Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Heroes daddy revelation

Well- Monday night's Heroes was a really good episode. It kind of is having it go a little Luke and Princess Leia on us though with the revelation that Nathan Petrelli is Claire's biological dad. No matter what the creators say they had to know that it seemed like there was some sort of strange sparks between Peter and Claire. It was just a little strange. I wonder when she will realize that Peter is related to her dad. The Sylar part was really good last night, I thought crazy dog mom was going to get it last night and I was a little excited because man is she annoying. I am starting to have an unnatural attraction to Horn Rimmed Glasses Bennett. I like a guy with an edge I guess. Despite everything though he is trying to save Claire which I can't say the same for her real dad. They say that some of the Heroes are not going to end up being good guys and he is the number one suspect for going to the bad side. There is no way that they can put Hiro or Peter on the evil side though- absolutely no way. The whole Jessica/Nikki, Ali Larter storyline and characters around her could be phased out in my opinion. When they come on the screen I cringe and kind of numb myself to what is going on. I can understand all of the other powers, but frankly having Jekyll/Hyde personalities doesn't count as special powers. Her husband and son however do have special powers so perhaps they could continue on.

On to other news, Lost returns tomorrow night!

My brother and mother are spending the night because my brother has to get a colonscopy. He has not been feeling well for quite a while and they just want to cover all the bases to find out what is going on with his digestive tract. I am praying that they find something to explain Nathan's symptoms. I of course hope it isn't serious, but I really hope there is something they can treat, because that is the worst thing for him that he feels terrible and the doctors can't explain why he is ill. Anyway I should be sleeping (on my couch) because I work at 7:45, but I will be up much earlier because they have to be up at ass crack of dawn. night

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