Saturday, December 25, 2004

Christmas burnout

Well- the presents have been opened- and the news flash for my family is we buy too much. I got my digital camera, a loading dock, and a printer for it. I was pretty happy. Everybody liked my gifts which was the more important thing. I found a pillow Hulk Hogan at Goodwill in really good condition and I thought about my brother instantly- so I got it and washed it and put it in with his present- and his face totally lit up. Also my mom loves loves 'A Christmas Story' so I found t-shirts of it and got her one- she's still wearing it. Taylor of course was spoiled and got way too much. Samantha really didn't know what was going on- but she loved the saxophone playing Grover I got her. My dad had bought new phones for upstairs as a house gift- and my sister had also bought them new ones. But all in all it was a really good night- I didn't even mind driving around aimlessly looking at lights this year. We laughed and had a good time. Now I am going to have a Christmas meal with mom, dad, and my brother. After that I am going to head back to Sioux Falls and straighten up my apartment- I left it in total shambles.

Friday, December 24, 2004

A Christmas miracle

Besides the birth of Jesus- my Christmas present is the biggest miracle ever. My dad finally fixed the computer so I don't have to suffer the library computer lab horror every other weekend. The only thing that would be better is having my own- but beggers can't be choosers. So I am sure that I will be typing all night after the Christmas Eve festivities. My niece is sitting beside me reading every word I type- it is getting really really really very very very very mucho mucho mucho annoying. She just hit me! Ow! She really can pack a punch. Stop it!

Anyway- I will most likely be back 'blogging' later- really blog is such a ugly word.

Merry Christmas Eve!
Love Sarah and Taylor

Sunday, December 19, 2004

Merry Christmas

And a Happy New Year

This is my last post until next year- I am in Brookings for the afternoon because I returned my niece after our sleepover this weekend. We did a lot of fun things and I am exhausted. We hit Chuck E. Cheese, Falls Park (in below freezing weather), tons of shopping, crafts, movie watching, eating out, and just hanging out. It is always fun- but that kid can wear on a person- so demanding. She never wants to just play by herself. When I was little I used to stay in my room all the time- combing Barbie doll hair and picking out the outfits, or playing house. Anyway I am almost done with shopping- and frankly I can't wait for Friday when I get a digital camera from Old Saint Nick. Yay!

A lot of exciting finales for the reality whelm- Survivor and America's Next Top Model- I was pretty happy about both of them. Now I have exactly...what.... three weeks before they release the next series in those shows.... well I better get a life before then.

My friend Jamie sent me an e-mail about growing up in the 80s and 90s- it captures that elusive time and all the fads pretty well.

You Know You Grew Up InThe 80's or Early 90's If: You've ever ended a sentence with the word"SIKE
1. You watched the Pound PuppiesYou can sing the rap to the "FreshPrince of Belair" ..and >>can do "Carlton".
2. Girls wore biker shorts under their skirts and felt stylishly sexy
3. You yearned to be a member of the Baby-sitters club and tried tostart a club of your own
4. You owned those lil' Strawberry Shortcake pals scented dolls.
5. You know that "WOAH " comes from Joey on Blossom.
6. Two words: Hammer PANTS
7. If you ever watched "Fraggle Rock"
8. You had plastic streamers on your handle bars... and "spokey-dokes"Or playing cards on your spokes for that incredible sound effect.
9. You can sing the entire theme song to "DuckTales " (Woo ooh!) It wasactually worth getting up early on a Saturday to watch cartoons.
10. You wore a ponytail on the side of your head.
11. You saw the original "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles " on the bigscreen...and still know the turtles names.
12. You got super-excited when it was Oregon Trail day in computer classat school
13. You made your mom buy one of those clips that would hold your shirtin a knot on the side.
14. You played the game "MASH " (Mansion, Apartment,Shelter,House)
15. You wore stonewashed Jordache jean jackets and were proud of it.
16. L.A. Gear....need I say more?
17. You wanted to change your name to "JEM " in Kindergarten.
18. You remember reading "Tales of a fourth grade nothing " and all theRamona books.
19. You know the profound meaning of "WAX ON, WAX OFF"
20. You wanted to be a Goonie.
21. You ever wore fluorescent clothing. (some of us... Head-to-toe)
22. You can remember what Michael Jackson looked like before his nosefell off and his cheeks shifted.
23. You have ever pondered why Smurfette was the only female smurf.
24. You took lunch boxes to school... and traded Garbage Pail Kids inthe schoolyard.
25. You remember the CRAZE, then the BANNING of slap bracelets.
26. You still get the urge to say "NOT " after every sentence.
27. You remember Hypercolor t-shirts.
28. Barbie and the Rockers was your favorite band.
29. You thought She-ra (Princess of Power!) and He-Man should hook up.
30. You thought your childhood friends would never leave Because youexchanged handmade friendship bracelets.
31. You ever owned a pair of Jelly-Shoes. (and like #24, probably inneon colors, too)
32. After you saw Pee-Wee's Big Adventure you kept saying "I know youare, but what am I?"
33. You remember "I've fallen and I can't get up"
34. You remember going to the skating rink before there were inlineskates.
35. You ever got seriously injured on a Slip and Slide.
36. You have ever played with a Skip-It.
37. You had or attended a birthday party at McDonalds
38. You've gone through this nodding your head in agreement.
39. You remember "Popples".
40. "Don't worry, be happy"
41. You wore like, EIGHT pairs of socks over tights with high topReeboks
42. You wore socks scrunched down (and sometimes still do...gettingyelled at by "younger hip" members of the family)
43. You remember boom boxes.. and walking around with one on yourshoulder like you were all that. You remember watching both "Gremlins "movies.
44. You know what it meant to say "Care Bear Stare!!"
45. You remember watching "Rainbow Bright" and "My Little Pony Tales"
46. You thought Doogie Howser/Samantha Micelli was hot.
47. You remember Alf, the lil furry brown alien from Melmac.
48. You remember New Kids on the Block when they were cool... and don'teven flinch when people refer to them as "NKOTB".
49. You knew all the characters names and their life stories on"Saved By The Bell
50. You know all the words to Bon Jovi - SHOT THROUGH THE HEARTYou just sang those words to yourself
51. You remember watching Magic vs. Bird.
5 2 . Homemade Levi shorts.. (the shorter the better
53 . You remember when mullets were cool! You had a mullet!
54. You still sing "We are the World"
55. You tight rolled your jeans.
56. You owned a bannana clip
57. You remember "Where's the Beef?"
58. You used to (and probably still do) say "What you talkin' aboutWillis?"
59. You had big hair and you knew how to use it.
60. You're still singing shot through the heart in your head aren'tyou!!!

I especially like the mullet comment and the Oregon Trail one- Merry Christmas!

