Saturday, November 29, 2008

Still kicking!

I am still alive. And on my way to healthy after a 3+ hours morning/afternoon at the Acute care. My first time going to it- hopefully never again! I was diagnosed as having pneumonia. I had to get my blood drawn which was an awesome experience. My veins refuse to be revealed so they couldn't do it on my arm *but they tried! Then they were going to try on my hand- but didn't even attempt it because no go! So what did they do?? They poked my finger and squeezed some blood out- but had trouble with that too. My blood refuses to leave my body!! Then they had me do a nebulizer treatment (Albuterol), and a chest X-ray! Oh what fun! Now I am on Avelox (an antibiotic) and Proventil HFA (a inhalation). I feel good that I went in- because I know that I would have felt good for most of the day and then been hit like a ton of bricks tonight. I left a kind of will on my computer last night- in case I forgot to breath last night. I may stay home tonight or go up to Brookings? Eh- I will probably just stay in Sioux Falls and try to feel like a person tonight. Just thought I would remark since my last post.

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