Thursday, May 31, 2007

What to do?...

I'm bored. I sit at home too much. I think I'm going to a movie. 300 at the cheap theater? Don't mind if I do. Mmmm... Rodrigo Santoro....

What does that have to do with the picture I put up? Absolutely nothing is the answer. I put that up because my tweenager niece loves anything High School Musical. I still haven't seen it...

MTV Movie Awards, Sarah Silverman and Will Forte

Will Forte is looking good! There was a different version on MTV tonight and it had me rolling on the ground. I shouldn't like Sarah Silverman, but I can't help myself.

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Disney's Enchanted Trailer

This a movie I'm actually kind of interested to see. It was on Give Me My Remote. Check it out.

Zombie Day in San Francisco (5/25/07)

I stumbled upon this on the damn cool pictures site.

All I know is that I would destroy the head and ask questions later if I innocently stumbled upon this flashmob. I'm still convinced that I am going to wake up someday and blamo! zombies. I really need to stop watching those kind of movies!

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Reunited and it feels so.....

There is an event that is coming to television that I'm still in the embarassed to be excited stage. This weekend I saw the preview for the Las Vegas Real World Reunion and I got really excited. I know it's kind of a bogus thing since the RW and RR people see each other constantly, but the fact that they are going back to the actual place they lived is different. I had given up watching any of the RR/RW challenges for the last year or so- they got too repetitive. Is it sad to say that I'm more excited for this reunion than my own 10 year high school one? The answer is yes- it is sad.

I began loving 'The Real World' when on a trip in what 1992 or 93. We didn't have MTV on our cable at the time so it was a awesome treat to watch it at the hotel. They were airing a lot of episodes of the second season. I would have to say that the season I was most obsessed with was San Francisco, hell I even went to Judd Winick talk at my college. Oh memories! Anyway, I'm going to watch it, but then I'll do something good for the world- I promise. Plus, Frank is cute!

Monday, May 28, 2007

Breaking Baby

I always wondered how Kevin Federline's other children were doing. Makes me want to watch all the breaking movies from the 80s. Seriously this kid was only just two years old when this was filmed

Sunday, May 27, 2007

Retail therapy

I have had the strangest week. It started off with two days off which were spent waiting for news about my grandma and hanging out with family. On Wednesday, I go to the grand old SF zoo with fifteen three and four year olds and then find out that my grandma has died. As I am getting ready for the funeral I have to watch the season finale of Lost. I leave SF with my brother in the morning and go to Miller for the visitation, I get to see my family which was nice. Everyone was in the same mindset as me I think, half relieved yet sad to say goodbye. I got to be a pallbearer at the funeral which was on Friday, yes a real one. After the funeral I helped my mom and uncles fill out the thank you letters and do other final work. I came back to Brookings with my parents and stayed the night on the couch. On Saturday, my brother drove me back to SF and I did absolutely nothing. This morning, my parents came up to go to a graduation brunch for a (I was going to say boy- but really he's a) man I babysat from when he was 3 till about 9 or so. I feel so old- I was only 12 when I first started babysitting him, but still it's the principle of it. Crazy stuff.

After that we went on a shopping spree. We really didn't spend that much money in the realm of things, but it was fun. It's a material world and I am a material girl. I brought my parents out to supper to celebrate their anniversary since they didn't get too. We went to the Texas Roadhouse and I used up my gift card that I got for Christmas. It was really delicious, we hadn't eaten there before. It was way too much good food. Anyway, now I'm back and in major need of cleaning up my apartment. Thank goodness I have another day to kind of center myself. Happy Memorial Day!
I'm still trying to get over the Lost finale, which I struggled to hear over the major static sound that was blasting. I like the picture of Charlie and Desmond- even though I'm still in denial that he is gone for good. No!!!!!!