Sunday, December 12, 2004


I went to my Christmas party for work last night- and I got deeee-runk. Made a bit of a fool of myself with every word I uttered- but that is all it was just words. After the party ended at 10:00 (?) I went to Longshots which was just down the block from the Riverwalk Cafe. I sat there and called up everyone I knew and then I went to the bar and before I knew it two girls came up and started talking to me- then I went to sit at a table with them and their friends. And then I asked them about Allen- what a fool. It's a small world after all- they knew him and one was even a roommate. So anyway- they were really cool people laid back and friendly- or was it just because I was drunk and they were humoring me?? Anyway- I sobered up and got back home- and I feel just fine today. I probably drank about 9 beers-give or take one.

I bought the second season of Gilmore Girls on DVD- I think that I am addicted to them. I came up to watch Survivor finale with my mom- yes that is how sad my life is. The nieces are over and I think that Samantha is finally starting to warm up to me. Unfortunately I am at the library- again.

Oh yeah- Gilbert the title above is my new Christmas ornament- he is a collapsable snowman. One of those almost marionette things but controlled underneath- there has to be an actual name for them- anyway he was a blast when you have a couple of drinks in you. So I'm going to go now- before I get kicked out

Sleepover next week in Sioux Falls with my niece! We always have too much fun.

Sunday, December 05, 2004

I hate this computer lab

I may never get my own computer and I will forever have to use a computer at the library. That is why I am not making entries as much. Anyway- today is my niece's 8th birthday. I can't believe it- I won't accept it- not my baby! I'm dealing with it though. Christmas is coming so fast and furious and I have no money in my account- gotta love this time of year! Just thought I would type a little something for old times sake. Gonna run though....

Tuesday, November 02, 2004

Election Day

I took the day off from work to vote- mainly I took it off for sanity sake. I have already put my 'two cents' in on how this election turns out- well maybe not for the president but for the local and state ones. Now I am hanging out in- you guessed it- the library computer lab! Thrilling as it is....

I bought Arrested Development Season One- I'm slightly ashamed at my spending habits. It is either eat or shop when I am feeling lonely and bored. Lately I have turned the shopping a lot more. I checked this book out from the library the other day and it is an encyclopedia of Urban Legends. You don't realize how many urban legends there are out there until you read through it. Of course with every fictional story there has to be a little truth to it.

I was in town two days ago for Halloween. The nieces dressed up as Lilo and Stich. The baby was Stich and she looked just like Eeyore- the costume was exactly the same color and had the floppy ears just like him. I dressed up impromptly as a red-necked woman. I colored my neck red- I wore a wife beater covered with a flannel coat, I had a baby on my hip, and I was carrying a Wal-Mart bag.

Speaking of Wal-Mart- a Supercenter opened in Brookings last week-this would have been thrilling news last year. I have been in Sioux Falls for almost a year- I moved in on November 10th last year. I really like living alone- for the next couple of years that would be fine by me to live with just me and Hella.

Work is good- love the kids. One of them told their mom that I was her favorite singer- isn't that a riot (for anyone who has heard me sing). I have been watching Motormouth on VH1 and I die everytime I see it- there are people like me out there!

Anyway now I must go and be lazy in the afternoon in the week- man I miss doing that everyday!

Sunday, October 17, 2004

Another fun filled Sunday in a library computer lab

I'm here at the library again- I don't even know why I'm in Brookings. That's a lie I know why- to sponge off my parents for weekend of free laundry facilities. And they have just bought nice new appliances. I am planning on going to Team America today. Not sure if that will happen or not but I will eventually see it- it is just my kind of comedy. It is not directed at one group it is directed at every group. Anyway- I have Election Day off from work- so I am sure that I will update my blog then. Till then it is Thrift shops I will go.... Take care

Sunday, October 10, 2004

It's a shitty life

Well just when you think life can't get any worse- it does. I was up in Brookings this weekend to celebrate my niece's first birthday and see the family. I then decided to go out by myself for a little at the bars. I ended up going to Cubby's with my parents for supper and then I left to go to Skinner's for a drink and as soon as I go to the bar I see Vickie. So I went up and said hello- and she starts talking about my hair and did I know she was moving up to Sioux Falls in a couple of weeks. I'm sure I just looked at her with a blank expression for a while. And then I started up the topic that she stopped talking to me about 7 months ago. Well- she had her reasons which if you really valued a person- could have been talked out. Anyway I think I am handling it well- I told her everything I needed to in a calm manner. It just sucks though.

Anyway- not much has happened since I last made an entry. Life moves rapidly and is filled with busy work. Gilmore Girls is alright so far this year and yeah- I'm all talked out at the moment.

Saturday, September 18, 2004

Damn F-ing computer

My computer (aka my parents') has officially died. I have revived it in the last couple of months about five times- when I thought it was really dead. But this time it is officially dead. Now I am in a computer lab in the library- and my stomach just made a strange sound that other people probably thought was gas. My life can't get too much worse than the last couple of weeks. I lost my contact and had to wear my glasses for about two weeks while waiting for them to finally make their way to me. Then I was thrown up on by a little girl at work- completely covered. Then my car needed to go in for repairs and it cost $300. Yeah, life is great.

I need to get my own computer.

I went out and bought both Kill Bills and I also bought In the Cut after I watched it last week. Mark Ruffalo is beyond yummy- I don't know what it is about Boston accents that drives me wild- but he has the best one.

Life in SF is going fine- just lonely still. Anyway I might not do much blogging since I don't have easy access to a computer anymore.


Thursday, August 26, 2004

Confused mind

I am waiting to hear from Vickie about getting some of her things I have. She won't call me- because she is a coward. She is probably having an affair with a married man so she can't face me. It is just a CD and some pictures of her and her friends- barely any of 'my' friends- so therefore she is getting them. I have done all I can to try to reach out and be her friend- so basically I am trying to get rid of her shit I don't want anymore. It is pretty similiar to a 'break-up of a relationship. I just think that she is being the worst kind of bitch these days, and even if we were to become friends again- I could never fully trust her. You know that guys will break your heart- but when your friend does, the hurt is much deeper.

Enough of that shit- I am up because I am sort of sick and I took a sick day. I am not coming up to Brookings this weekend because I have plans with Rebekah.

I went to Anchorman the other night- it was funny but I probably wouldn't buy it. I also went to the Drive-in with my niece last weekend- we saw Princess Diaries 2 and then I stayed for The Village. I was a lot disappointed with both to be honest- the first one wasn't a big surprise- but I expected to like the Village more- but I am still contemplating the 'twist' and how the 'elders' made the community??? Still don't understand it completely- I mean I do but I don't...

A new show I love, love, love is Totally Obsessed on vh1. It is great- ya'll should check it out. I remember when VH1 sucked- they should do an reflection on that- since they have run out of decades.

