Sunday, November 26, 2006

I've calmed down a bit

Woo! I think I'm getting a little stressed out from just thinking about the holidays. I went to both the Sioux Falls and Brookings Light parades this weekend. I had my mom bring Taylor up on Friday and we got a good spot, we avoided some glass and got ready for the parade. A group comes up beside us about seven or eight feet away. They had three or four little girls with them and soon a little girl starts playing with some broken glass on the ground. One of the women in the group goes over to girl and the glass and reprimends her and proceeds to kick it along the curb. All well and good, but she kept kicking it towards us with apparently no regard for how we felt about having glass near us. I was going to say something, but my mom stopped me. That is just the way I was raised, consideration for other people. Unlike my mother though, I don't just let people treat me any old way they want, if you aren't being considerate I'll tell you! Anyway, afterwards we went shopping and ate supper at good old Denny's. Then my mom went home and left Taylor for an overnight stay. I slept in the next day and then we got ready and went to the early matinee of 'Flicka' which was really good. Both Taylor and I were wiping away tears from our eyes. She used her shirt and I delicately used my fingers hoping it didn't create racoon eyes (because I actually put on makeup!) We went to Cici's for lunch because we like to try new places (pretty good food and affordable!) Then we shopped some more and came back to Brookings in time for the Light parade. It was a good Thanksgiving weekend all in all.

My Celebrity Gossip ravings
I have to ask a question that really no one has been asking. Where the hell is the Jolie-Pitt baby? They bring the other two kids out all the fucking time, but meanwhile the baby must be getting pastier and pastier. I just wonder why that isn't getting focus at all. Another celebrity thing that is annoying me is Britney Spears. You dump a parasite and take on another one. I would have rather seen her stay with her husband than to whore around with Paris Hilton. She started out so good too, building a perfect comeback and then she ruins it. Just doesn't make any sense.

Really that's all I'm going to say tonight- I'm done. Over and out.

I'm going to add 'Seventh Heaven' to my hate list

I was flipping through the channels out of complete boredom and came across tonight's new episode of Seventh Heaven and every single one of the characters annoys the shit out of me. I know it is fiction- but the way those characters act is pretty much exactly why I was turned off of from attending my church when I was younger. They all have an attitude of holier than thou when they interact with everyone, yet at the same time every time they act like assholes or bitches it's "I'm only human!" The main culprits in the show are the women of the family. That is my main reason I want to see Saw II because I hope that Beverly Mitchell's character gets ripped apart. Even the 7 year old twins make me want to go postal!

I can't watch this show when I am PMSing- it is absolutely terrible.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Robin Sparkles!

If you haven't heard the new sensation Robin Sparkles yet- you have to check it out. It really works for Black Friday. Hey, now that I think about it maybe it is subliminal messages to go to a Canadian mall? Naaa!

This last episode of How I Met Your Mother made me laugh so hard. Find out what it is aboot on CBS website- they usually have the whole episode on for free.

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Reba is the best

I am in the middle of watching CMT's Reba tribute show- and I have been bawling like a baby. The website says that you can watch it there. I taped it yesterday and I am going to bring it to Brookings for Thanksgiving. Click here to go to CMT's site. I couldn't stop crying during both 'The Greatest Man I Never Knew' and 'Is There Life Out There?'
I'm only half way through the show too!

Saturday, November 18, 2006


I completely forgot about talking about the fall finale and Sawyer and Kate getting it on. Umm- wild animal sex in a cage with Sawyer- umm. That will tide me over until February.

What a scary mask!

This is a picture I took while my nieces and I were in Lewis in Brookings. Taylor had tried on disgusting masks and Samantha laughed and laughed. Then I saw the W mask and told Taylor to hold it up to her face and I took the picture. It's priceless.

On to the other stuff that happened-

The Office. What about this last week's episode where the branches merg. Yes, another show that I can't miss. It was pretty good, the whole Pam-Jim-Karen thing should be good. I actually felt the hurt of Pam when she witnesses Jim having a new relationship with Karen. The passing of gum never had such a deep meaning. (If you saw it you would know what I'm talking about). Plus the Lazy Scranton video was hilarious (the NBC site has the full video). Anyway, I'm still not sure who I want him to end up with- maybe me!!

On to the uncomfortable Gilmore Girls- which actually got better this week. Thank god they put more focus on the side characters. I know the show is titled Gilmore Girls, but the other characters have usually been the big draw for me. Plus, now that Jess won't be in the picture anymore (damn Heroes for being good- just kidding!) I am pinning all my hope on Marty becoming the true love of Rory. Please, please let him kick Logan's ass! Plus I'm hoping that Luke doesn't want to get back with Lorelai because I think he could do so much better.

I just got done watching both Slither and Thank You For Smoking. They were both good, I especially liked Smoking. I enjoyed Slither but I wouldn't want to watch it over and over. James Gunn (the writer/director/actor) has connections to both of the shows I mentioned. His wife is Pam on The Office and his brother is Kirk on GG. Weird.

Work is going fine- love the kids, deal with the parents and co-workers. School is going fine- I gave a presentation and didn't cry, puke, pee or poop my pants. It probably wasn't the best presentation ever- but I got through it.

I haven't had an entry since before the end of an era- K-Fed is now Fed-Ex- and Britney went from trailer trash to slightly skinnier trailer trash. Plus- I haven't been watching too much television in hopes of avoiding coverage of the wedding of the century (aka month). Maybe Katie will fall and the computer chip that was put into her brain will fall out.

Well- Happy Thanksgiving- eat lots of turkey and cranberry sauce.

Friday, November 03, 2006

Leave Doogie alone!

What is up with 'media' wanting to out everybody- even the obviously gay people? So what if Neil Patrick Harris (or NPH) is gay. Then he had to out himself, when frankly people didn't really care one way or the other. If he wasn't gay I might not like the characters he has played recently (himself in Harold and Kumar, and Barney in How I Met Your Mother). Oh, and I knew it officially when I saw him on Big Brother this summer- don't ask me why I just did.

Tonight I also saw the first six minutes of Tenacious D's Pick of Destiny. The kid who plays Jack Black is dead on- mind you he is just lipsynching to Jack- but the kid had the growl look down! I'll have to check out the movie- it might help to be drunk.

Plus, I went to the Heroes website (yes a really exciting Friday I'm having!) and putzed around for awhile and this is what I am taking away from my visit. A. I keep forgetting that Adrian Pasdar (aka Nathan Petrelli) is Natalie Maines (Dixie Chicks) husband. I have probably heard that five times, but I am always say, "Oh, yeah that's right." And B. I want to marry Masi Oka (aka Hiro) he is so smart! Seriously, check out his bio.

Let's talk about Lost. I really hope that Jack doesn't trust the woman Juliet- I think she is T-R-O-U-B-L-E. There wasn't really anything that knocked my socks off this last episode. When the group went into the other hatch and the new girl suggests trying the other televisions like it was this genius thing- I wanted to punch all of them. Especially Locke when he says "Well I'm suddenly feeling very stupid." Plus eye-patch guy looks like Will Ferrell.

Reading got hotter!