I really didn't want to comment on this but...

the whole Rosie thing is so fucking annoying. Rosie likes to talk about everyone being put into the victim position because they argue with her which is such bullshit. I think I'm so annoyed because I see myself in that behavior, very self-centered and only willing to hear other's views as long as it's their own. I admit I don't watch the show everyday, however Elizabeth Mitchell was on so I recorded it. If anyone was put into the corner on their views it was Survivor Elizabeth, she was the only dissenting voice on the show. Every time I watched the show Rosie would be attacking Elizabeth and as soon as Elizabeth would respond she would make it seem like it was the other way around, it irked me. I really liked Rosie and I don't disagree with some of her views on the war, but considering her age and lifestyle she isn't very open-minded...

I vow to not watch any more coverage over it -- unless I want to yell at a television that is

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

My grandmother passed on at around 8 PM Tuesday. I found out while standing in a Hy-Vee grocery store check-out lane. I'm sad, she was the only grandmother I've ever known. I've been trying to think of all the good times we used to have. My niece is at that really emotional state of growing up and is crying and upset. I was 9 when my grandfather died and I remember how sad I was. I just keep talking to her about how lucky she was that she got to say goodbye to her and that she will get to meet some cousins she never has before at the funeral. Still not sure about the funeral arrangements. I mainly feel bad for my mother because obviously it's her mother, but it also happened on her birthday and anniversary.

I just had to include some pictures- the first one is my sister, grandma and me (the roly poly baby) and the second is a fun memory of doing things with my grandma- good rummage sale finds huh?

Only You

This is an absolutely beautiful video that tracks Jim and Pam's relationship till last Thursday's finale. I got goosebumps. Plus, if Rebekah and Jamie are viewing the blog-- you really need to give The Office a second try. Watch the second season and then tell me you don't love it- I dare you. And if that doesn't work I can always pull a Crazy Karl kind of Orange Clockwork thing on you.

Monday, May 21, 2007

Sad news

I just talked about my grandmother in the last post and the fact that I saw her on Saturday. Well, at about 10 this morning I got a call from my mom that my grandma is not doing well health wise. I feel a little guilty, because she didn't seem sick on Saturday and now they are saying she may likely die by the end of the night. Then again, she almost did die over a year ago. In March of 2006 to be exact- I posted about it. I kind of feel like my preschool germs that I carry everywhere got her sick. There are a lot of mixed emotions that I'm trying to push down deep. The kicker is my mom is having her 55th birthday and her 36th wedding anniversary tomorrow. I have today and tomorrow off for vacation, but now it's looking like I may have to have some more days off for a funeral. My mom went up to Miller by herself and she hasn't called me back yet. I think I'm going to get serious about cleaning up my apartment, because who knows if I will serve as a hotel for a day or two. Miller is about three and a half hours away from Sioux Falls though, so probably not.

I am still in the state of 'wait and see' because my grandma is a tough old bird, she'll probably outlive a couple of her kids.

Anyway, I'm a little psyched for Heroes, if not for some distraction from reality.

As I was sitting at my cousin's high school graduation...

I suddenly realizied how I have been out of high school for ten years. What the f#%k! I'm starting to get the panic feeling that I would associate with mid-life. I really hadn't sat down and thought about it, and I wasn't wanting to on Saturday either. To make matters worse I had a chorus of 10, eighteen year olds from a small SD town butchering one of my favorite Rent songs. That wasn't the saddest part of the day...

We celebrated the graduation with family and I didn't get badgered by anyone about lack of relationships. I had the two nieces with and that kept me busy enough to dodge too much attention. After the reception, the family (mom, dad, the nieces) went to see my grandmother at the nursing home. A backstory is that my grandmother has been in a center ever since she had a stroke that caused sudden dementia (actual term is multi-infarct dementia). Right after she suffered her stroke I was getting out of my first year of college and had no job for the summer. It was decided by my family that I could be an assistant to my grandmother at her house. She had no interest in her usual activities anymore, she only wanted to walk. I would have to camp out on the couch by the door in order to wake up when she tried to go outside to walk. It was one of the most stressful times of my life. In fact, I've kind of blocked that time of my life out in my head. After almost a month of me staying with her, and about two months of her staying with one of my uncles it was decided that she was going to have to be put into a nursing home. She has been there for over eight years and sad to say I haven't visited often enough.