Oh I have another comment- John Kerry looks like a cross between Herman Munster and a donkey. Me no likey- then again- me not really likey Bush either. Oh which one will I vote for?......

Friday, August 13, 2004

Dancing with myself

No it isn't only a song about masturbation- it describes me at Rebekah's wedding dance. I had a good time- it was a fun day- and I was determined to have a great time. I stayed up till 2- not out very late- but MN bars have last call at 12:45 AM. It feels like it was such a long time ago- but it was only a last week. Work keeps me occupied during the week. I am up to do free laundry and to sponge off my parents for a while.

I went to 'The Terminal' last weekend when I got back- and in fact I was so 'impressed' with the movie that I had to have my mother remind me just now what movie I had gone to. I like Tom Hanks but not enough to sit through that movie again. I bought some movies- Starsky and Hutch, 13 Going on 30, Reality Bites, and American (oh shit what is the last part- the one that is the comic of the guy Harvey Pekar- fuck!) is it Gothic? Anyway I like those movies so I got them. Who knows maybe I will talk more- RIP Rick James

Thursday, August 05, 2004

I'm going to die alone

Hello and greetings from Minnesota!

I spent all day helping prepare the church for the wedding that takes place tomorrow. I have been running around so far like a chicken with it's head chopped off. Oh yeah and I think that Jamie's married brothers are really attractive. What is wrong with me? I am having a grand old time with Marilee (Rebekah's maid of honor) and we are bonding over being single and having a fun time- so hopefully the wedding will be a lot of fun tomorrow. Most likely won't type any more this weekend in Minnesota- but maybe up in Brookings if I go on the weekend.

Wednesday, August 04, 2004

Marriage and crazy family fights

I'm at Rebekah's to help with the wedding plans and decorating. The wedding is on Friday and we are going to have a busy couple of days. I'm going to be running around like a crazy person. But it will be a fun time for all. Right now there is drama going on with her and her sister. I know how that goes- I have an older sister too. I am here to calm her down and get her to the church- I hope I can do it.

Work is great and especially now since I don't have to be there tomorrow or the next day! If I don't have another opportunity to say anything tomorrow 'Happy Wedding Day Rebekah and Jamie'

Oh yeah and I went to Troy on Monday and had Mr. and Mrs. Can't Whisper or Shut up behind me. It was torturous- the husband was displaying his knowledge of the story of Helen of Troy and would talk to his wife all the time. Yaaaaaaayyyyy!

Saturday, July 31, 2004

OKLAHOMA- or something like it

Hey- I had to get my new license so I just decided to come up to Brookings after I worked the early morning at work. I have it and damn I'm getting old. Anyway then I just intended to do laundry and go to sleep and wake up and go home on Saturday. But my sister had told my parents that she got tickets to Oklahoma performed by PRT for the next night. I wasn't too happy about it but it turns out it was for Friday night instead. So we got ready and went- and it was pretty damn bad. Sorry to anyone who may see this that is in the play. I liked very few characters- and the ones I did were doing a good job of mimicking the actors in the movie. Curly and Jud were a joke- and Ado Annie my favorite usually wasn't too wonderful (talk about vibrato). Will Parker and the Peddler man and Aunt Eller were good. Good God I am such a geek. But there was this little guy- must have been 4 feet something- who was so funny I couldn't stop laughing. Basically the entertainment was my sister and myself tearing it apart. My niece enjoyed it I think.

My sleepover went well last weekend- we did too many things in one day- but oh well. The wedding is next week- and man I'm not ready for it. I need to go and buy a dress or something. I have a spending problem- I'm making dimes and spending dollars. I bought three new CDs recently- don't laugh- the first was Ashlee Simpson's Autobiography- I said don't laugh! I then bought the new Now and Terri Clark's Greatest Hits album.

Life in Sioux Falls is going good- still lonely- and I think that I hole myself up in my apartment way too much- but it is still good. I enjoy my job at the end of the day and that is something I am grateful about. I'm not holding my breath about Vickie calling me and certainly not about other people I thought were significant that disappeared from my life.

So anyway- I'm pretty happy for the most part- peace out

Sunday, July 18, 2004

Things are smoothed out now

I was very upset last night- I just hate being an adult babysitter.  I didn't know how or what I was going to say to Rebekah when she came over but somehow it worked out.  I gave her the money and we talked for about 45 minutes.  She has a lot of thinking to do. 
I also saw Vickie when we were out last night- and she is just not a very nice person.  People have problems with a friend then they tell them- they don't just ignore them and withdraw from their life- not after 22 years of friendship- then I guess that means that I never had a true friend to begin with. 
I'm going to have a sleepover weekend with my niece this next weekend!  Who knows where we will go and what we will do- at least I know that she won't go crazy on me- haha.  My birthday is on Tuesday- July 20th.  I am going to be 26!  I also found out last night that my driver's license is going to expire- damn it!
I recently rented '13 Conversations About One Thing', 'Bad Santa', and 'Mystic River'.  I watched the first two- and they were 'ehhh'.  I was expecting Bad Santa to be better- mainly because it co-stars Gilmore Girls' star Lauren Graham.  Unforunately I didn't like her in it.  I am going to watch Mystic River tonight when I get back home.

Bacherolette party from hell!

I had the party for my friend Rebekah tonight- it went fine until the bride to be went crazy.  I mean throwing her wedding ring in the street, wanting to go off with boys crazy.  I am pretty pissed off about it- because I spent a lot of money on her to this point and I am poor and most importantly I have gotten to know and like her fiance.  I was supposed to be her babysitter and I was- I laid down the law and she went crazy- basically acting like one of my three or four year olds.  Right now I have the money earned from her suck for a buck thing- and I might keep it- I am not going to give it to someone so selfish.  If you don't want to get married then don't say yes.  Period- end of sentence.  I mean a cop pulled up and talked to us for the love of god.  I was so embarassed.
There was another person who I had to babysit tonight- an actual married woman was acting retarded- grinding on a guy and she was going to invite him to her house!!!  What the fuck!  I just don't understand people.  So who do I call for help- my mommy.  Damn right- I wanted to shame Rebekah into getting in the car and going home.  When my mother comes they both act like nothing is wrong- it just blows my mind- why are people so fake.  I tell my mom everything so basically she will know everything that happened.   But I am tired and spent and I just want to go to bed.

Sunday, July 04, 2004

Happy 4th of July

Taylor is being shy- I asked her to type some words and she doesn't want to. She did however type the title. We are just being lazy after watching the parade honoring 4th of July and Brooking's 125th Anniversary. It was alright, a little boring but Taylor had fun and received a lot of candy and political stickers. I came up yesterday and went swimming with Taylor - it was really fun and not crowded. She is really good at jumping off the low dive. She is now helping me write this glowing description of her swimming skills. We had a slight delay to our swimming day because of lightining so we had to wait an hour. After we were done at the pool- much to early for Taylor's wants- we walked over to McDonald's and had a meal with a fudge sundae for dessert.

