Friday, November 28, 2008

This is a bitch about my life post

I'm sick. I have been sick for a whole week now. I had the opportunity to call and set up an appointment today at my clinic- but I decided that I was on the mend. What horseshit! I feel horrible! Not only am I sick, but I'm alone. I'm always alone. I am going to die alone. Maybe even tonight--- okay- I take that back. I most likely have pneumonia (the actual or walking- what's the big difference!?- you still feel like shit either way). When I get horribly sick- I just need to cry. It makes me feel better. Anyway- here I return to blogging. I just want to feel good again- I feel like I am going to pop out my eye from coughing so hard. That or have an aneurysm pop in my head. I just feel like crap.

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