We pulled into the building and she was in a wheelchair in the hallway, we got up to her and said hello. Her first words were a very dramatic 'Help Me'. She looked me in the eyes and said it, and I couldn't help bursting into tears. After we got her into her room she kept pleading with me to help her into her bed, where she always wants to be. Her one true moment of clarity was directed at my dad (who is not her son), she said 'Hello Bob.' I know how much it hurts my mom that she didn't say her name at all, but she did say 'I love you' at the end and gave all of us a kiss. Anyway, by the time I got home I was spent.

I have Monday and Tuesday off, and I better accomplish something worthwhile...

Saturday, May 19, 2007

Do you want to be a hero?

There is a Heroes marathon on SCIFI channel Saturday May 19th. It starts early (8:00 AM my time) and goes really late (4 AM Sunday). The episodes are run in a strange manner, the first one shown is Homecoming then goes forward to the last episode Landslide. Starting at 10 PM Saturday they will show the pilot episode and the episodes leading to Homecoming. If you haven't started watching Heroes or have missed some episodes here is your chance to catch up! Of course, make sure to check local listings.

As for me, I am supposed to be sleeping because I have to get up early to drive down to Brookings and then head to Miller for a cousin's high school graduation party. So wish me luck dodging all the 'are you seeing anyone special?' All my relatives probably think I am a lesbian anyway.. so oh well...

I had a total blast from the not really so distant past on Friday night. Strange how you spend all your time wishing for some sign, some word, and then time goes on and you forget about it. I am being cryptic, but I really don't feel like rehashing old things. I just think it's funny how two past issues that used to drive me batty have reappeared recently. Hmm..

Oh yeah, Zach Braff hosts the season finale of Saturday Night Live too.

Friday, May 18, 2007

Ode to Bob Barker with Adam Sandler

I had to put this post up, even though everyone and their grandmother probably posted it. I just love Adam's poem for the silver haired devil. I'm going to miss hearing Bob's calm voice whenever I am home at 10 AM (which is really never).

Thursday, May 17, 2007

What have I been watching...

This has been an overwhelming week of television viewing, and I can't even think about posting much about each show. On Monday was the season finale of season 2 of How I Met Your Mother.
** This may give spoilers**
It took off from last week's wedding of Marshall and Lily and covered the reception. The newly married couple is so adorable. They encounter the problem that a lot of brides and grooms face, not actually eating any of their food at the reception. Of course, Lily does find strawberries in a couple of glasses of champagne! There is also the big secret that Ted and Robin are keeping till after the wedding... and it is an obvious and sad one... they broke up. Thankfully there will be another season of the show, and we are going to be getting closer and closer to finding out who is the mother. Of course Robin better still be a big part of the show, because I need to see more Robin Sparkles!
**Possible spoiler over**

Then there was the second to the last of Heroes. The episode, Landslide, was a lot of characters catching up with storylines the audience has already known about. I was a little distracted while watching the episode, so that may lead to me not being overly enthusiastic about it. Of course, I'm still ready for the season finale and I hope to be overwhelmed. I wasn't getting as much as a weird vibe between Claire and Peter this week- thank goodness! Was that the real end of Linderman? What does Candace really look like? Will HRG really kill the little girl to 'save' his own Clairebear? There just seems to be too many crappy little side stories that while important eventually, do they need to be hashed out now?

I watch Bravo's reality shows- there I admit it-- I have no love at all for the majority of the cast on Work Out, but the Doug storyline made me cry hysterically. What got me the most was that he said on camera that he knew he was going to die before his next birthday. I bawled when he died. This is a show I will deny watching because I am quite frankly embarassed while watching. I am currently watching Shear Genius. The show kind of satisfies my desire to chop all my hair off and color it crazy colors. I see how craptastic some of the hair looks and I tell myself- you can just keep growing it out. I might have to have a hands off deal with myself for at least a year. Anyway, I am cheering for a couple of the stylists- mainly Dr. Boogie. Oh man! the platinum twins just got eliminated, it was like a murder/suicide how they got themselves out of show.