For other news not pertaining to my niece- I went to Spiderman 2 and Dodgeball at the drive-in theater with my brother. He came up on Friday night and then we went to the movies and it lasted until 2 AM! I didn't feel to strange about going to a drive-in movie with my brother until the people in the car next to us told us not to have any children- because their children were being unruly. So then I felt 'ewww' for a little bit.

Last week I went to Mean Girls on Sunday night after I got back from Rebekah's shower. I decided to call my friend (???) Vickie that night and was talked to briefly with the promise that she would call back- and since I knew she wouldn't I decided to get out of the house rather than look at the phone. And sure enough she hadn't called and that was at 7:30 on Sunday- and I have received to phone call back- not even an attempted phone call because my phone has been on the whole week- (yikes)

Had a little summer supper and it was delicious. Did some fireworks and almost set the little one Samantha on fire- alright not even close but it was a little iffy. We are going to go and watch the fireworks and then I am going to leave to head home. I was so bummed because when I got here last night I was told that the computer was not working and after trying many times to find out the problem I gave up. Well, I came down this afternoon for one last useless attempt to make it run and I plugged it in and it worked- I feel like a miracle worker.

I also rented the last two Lord of the Rings and I have watched the second one so far- I just need to finish it. I watched the first one with my brother and we both dumped on it so bad that I was hesitant to rent them but I actually enjoyed the second one- and hopefully the end will be great.

Work is good- I get a little sick of the kids every once and a while so that the only thing keeping me calm is the knowledge that I don't have to go home to any children. For the most part it is the parents that make my job shitty- parents are stupid- no nice way to say it- the things they let their children do and how they teach them to act is sickening.

I am coming up next weekend for the Arts Festival I think- probably only on the day that my niece performs her gymnastics routine.

Sunday, June 27, 2004


I'm in Fairmont again with my friend Rebekah- tomorrow is her wedding shower at the church and she will be opening up a lot of presents- yay! We had a nice night out on the town with Rebekah, her fiance, and his mother- it was a lot of fun- and very relaxing conversation. I am slightly intoxicated and Rebekah is painting her nails (both hands and and feet).

I went to 13 Going on 30 and it was exactly what I thought it would be- a female version of Big- but yet different. So yeah I'm going to go- we were just having a deep conversation about violence in film and our and the public's reaction to it.

Saturday, June 19, 2004

On the road again

Being home for roughly 23 hours is enough- I just wish that I had a computer or enough money to buy one- because it seems that lately that is my main reason for coming home. I should mention that every time I go on and check out my mail and other things I am always disappointed- I seem to be waiting for something, but I really don't know what. That is pretty much my state lately. It reminds me of my childhood routine of playing Barbies- I would comb and style their hair, pick out their outfits, plan what they were going to do, build their environment, and then when it came to playing with the Barbies I was usually done. It seems that my life is all preparation and no playing. I have make-up and some clothes, and various other 'essentials', I have so much in my life but it is all above the surface- I don't have any close friends anymore or any signs of a love life, the main person who I receive phone calls from is my mother- and I live with a cat!

Wow! Didn't think I would be so honest with myself- because face it that is the only person who reads this- me! I think I might make today a pity party- I'm already off to a good start.

Have a good week

Friday, June 18, 2004

Dos- cheap Mexican beer

I am in town for Larson Manufacturing's Anniversary- like it's 50th or something not quite sure which it is- anyway older than I am. I got done with work at 4 today- so I packed up and headed out to Brookings to enjoy the night with my niece and my parents. It was fun- Taylor had a blast at the Tonic Solfa concert. She was dancing and conga-ing her little seven year-old heart out. The fireworks were nice too.
I plan on going home to SF tomorrow afternoon- but it was nice coming up for a little bit on Friday.

I went to Harry Potter and it was excellent- probably the best movie so far. It was a complicated storyline but the director captured it perfectly. I also went to Kill Bill Vl.2 on Wednesday at the cheap theater. It gave me closure on the story line at least- and though I hate to admit it- I liked both of the Kill Bills. I do plan on going to 13 Going on 30 on Sunday- to the earliest matinee- I'll be the slightly disheveled woman with a rose in her lapel. Or not....

This night watching Tonic Solfa and the fireworks reminded me of my childhood- mainly because I remember doing the same thing about 15 years ago- shaking it to the crazy music and then laying in the grass and watching fireworks. I'm also feeling emotional because Taylor is getting so old- and before I know it she will be a teenager! Yikes!

News of a second beheading in the middle east is sickening- but then again all the news of the middle east is sickening. But I am tired and old- and ready for bed at 11:45- so I am going to go...

Sunday, June 13, 2004

Azkaban, here I come!

Hey everyone (aka myself)
I am up this weekend after last week's peaceful weekend at home(in SF). I deceided I needed a little more chaos in my life so I came home- where I am always guaranteed to be treated like shit. Well it's not that bad- but I just love how my mother can make me feel so shitty with seemingly so little effort. I spent way to much time with her over this last week- she came up Thursday night and then I spent Friday with her- at least the morning and the night- I did have to work. We went rummaging- and I think that I need to stop buying things maybe some groceries- but I just have way too much shit in my apartment already. I remember when I first moved into my apartment in November and I had basically my tv, twin bed, dressers, and my aunt's old couch. I have since added about 10 other pieces of furniture and numerous books, movies, and just plain crap. I really want more visitors in Sioux Falls- I want to go to movies and go out to eat and basically I am too lazy to try to find dates. I want my friends.

I still have to start planning for my friend Rebekah's wedding and bacherolette party. I don't even know where to start for that. Luckily I still have some penis-top straws available from Kathy's last year. But I want to get some more stuff- I am going to have to check out Ernie November's they are advertising that they have some stuff for the party.

I am keeping up on the entertainment field- I watched Pieces of April and Wet Hot American Summer this last week- they were both pretty good. I am going to go to Harry Potter here at 4- with my sister. True geeks to the core I guess. I think it should be good- people say that this is the best book so far- but I don't know if I agree? Hopefully it will be the best movie so far.

I also plan on going to 13 Going on 30 either some time this week or next weekend.

This sucks that I am so superficial when I make entries on this- but I can never think of something deep when I am in front of the computer.
Oh yeah- Reagan died last week- which is sad- but wow- I didn't remember going to such lengths for other presidents that died- (except for Kennedy). Okay that is about all for me- peace, out!

Monday, May 31, 2004

Home again, naturally....

