo.

Anyway I should be sleeping- night

Sunday, April 01, 2007

Fergie - Fergalicious Parody

I don't see much of a difference between this Fergie from the real one. The most disturbing images- I just don't understand how she can be popular. I love the back up dancers they crack me up.

Reading got hotter!