Saturday, July 15, 2006

I should be packing

I really should be getting ready for my trip that starts as soon as my relatives come and pick me up. The intentions are to come in the AM hours, but to be honest it won't happen until 2:00- I just know that is when it will happen- my mom will take forever. You know something that is getting me especially concerned about my mom and her knee problems is that of all the people in my life she is the one person who really has tried to take precautions in her health. She has never really struggled with her weight, she tries to get enough exercise into her life, she eats a hell of lot more healthy than I ever have and she is still struggling with her body. It should be enough to frighten the shit out of me- I mean my grandma's mind is betraying her and my mother's body is betraying her- but really it is just kind of convincing me to stay on the same path. Weird.

I watched Shopgirl this afternoon. I really liked it- I was actually surprised- but I may even buy it eventually. What is it about Jason Schwartzman that he can be the most disgusting guy ever- but you still like him? He is just so real- I just really think he is the most sincere actor. He really seems to dedicate himself to the character.

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