Yes- I am home- but technically it is on a weekday. I had a good weekend- it went too fast- and the weather wasn't the best. In fact I spent the afternoon and night at Nutty's drinking it up with my friends- Kathy and her husband, and Rebekah and Jamie- who just got engaged last week. Congrats!!! They are getting married in August, the 6th to be more precise. Yowza! Anyway I had a fun time being the fifth wheel- although man- in the future it is going to suck. I miss my friends.

I also got to spend time with my nieces- and man I miss seeing them more often- as in more than once a week or every other week. I want to be there to watch Samantha as she grows. I was really entertaining her today- she was so smiley and she was laughing up a storm. She is into shaking her head from side-to-side and laughing- is she making herself dizzy I don't know. Anyway- life is good no complaints here. Well- that's not true a person can always have complaints.

But anyway- I hope that this next month is good to everyone- especially me.

Sunday, May 23, 2004

Thrift Store junkie

Hey- I would just like to state for the record that I am not constantly running to my parent's house every weekend- In fact I am looking forward to next weekend just hanging out in SF. I had a sleepover with my niece this weekend. I picked her up on Friday and brought her to SF, we spent all day Saturday wandering around SF- we took in Falls Park and went to so many thrift stores (Goodwill, etc.) that I almost dropped. We ended up getting a lot of stuff- practically new board games- like really cool and interesting ones- Cranium Cadoo and Disney's Charades. And I of course found a lot of books. My brother was dropped off at our place later on that night and we went to the Luverne drive-in theater. We watched Shrek 2 and very little of the second movie, Envy, the one with Ben Stiller and Jack Black. Didn't stay for very much of it at all- mainly because of the rain and lighting- but also because it really didn't seem like it would be any good.

I have been go go go with her for that last two days I am so tired. I can't wait to just go home and sleep. Oh yeah- and Gilmore Girls was really good on Tuesday. I wish I would have taped it- Luke and Loraeli finally kiss and hello! Rory has sex with her married ex-boyfriend- it was intense. How strange would that be to lose your virginity to a married man? Well I guess it happens every day- hahaha- I just reread that- I will reword- to someone else's husband.

I have got to get going out of town- and I will not be back next weekend- well never say never- but I intend to not be back next weekend- so chiao.

Saturday, May 15, 2004

Plans get easily scraped

Well my niece is either sick or tired, well or both. She really wanted to come up and spend the night, so next weekend should work out better. Oh yeah- I watched the Gilmore Girls throughout the week- and man I love that show- I am so pumped about the finale on Tuesday.

My sister told me she heard a tape of the decapitation of that Adam Berg- she started explaining it to me and I almost fainted from hearing her talk about it. The screaming was something she was never going to forget. I just don't know about this world- it frightens me so much. There are so many hateful people of all types. Torturing and humiliating, visciously killing innocent people- I just don't understand.

So now I am waiting for a last load of laundry and then I am going to hit Wal-Mart and go home.

The joys of a new phone

Well there aren't many joys of having a new phone- since it is the same model as the old one. But this one actually works! Which makes me happy! The plus side of having a new phone is that I didn't save numbers- you may ask why that is a good thing because to you it probably sounds bad- but it isn't. I had a lot of phone numbers and peoples names that I never received phone calls from and that I never called- now I am not reminded of them every time I scan through my numbers. I do wish I had some of the phone numbers, and I probably can locate them easily enough- but there are some that will forever be lost unless the person calls me.

I am up in Brookings for an afternoon- then I am taking my niece up to SF for a sleepover. I went to sleep at 9:00 PM last night- no joke! I had worked from 6:30 AM to 6:30 PM and I had only got five hours of sleep before that. Reminder- I work with small, energetic children the whole time. Anyway- I am ready to get back to Sioux Falls and get back into my routine of life.

Oh yeah- the Survivor finale was cool- Rob should have won. I kind of feel guilty being so attracted to him- but there is something about the Boston accent. I guess I will just have put it in a fantasy bank- man I'm strange...

Sunday, May 09, 2004

Ah crap how could I forget that!?

Oh yeah I forgot the most important thing- my phone died on me yesterday. I only have a cell phone for communication to the outside world and I was talking to my sister yesterday and it died. I knew I had charged the fucker up so it wasn't that- anyway I brought it to Radio Shack and my battery works well in the phone there- so it is something else- stupid fucking phone! I am leaving the duty to bring it in to my mom tomorrow- because I just couldn't stomach the idea of sleeping over. So I hope and pray that I get a new phone tomorrow- please Lord- or even better my old phone miraculously fixed.

Oh yeah- and I got to spend time with my adorable niece Samantha- or as I will start to call her Sammie Sosa.

Okay- promise that is all! Except my ex-best friend still hasn't called me- that is why she is given the title of ex.

Big Survivor Night

Yep I'm home for Mother's Day- I had to come up and watch it with my mommy. It was a fun night- I actually was a little excited that Boston Rob made it to the final two. He played an excellent game- he should have won. Anyway- now that it is over maybe I can get a life- at least until Amazing Race starts that is. Life is good- lonely sometimes- but good and very tidy. I just recently watched two movies 'Win a Date with Tad Hamilton' and 'Kill Bill Vl.1'. I must say I enjoyed Kill Bill. I am glad I saw it by myself, although I do regret having watched it in the dark. I just got 'Dickie Roberts, Child Star', 'Seabiscuit', Friends Season 6, and a screener version of 'Stuck On You' from my sister so I will be happily entertained for the next couple of weeks.

I have another admission about entertainment to make- I bought the Gilmore Girls Season One DVD set- even though I shouldn't have - I mean I don't have a lot of money- what am I doing! But it was worth it! I just adore the character of Loreali Gilmore. I mean I wouldn't want to be a single mother of a 16 year-old at age 32, but other than that I want to be exactly like her. She doesn't always say the right things- but even the wrong things are brilliant. I just want to live in Stars Hollow and marry Luke- ahhh! Okay, I'm done.

I just realizied that I need to get an actual life- goodbye!

Saturday, May 01, 2004

Happy May Day!

I came up to Brookings Friday night- and I am just getting ready to head back to Sioux Falls. I have painted for the last two weekends- and it is fun- but man is it tiring. It is probably also tiring because I went out and stayed out until 4. I then came home and stayed up until 5 AM. I just feel so old. All I want to do is go home and snuggle with my cat- watch television and light some candles. I intend to have a full day of either going to the Falls to read or cleaning my apartment, or both.

So I went to sleep at 5 and was up and watching my nieces at 10:30. So I am still sleepy.

Oh yeah- that is what I was going to do tomorrow- try to catch a $2 matinee. Yes, I am that cheap that I make it in time to go to a $2 movie- that dollar makes a difference people!

I left a message last night to someone who I haven't talked to in a while- and sure enough I received no phone call back- ahhhhhhh!!!