Lost- I'm trying my best to stay blissfully unaware of what is really going to happen. I've been avoiding anything that says spoiler on it. It was a really beautiful flashback episode, now to bed I go...

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Not my Milo!!!!

Alright, I'm eventually going to respond about the last episode of Gilmore Girls but first...

I watch the episode and then go to Perez Hilton for some stupid gossip to distract myself from sadness and my heart breaks some more. Milo Ventimiglia plays Fergie's love interest in her new video. Not that I'm complaining about him, but Milo kissing Fergie? noooooo! Not my Jess!!!! I just can't like her- I can't!

Anyway--- Check it out just to see a tatted out Milo.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Gilmore Girls - Girls Just Wanna Have Fun

I got caught by the wonder of YouTube and I can't get out! I have been watching almost anything that has the name Gilmore Girls, it's my equivalent of tailgaiting.

Gilmore Girls - An Ode to Kirk

Remember people we aren't just losing Lorelai and Rory. We are losing a whole community of completely eccentric weirdos. I say that lovingly, I'm going to miss Kirk.

Take Me or Leave Me (male version)

Okay, I had to put this up. No words, except it reminds me of college...

Rent - Alvin and Chipmunks Style

I really don't think I have to go to deep in describing the clip. I'm just messing around procrastinating watching the last episode of Gilmore Girls.

Zoe Bell kicks ass!

I went to Grindhouse on Monday night. I was pretty much the only chick in the theatre. It really was two movies for one price. I really enjoyed both of the movies, however Death Proof was my favorite. Not only did it star my Rent girls Tracie Thoms and Rosario Dawson, but it had the coolest chick ever in it, Zoe Bell. I'm not going to say much about the plotlines, but Death Proof made you feel powerful as a woman at the end of it. I still haven't watched HIMYM or Heroes and it's past 1 AM. I'll have to watch at least one of them tonight... which one?...

Monday, May 14, 2007

Survivor finale night

oh yeah- and Mother's Day. Well actually that was technically yesterday. I had Taylor up on Saturday to hang out with and go to the movies.

Spiderman 3 was totally a letdown. I really enjoyed the first two, but this one just left me feeling like I had sat way too long and still only got half assed stories. My sister had already told me that it was a little disappointing, but I went in with high hopes. It is kinda sad when the best parts of the movie is when the character is air humping passing women on the street. I just wasn't satisfied, and quite frankly I don't know if I want to see the next one. My niece seemed to enjoy it though... We got down to Luverne over a hour before the gates opened and ended up going to Pamida. We also found a new swimsuit for Taylor, one that is appropriate for a 10 year old, and believe me there was not a lot to choose from. Before we left SF we had gone to Target and got some activities to bring to the drive-in. We got a volleyball, a big fribsee, and velcro mitts and ball. We ended up playing all of them in front of the cars, and we had a lot of random children join in the fun.

It was already past 11:30 PM when the second movie started. 'Are We Done Yet?' was from opening credits a crap fest. I thought maybe I would enjoy John C. McGinley in it, but nope! He was super annoying, and we ended up leaving the drive-in after about 40 minutes into the movie.

On Sunday, we finally woke up after 10 AM. Taylor and I finally headed back to Brookings and brought my mom her Mother's Day presents. We got her a major weird collection of gifts, a huge coffee cup planter, a yard ladybug- that has moving parts to appear like it's flying, some chocolate, and some huge jade looking plastic earrings. I think she liked everything. The topper of the night was watching the finale of Survivor Fiji. I missed some episodes of it, but I had always been cheering for Earl who ended up winning! Yay! He's really cute and single?? Kansar isn't too far away. My mom and other family members were on the Yau-man team. There was a great analysis at this site. They had a lot of crazy people treating Cassandra rudely for seemingly no reason. It was strange.

Anway- goodnight, tomorrow HIMYM and Heroes!... oh and work...

I don't think I'm ready to let go...

