Sunday, January 23, 2005


I came up to Brookings this afternoon (Saturday that is) to do massive amounts of laundry and pretend that I will spend quality time with my family. I am more of a quantity than quality person. How can you compete with other distractions that happen on the weekend? I usually get to see the younger one for about two hours and the whole time her sister is trying to retain all the attention. It basically drives me crazy- but what are the alternatives? Not coming home to Brookings and never seeing them. Anyway- I did spend some good moments with my niece today- we played the Spongebob games I got her for X-mas. I just got done watching 'Jersey Girl' with my mom- it was alright for a Ben Affleck movie. Man- at one time in my life I really liked him!
My mom and Taylor came up on Sunday last weekend and I went to the Incredibles with Tay. Now that was a good movie- Pixar always does a good job.

I've been a total recluse lately- I like staying at my apartment. I know I need to just get out and go out and be young and single- but it is just so scary. My friend Rebekah mentioned someone her husband works for and if basically she could set me up on a date with him. It isn't that I wouldn't want to but I'm just so scared I'm like a deer in headlights. Twenty-seven is just such a scary age to be alone- I don't think I could handle that emotionally. All my other friends are either married or in relationships. Their stress is when to start having children- how strange! When did everyone grow up- I missed it! Sorry I'm just having weird PMS rants.

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