But I am tired and my laundry is almost done.
So bye!

Sunday, April 25, 2004

What in the world am I doing here?

I really really was in Fairmont this morning at 1- and now I am in Brookings. I got home in SF at about 4:30 PM and decided to come home to Brookings for a visit. I had laundry to do and I wanted to see the family. And now I wish I would have just stayed in SF. Oh well!

I had a blast in Fairmont this weekend- I think that being around Rebekah's family made me miss mine. And then I get home and I want to leave again! I should have just had a quiet evening at home with the cat.

I saw 50 First Dates last weekend- it was good- I hate how easily I am amused by 'college boy' humor. I just can't help it- I find it endearing. I also want to see 13 Going On 30. Anyway- not much to say really except that I can't wait until next weekend!

Oh yeah- and I wonder if Mitchell will call?? haha Rebekah- maybe he will be your Russian guy?

Hi I'm at Rebekah's house

I am sitting here slightly amped at my good friend Rebekah's house. I came up to A. spend more time with her and B. help paint her parent's house. We went out and had a great time at the local Fairmont Holiday Inn bar. We met a really hot 41 year old named Mitch. Anyway I am just showing her my blog and I thought I would type a little something. So there it is- yay!!!!

Thursday, April 15, 2004

Marcel Proust and the erotics of waiting

Nice title huh- and suprise!

I didn't plan on coming home to Brookings for a while- but what can I say my parents practically begged me to come and visit. I am just spending the night and then heading home in the morning for work- yay!

I have just started reading a book I got from the library- it is called A Natural History of Love by Diane Ackerman. It is pretty interesting- I came across an article in it titled- you guessed it the title above. It is about Marcel Proust and basically I found out that I share some Proustian characteristics. Tragically insecure- they don't start a love affair to avoid suffering; a state of priviliged suffering is what they seek. According to Proust though that is what we all seek, because it makes shamans of us, allowing us to peer into life's sacred and hidden heart. I have never been good about quoting and referencing- so most of that is straight from the book- and I am not claiming it as my own words. I think that is what I am realizing about myself- no matter how much I deny it- I am seeking love. The love I seek has always been to make me suffer.

I have tried to make even myself believe that I am somebody different than who I am. I need to start shaking myself out of that- I am so much better than setting myself up to fail at love- I deserve happiness. I think that is what has made me feel a connection to Proust because he never felt like anyone loved him- they enjoyed his company but they didn't love him. I don't think that I could leave this world without feeling love from another person- preferably with good sex involved. Sorry it was just getting too deep.

I talked to my good friend Kathy- the married one- the other night. We have shared so many memories- I can't wait to share many more with her in the future. When I think about how much time we 'wasted' together in college it makes me envious. The best times we spent were the days we just sat on our asses and talked. I am happy that I have had some great close friends in my life- I can't wait to meet the other life-long friends. Because I truly believe that people are in our life for a reason, a season, or a lifetime- you just have to realize which one and then you can relax.
I am going to head to bed soon- on the uncomfortable hard floor- yuck! That and I am not making much sense to anyone but myself- so ta-ta for now

Sunday, April 11, 2004

Till next time

I am going to be heading home tonight in about thirty minutes- I am excited to get back home but also very hesitant. I need, need, need to find another part time job in SF- I have been putting it off way too long. I also need to find a life- a new life- and stop holding onto possibilities that should have been taken a long time ago. I think this weekend has helped me realize that- I am going to shut the chapter of my life and move on.

I am hiding out in my parent's basement while they (mainly my mom) watch the Nick and Jessica Variety Hour- yikes! Weren't those banned in the late eighties?

I might not get back to the computer for a while- so people who know my number will have to contact me that way.


sorry no cutesy title

It is 2:20 in the morning and I am awake- I haven't even gone to sleep yet. It is strange to be awake at two in the morning these days. I am still awake because I feel like something is going to happen soon- and I don't want to miss it. What it could be I have no idea.

I miss my cat- I miss my apartment- I miss my huge, wonderful bed, I miss the order of my life in Sioux Falls. When I come back home it is so disorderly that I just can't function properly. I am hoping that my living style won't cross over to obsessive compulsive cleaning. I do believe the worst part of coming home isn't that it is chaotic- but it just reminds me that I am going to be alone for at least another week (this time I think it will be two). I feel my loneliness so much stronger when I am around other people. When I am home in SF I don't curl into the fetal position and sob- in fact I haven't had a good cry session in forever. But when I am in Brookings I feel like bawling.

Well maybe I am going to be able to get to sleep now?

Saturday, April 10, 2004

It's hip to be square

You will never guess what CD I got from the library today- well I guess you could if you read the title.... The Heart of Rock & Roll: The Best of Huey Lewis and the News. Oh yes I did! Plus I picked up Joss Stone's Soul Sessions, Buddy Jewell's self-titled CD, Beyonce's Dangerously In Love, and for fun Hilary Duff's Metamorphosis. I also picked up some interesting books that are not right in front of me- so I have a hard time remembering what the titles are. Anyway- I decided to come up for the weekend again- with Easter happening.

I also went to Ella Enchanted with my niece and sister. It was a cute movie- I would have adored it when I was little. I got the book for Taylor for an Easter gift. I also got her a book called Toothless Wonder. She seemed happy with them-(I gave them to her early). I also watched a movie this last week- American Splendor. I pretty much love it. I am so completely clueless about comics, so I hadn't heard anything about it before. I will eventually buy it.

Sorry I just must say- Huey Lewis had a lot of hits- it is hard to remember that- it reminds me of my childhood- awwww! I loved the video for Stuck With You- I am pretty sure that was the one set on the beach- right?

Something that makes me physically sick lately is the obsession of TV programs changing people with plastic surgery. It started with Extreme Makeover- and that was bad enough- letting people change everything unpleasant about their physical appearance to be a 'better person'. Now there is a show that takes it to the ultimate extreme. They take average women and change them into Barbie and have them compete in a pageant. The winner will be crowned the Swan- make me puke!

My parents got a digital camcorder- so I got to mess around with that today and film the young ones. Damn I am tired and it isn't even midnight yet- old age- I am probably only going to be up for thirty more minutes before I drop. I will be around most of tomorrow- I don't know what I am going to be doing- but I will be around.

Saturday, April 03, 2004

Don't forget to 'Spring ahead'

Hello all!
It is so nice outside I don't know why I'm inside. Or why I'm in Brookings... But here I am. I just thought it was time to clean out my old room at my parents house. I have to go up and steam vac the carpet soon. I love to Spring clean- it just makes me feel good to get rid of the crap that accumlates in a house. My mom is a total pack rat- with everything- she doesn't get rid of old coupons and old magazines. I am going to come into this house when I am older and barely be able to walk if she doesn't get rid of shit. All right it isn't quite that bad- but it could become that way if she had her way. Anyway- I am so happy that Spring is here- I feel energized.
The only thing that sucks is that I really haven't met any new friends so I don't go out very much. I have employees where I work that ask me to go out but I don't really like mixing child care friends with my friend-friends. Maybe I am weird- but that is just me. So that is something that I am just kind of sad about...