Alright this borders on really strange, but it made me a little sad watching it. I loved the chemistry between the two actors.
Amy, Taylor, and I got together and watched one of our favorite episodes. Season 3: They Shoot Gilmores Don't They? otherwise known as the dancing marathon episode. We all agreed that was one of our favorites. I'm sure that I will put up more in the coming days...

Saturday, May 12, 2007

I'm loving it!

As for right now I'm loving my Philips MP3 player. I already have almost 5,000 of my songs loaded on it. It seemed to be getting a little tired last night, so I gave it a break. I guess my love is like... if you can't be with the one you love (iPod) then love the one your with. I'm going to have to use the protective case that I got along with it. When I used it I kept thinking about 'The Boy in the Plastic Bubble' or I guess I could also think of it as Bubble Boy. The case is pretty heavy duty, I am almost tempted to chuck it as hard as I can like in The Office. I also love that I can listen to the radio on it, and I can even record songs off of it. I'm really not sure how handy that will be, but the 18 year old me is freaking out! Oh- mixed tape days I miss you! I used to spend hours and hours just making the right tape.

Speaking of 'man I'm old'... I got the invite to my 10 year high school reunion. Typing that up I realize how scary that is. I don't think I'm going to go...? I have no husband or kids, I live an hour away, and I really don't like anyone I graduated with. I could tell the long story of my mean childhood friend who ignored me for three years and just recently tried to reconnect with me, but I'm not going to.

Taylor is coming up tomorrow and we are going to go to the double feature of 'Spiderman 3' and that Ice Cube movie I think it's called 'Are We Done Yet?' It's at the Luverne Drive-in theatre and we are pumped. I am trying to rearrange and tidy up my living room, so Lord beer me persistance!

Friday, May 11, 2007

Bust a Move

I'm a little strange in how I watch my Thursday night of entertainment. Since I have a DVR on my computer I record all the shows and watch it in this order, My Name is Earl, Scrubs or 30 Rock, and then The Office. Well, my DVR cut off the end of The Office and put it in front of Scrubs, I heard two words from Pam before I forwarded through as fast as I could. There were too many good things about the shows tonight. The highlights of My Name is Earl: Earl unsuprisingly saves Joy by taking the blame for the crime, he's going to prison. I'm not as excited about Earl as I was by the first season... I don't know how much more life it has in it.

Scrubs was good, J.D. and Turk went to a convention where they saw Kim, J.D. ex-girlfriend who was still pregnant. The two best parts of the show, Henry(Michael McMillian)from 'What I Like About You' was in it as the convention greeter. I love him! And of course, the Doctor Toilet bit was entertaining. So was the old Young M.C.

I can't even describe The Office, good from the start. I had goosebumps during Pam's speech. People are so much better at describing the best parts. I just can't comprehend that Jamie and Rebekah didn't like the show. I mean, really what's not to love? All I know is that I am sick that the season is done next week.

Something else that has occupied my time tonight- I got my player today!

I'm loving it! It was waiting for me outside my door when I got home. It will be able to hold all my songs.

I'm not making sense- I have to go to bed

Thursday, May 10, 2007

The Soup: Spiderman 3

I love Joel McHale. I haven't seen Spiderman 3, yet! I may go next weekend to the drive-in. I love being able to sit in my car and watch movies- really life doesn't get more lazy. I went up to my parents yesterday and my brother's monster television was downstairs- I really don't know how big it is- but it's five times the size of my biggest one. I watched the end of Season 2 of Lost on it, and it was awesome. I'm trying to go back and watch episodes to see if I can get any clarity on where the story is going now- I got nothing. What I did get to do today was meet up with my friends Rebekah and Jamie. Pretty soon they will have been married three years! Wowsa! It was fun talking about Lost and Heroes with them. Jamie watches them online and Rebekah waits for the boot-legged copies I make. Anyway- I better go. I was going to go to Grindhouse at the cheap theater ($3 people!), but the last showing was at 7:30 and it is 8:30- bummer!

Lost: The Man Behind the Curtain

R.I.P. Roger Linus (Work Man)
I am in the process of re-watching the episode. As much as I talk about it and hear other people's views and theories on Lost and Gone Forever --I was still not prepared.