I am excited about summer- I just wish that I could get tan again- but the only tan I will get is a farmer's tan. When I think about the amount of hours I wasted away last summer on my tan and computer I have a lot of feelings. I think that I could have been doing beneficial things- but I also needed that time to figure out me.

I also have a reason to feel friendless. I have a friend who always has 'used' me. I do a lot of listening with her- but we have been friends since we were five so I am used to it. Anyway a couple of weeks ago- she came up to SF and asked me to meet her for supper and to go out. Everytime she comes up she wants me to join her and her other friend and husband. I just want time with her alone sometimes- because I often feel fake when I am with them. Anyway- my friend is also having a friendship with a married man that just seems iffy to me. He is in Brookings and his wife lives in Iowa and my friend is spending a lot of time with him- supposedly just as friends. Anyway both I and her other friend say something about it at supper- that we are concerned, etc. On a phone conversation with her a couple of days later she tells me that she felt that I thought she was a slut versus her other friend who she only felt concern from. Anyway this was after I asked her if we could go out without the other friend sometime. She was just so short and snotty- that I just wanted to get off the phone. Anyway that was about three weeks ago and I haven't talked to her since. Yes, I realize that none of that makes sense. Short story- she has cut off her friendship because I was concerned about her and I want to spend time with her.

Damn, I had a lot to say today

Saturday, March 27, 2004

Oh well!

Since I am near the computer- I thought I would just talk a little.
My bed arrived on Wednesday- I am learning how to explore the space and man does it feel good. I am going to pick up my older niece and bring her up to SF for a sleepover tonight. It was just an impromptu thing- we will probably just bum around my apartment. Life is pretty passive these days- work, and sleeping. But I really like it- the kids I have every day at the center are great. My favorite part of the day is when I get there because I get a chorus of 3 and 4 year-olds saying my name excitedly and hugging me.
And yes- I will talk about TV- Yoanna won Top Model- well duh- I would have died if that Shandi girl had won. I mean I shouldn't say anything- but that girl wasn't pretty- yikes! I used to watch American Idol last season- but I just can't watch it now- so I am not up to snuff about what happened- I just ask my mom who got kicked out. Anyway- life is good- I'm happy- and I will talk later

Sunday, March 21, 2004

I'm not completely stupid- please believe me!

I have read over the last couple months of this blog and I sound so dull and even worse, unintelligent. I used to be able to get my somewhat intelligent thoughts out because the computer was in front of me often. Now I come to my parents house and sit in front of the computer and all I can think about to say is what I watched on TV- it's sad. I guess I will have to sit and think more often or just don't do the blog until I can write something worthwhile. I know basically no one reads this- but I do and I am bored with what my life looks like. I just had to get that out- you may return to your day....

Saturday, March 20, 2004


Hey! I was in Brookings last weekend and I came down with the flu or some shit- so I high-tailed it back to SF that night and didn't get around to typing more before I left. I had a high temp and I felt like complete ass. I recovered by Monday and now- life is great- I am eagerly awaiting my new 'big girl' bed- it arrives next week. See ya later twin sized bed!! Come to me 'Queenie'- (I'm still working on the nickname).

My entertainment is going swimmingly- my cable finally returned America's Next Top Model to it's original night and channel- I was so happy. Tuesday is truly the night of TV I love the most- give me my Gilmore Girls and my Top Model and I am a happy girl. The rest of the week is so-so. Thursday's All-Star Survivor is going nicely- I'm waiting for the fireworks to start but I'm not holding my breath.

I got my hair cut today- it is nice and short (my version of short is most people's idea of medium length). I just needed a change. I'm going to color it tomorrow when I go back home.

My friend Vickie came up to Sioux Falls last night and we did the same thing that we have always done when she comes up- go out to eat with her married friend and her husband and then go to Nutty's. It was boring and pointless- although we did mix it up a little by going to Borrowed Bucks. I saw a drag queen or at least an outrageously dressed woman- hair up to god- I swear. I am going to tell her that the next time she comes up we should do something alone- because no offense married people cramp my enthusiasm for going out.

I've been pretty confused about something lately and I don't know if I should talk about it on here- but here I go.... I recieved a phone call from someone who left a message to call him back. It was from someone I haven't heard from for a long time. After a couple of days I return the call and leave him a message- and I haven't heard back from him. My mind immediately told me after I placed the call that he had accidently called me and that I was a fool to have called him. I am trusting that second thought more and more as the days go by. So anyhoo- that is just something that frustrates me lately.

I just talked to my friend who lives in Vegas and she told me she was in a movie where she is doused in hopefully fake blood. She said it was by some guy doing an 'independent' movie about a cult and she is someone who is obviously doused with blood. I just shook my head- I'll have to ask her what the name of it will be. She is going to the premeire in Palms' Casino tomorrow night- so it has to be somewhat ligit.

I may have more shit to cover later

Saturday, March 13, 2004

I'm back

Hello all!
I never thought I would be back on a computer ever- my parent's computer had a breakdown two weeks ago and I'm too lazy to seek out another way of using the internet. So I am back in Brookings tonight- the computer is fixed and I am watching my baby niece sleep- she just woke up though- so I gotta go.

Saturday, February 21, 2004

PMS Hell!

I am just so sick of everyone right now- especially family members. And I don't even have the excuse that I see them all the time- I have only been home for roughly eight hours and I am already preparing to head home. I have a Hulk like rage right now- and really it is completely unreasonable that I should get this mad. I don't see anyone for at least a week- perhaps longer- and they are complete assholes or bitches or in the case of my nieces brats and a crying upset baby. I just don't get it- I wanted to go to a movie with my mom tonight and I have to be reminding her of the time constantly because she is always late- and I don't like being late. Well we get in the car and she starts bitching about me telling her that it was time to go- and states half way there that she just doesn't want to go with me to the movie- but keeps driving. I wasn't going to apologize for anything so I said fine and said I don't want to go either. But she keeps driving to the theatre- and I said that I would have someone come pick me up because I didn't want to go with her and ruin a possible good movie. So she came home- I don't know what she was expecting- because it used to work(??) when I was a child to threaten to take something away but I'm an adult and I don't have to put up with her bullshit. My mother needs serious help.

I am well aware that the whole paragraph probably makes no sense to anyone but myself- sorry- but I had to get that out. I might sound a little immature and I am- but I just had to get that out. I am just at the breaking point where I want to cry but I just can't.

Other than today life has been great- probably won't be up to Brookings and thus my computer for a while. Maybe half a month or more? So take care and for all my friends- call me- I'm lonely

Sunday, February 15, 2004

Where Do I Begin?

I haven't been on the internet for almost two weeks- sad for a person who used to log in practically all day/everyday in the summer. I went out last night with my friend Vickie and a co-worker of hers. I was in the party mood- but unfortunately they weren't. So they stayed out till about 12:30 and then I wandered by myself for an hour. I am nursing a slight hangover. So my night started going to Vickie's apartment and having a drink and then we went to Ray's Corner and I had a beer. While I was drinking my beer I was suddenly assaulted- well at least that's how I view it. Some old drunk man was talking to Vickie because she works there and he is a regular. All of a sudden Vickie tells the man that he works with my mother and tells him her name. Well then this guy starts telling me how ditzy my mom is and that she doesn't have a clue about anything. I did my best to ignore him and Vickie tried to change the subject- but this guy kept talking. I was really surprised that I didn't go off on the guy. Mainly it made me appreciate what my mom has to put up with every day at work- which I wouldn't put up with- I would file fucking charges if my supervisor told me how stupid I am over and over- stupid fucking alcoholic asshole!! So anyhoo it was a very fun beginning to my night.

Then we headed down to Skinners and had a couple of beers- and there was this lady. Bleached hair and a lot of make-up- she had to have been over 35. Well my party was having a conversation about sex and this woman pulls up a chair and starts talking to us. Or sluring is more like it. She grabs some popcorn and shoves some in her mouth and throws some at some people that were sitting next to her. Anyway in the next minutes after that- she proceeded to pet Vickie's hair, flash us her bare tiny breast, and dive her hand down Vickie's co-workers shirt trying to expose her breast. We made a break for it when she went to the bathroom and headed to Chevy's. It was dead there but they had drinks for a dollar so who could complain? Well we were there for about a half an hour when the lady appeared. She was so out of it- she was trying to flirt with all these guys and later we saw her out on the dance floor with some guy. Anyway the next time I saw her the guy she was dancing with was gathering her and her stuff up to leave and it just looked so wrong to me. So wrong that I had to interrupt, well it turns out the guy was trying to just take her home to let her pass out. And another guy took over for him- and I made him swear that he was an upstanding guy. Anyway- I just hope that woman made it home safe- I hate being a mother hen- most people would just turn the other way. I can't. So anyway- the night was fun. I got a rose. I felt young. And I didn't spend that much money.

So anyway- I haven't been talking for a while- lots of things have happened in life and on tv. Janet Jackson showed her breast, three people have left Survivor, I've missed three episodes of America's Next Top Model- mainly because I forget that it might be on KELO after the news every time. My brother got fired from another job, and I just got to inform my parents that he spends all day searching the net for porn not job opportunities ( I mean who saves sites on your parent's computer- really!!). Anyway life has gone on.

Before I go I need to include this article link about Movieoke - it sounds and looks so fun- basically like Rocky Horror Picture Show- but with all movies.

Take care

Sunday, February 01, 2004

I'm not taking any more applications at the present time

Wow! Haven't been drunk and on here in quite a while. After I wrote the last entry I basically passed out in a sleeping bag on my parent's living room floor. I can't wait to go home I miss my nice apartment. It is strange that I view my parents' house with a little contempt when I just moved out. But you really see their faults a lot clearer. Is it just a matter of time before my place becomes dingy and messy? Maybe if I had children or a boyfriend even it will. Single life really is pretty fun- I can do whatever I want to do all the time. I can baby talk to my cat and not have anybody think I'm weird. I can walk around naked and not try to look good doing it. I will always be sure that the food in the fridge that I wanted is still there. The list could go on and on... I just don't think I am made out to be that way for the rest of my life though.

Well anyway on to the television programs.... The one show I was looking forward to the most this week was America's Next Top Model on UPN- and man was I pissed off that it wasn't on. I was informed by some guy on an offline message that it will be on Keloland after the news? I hope so because I want to see it- hell I don't even know who got kicked off this last week- more than likely it was Chandi (god she was awful). My favorite show will be on in a couple of hours- All Star Survivor! It should be a good show. I am finishing up my laundry (hey! it's free!) and then I get to go home.

Plus I would just like to add how much winter sucks. Stop snowing!!


I am not used to being drunk at all anymore. I love losing all my inhabitions- in fact I wish I was wasted so I would have the excuse of being so and doing incredibly stupid things.I could have made out with some cute college guys tonight but instead I am here talking shit to a computer about how drunk I am. I just want to start having sex is that so wrong? I have gone over 25 years not having it- so when is my turn coming huh??? I just want to meet a good guy and do it- even if I don't see myself marrying him.
So if anyone just wants to meet a good girl and fuck you can leave me application.

Saturday, January 24, 2004

Would my cat start eating me?

Hello! I have been sick for the last week- my sinuses made me feel like I had been beat up for three days in a row. And you don't know feeling shitty until you have taken care of fourteen 3&4 year olds when you feel that crappy. So I'm feeling mucho better today. I'm in Brookings- watching my nieces and hanging with the family.

On Monday night- I came across the idea of dying or being severely injured in my apartment and how long it would be until someone came to find out about me. I would like to think it would be right away, but it might take over a day. With the family it might take a couple of days- but work already knows I am responsible- so that is my only hope to be found early enough so that my cat wouldn't start eating my face.

The new shows are still pretty good- The Next Top Model and the Apprentice. And I must admit that I watched the O.C. the other day and I kind of liked it (it brings back a lot of 90210 memories). Gilmore Girls is also back with a vengance and funny as ever. But anywho- I might get a social life someday- maybe even a romantic one (knock on wood)....

Till next time....

Saturday, January 17, 2004

Happy New Year!

Hey 2004 is looking to be a great year. I'm still working and living in Sioux Falls. Life is grand- a little lonely at times but still enjoyable. I'm trying to save money for a trip to visit my friend Dayna who lives in Las Vegas. So we will see how far that idea goes. There are lots of good tv shows on or going to come on soon. I am pumped over the Survivor All Stars. That should be a good show. The new Real World looks slightly promising?? The Next Top Model on UPN is fun to watch- since I watched the first season I am eagerly awaiting the fireworks. Man I can't think of more shows I am loving- but I'll think of them later. Aw shit I thought of one more after I wrote that- The Apprentice with Donald Trump- because it is like Survivor except not as hard. One show that I do not like at all was The Simple Life- it sucked. I watched a episode and a half and that was way enough. Paris Hilton is annoying enough- but add that Nicole Richie is fucking annoying.

I am watching my nieces at the moment- and obviously not being too attentive at the moment. So I should probably head out- I'll think of something interesting to talk about next week.

Reading got hotter!