My clear thoughts:

Who am I kidding I really don't have clear thoughts after this episode. I'm going to just go ahead and let other people theorize where the story is going. I can't string a understandable sentence together. I just have more questions...

*Someone had theorized the whole Roger Linus being Roger Work man. So that wasn't as big a surprise.

*I thought that Locke would be the next on the 'kill' list, even if he lives I'm counting it as a victory for me! He resolved his really big issue when Sawyer took care of good old daddy.

*The purge was wow- um, can you say 'The Stand'... It was a superflu or something like that.

*Are guest actors Samantha Mathis as Olivia and Doug Hutchinson as Horace really done. Kind of a waste of good actors don't you think?

*What happened to Annie? Someone said that she could be CFL- um! I don't think that's possible.

*Who goes hiking when they are 7 months pregnant? Seriously?

*Reminder to me- don't go to fictional Portland

*'I think we got some catching up to do..' You aren't joking Jack!

*Ben has major issues (that's clear), and an infinity for using white rabbits for crazy reasons.

*Alpert cleans up very well. Oh, and he has the same appearance as thirty years ago.

Alright that may be enough- I should just pack it in and call it a night. Damn you Lost, I'm going to have really messed up dreams!

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

How I Met Your Mother- Something Borrowed

This episode was centered around Marshall and Lily's wedding. Everything that could possibly go wrong happened. Thus leading to some fun moments, such as Marshall exhibiting a bit of crazy head-shaving Britney Spears. You can tell that they had a hard time keeping a straight face after the head shaving, Josh Radnor (Ted) had a Jimmy Fallon-like smirk. There were however other problems such as the ex-boyfriend set to object to the wedding, no flowers for the ceremony, a very pregnant harpist, and of course, there's Barney. The best part of the episode is when they get married how they wanted, in an intimate, outdoor ceremony. It reminds me of when my friends got married officially before the big ceremony and I got to be part of it. It was really small and beautiful.

I'm scared for what is going to be revealed by Robin and Ted in the next episode. They have been keeping a secret for the last couple of weeks from everyone. I wonder if they broke up and didn't want to have Lily or Marshall find out about it before the wedding. Once again, this show is really great! I think people should check it out and give it a chance, because I have to find out who the mother is before it is done.

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

It's past 2 AM and I need to go sleepy

I just finished watching the newest episode of Heroes. I think I watched it too late, I couldn't devote a lot of me attention for some reason. I'm starting to get tired of watching television while sitting at my computer. I love, love, love having DVR and choosing whenever I watch programs, but I also like being a couch potato. I may talk more about the episodes from tonight, HIMYM was pretty cute. All I have to say about Heroes for right now is- I don't look at my uncle(s) that way, and hopefully vice versa.

Monday, May 07, 2007

Money must be burning a hole in my pocket

I just did an impulse buy.

Yikes! I had my RCA 5 GB MP3 player breakdown on me. I somehow got my brother to give me his identical one. His works so much better than mine- I have been using it for the last week or so and it is so smooth. I can't believe what a piece of junk I got. All three of us um-kids got a player for Christmas. My dream player would be an iPod of course, but I refuse to spend money at itunes. I already had bought a butt-load of songs from Wal-Mart (I didn't want to do it illegally?) So I found the deal at Wal-Mart. At least this one will have a case to protect the stupid thing. I really hope it works well? I'm scared!

I tried to post a YouTube clip, but obviously that didn't go up. I went up to Brookings on Saturday night. It was thrilling, I ended up watching the last three episodes of Lost's Season 2. The difference between watching it on my tiny screen and Nathan's huge TV (I don't know specifics- basically it's the size of a small wall). I ended up falling asleep at a little after 1 AM- it was strange. The next day I hung out with the nieces for awhile, and then went back to SF to meet up with Rebekah and Jamie. The married couple was happy, we went out for a little supper and talked about Survivor and Heroes. They are cool people, and they have liked every show I have let them know about except for The Office. I'm going to make them try it again, I lent them the first season. I will bring them to the dark side. Oh- yes... I will.

Saturday, May 05, 2007

Happy Cinco De Mayo!

Yes- I bought a mini hat for my cat. Pretend that isn't scary. Go and eat something spicy and yummy! My poor cat was sleeping when I came up and snuck the hat on her. She wasn't feeling it. For those who didn't know- my cat's name is Hella, thus my blog's name.

Thursday, May 03, 2007

The end of Gilmore Girls

I know that I have been sort of disappointed this last season of Gilmore Girls, but man I still wasn't ready for the end. I am taking this last episode as a personal message to me now (yes I'm self centered and delusional). I say we have a big Gilmore Girl blow out party to say goodbye. What do you say Amy and Taylor? We can watch a mini-marathon on Nate's big TV. Each of us can pick out our favorite episode. And then we will order as much food as possible. And we have to talk as fast as we possibly can, and always throw in a witty pop-culture reference. Man, I'm going to miss that show...


Here's the main The Price is Right segment from this week's episode of How I Met Your Mother.

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

The Brig, Lost Season 3

Alright, well I guess the theory of Cooper (Locke's organ-stealing, murderous, and let's face it same-aged biological dad) is also Mr. Sawyer (Sawyer's con namesake). It wasn't an episode that I really enjoyed seeing, because well... I love Sawyer- and I started crying when he thought about his mommy. (okay-pull it together Sarah...)

Other notes:

*Naomi already annoys me

*The Others are freaks, again. They were standing around waiting for the blood bath to begin- creepy. Plus, aren't they supposed to be against murder?

*I was expecting the invitation for Locke to consist of more information sharing, it was pretty simple and fast 'ya want to come with us?'

*Metaphor, I don't want no stinkin' metaphor. I want a magic box, damn it!

*Why do shows take a pleasant greeting and turn it really creepy? 'We've been waiting for you.'- uggh

*If somebody treated me like Jack and Juliet did Kate at the end- I would seriously consider head-butting.

Okay- for actual deep thoughts on this episode and others check out:

and/or the the forum Lost and Gone For A While

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

New video!

Here's the newest video by Kelly Clarkson. My parents want me to believe that Carrie Underwood is the best former winner of AI. I'm pretty excited for the new album. It's only been... what... at least three years since her last.

Joey & David

Joey & David

Yes- this was on Best Week Ever, however for the people who don't go there- you have to check it out.

Pete and guyliner

Alright- I admit it I'm not hip and I really don't know for sure which band is Fall Out Boy. The one thing I do know is that Pete Wentz is a major tool. I got the newest issue of People the other day and he's in it displaying a step-by-step tutorial on how to apply guyliner (eyeliner for guys). I thought that was lame enough- until I saw this video.

How I Met Your Mother- Showdown

I just have to say I love this show. I really do love it. It is rare to have a traditional sitcom these days be funny, but they pull it off. I think it is just as witty as early years Gilmore Girls. I really can't help but smile when I watch it. The same can not be said for it's neighbor show Two and a half men- the fact that it is the number one comedy makes me sick. But on with the good stuff.
In this episode it is a couple weeks before Marshall and Lily's wedding and they are being challenged to sleep away from each other until the wedding. Another challenge is that Lily puts on her wedding dress and suffers something I'm sure a lot of brides do- her dress doesn't fit. The part that isn't like most brides is that she lost too much weight- without even trying to. She then spends the rest of the episode eating as much fattening food as possible.
While all this happens Ted is trying to make a PC best man speech for the reception. He doesn't do so well- but pulls off a good speech as shown at the end of the episode.
Barney's contribution is that he is finally going to introduce himself to his father, who is........ wait for it.......... Bob Barker! He has practiced extensively and is trying to get to the showdown and win. Then he plans on telling Bob that he is his son. This leads to some great scenes to say the least. But don't trust me- go to CBS's Innertube and see full episodes of How I Met Your Mother.
Yay! South Dakota native Bob Barker!

Reading got hotter!