Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Hey- I'm a college student- wanna get drunk and skip class?

Just kidding- that is how I had trouble the first time I went. Now I am a working college student- quite a change from not getting out of bed until 11 OR 12 even on the days I had an 8 AM class. I went up to Brookings to get my financial aid refund on Monday and stood in line from 8-8:40 to find out that my check wouldn't be available until Tuesday. Great! Then I got to high-tail it to SF to be at work at 10. I went home for one hour and then went back to Brookings to stay at my parents. Well- I got the check though- Yay!

Oh- yeah and I got a computer- well I ordered one and it should be in within a couple of days- Aaaaa! Finally- finally - I am extremely excited. Goodbye crappy computers that never work. Goodbye sitting in public and being aware of every noise I or my body makes. I need to get my internet figured out- not sure what I really can get- I'm gonna have to investigate. So I just thought I would share this with the one other person who actually looks at this thing. Oh- and I was out of town when the Blue Angels were here- sorry! The 3 dollar theatre is actually West Mall 7 and is located in the Western Mall right off of 41st on Western. It is wonderful. I went to The Lake House a couple nights ago- confusing, but good. I admit it I can't not like romance movies. Anyway- hopefully this will be the last time in a while that I will have to use a computer at the library.

Saturday, August 12, 2006

Hey- it's August!

Wow! I didn't have a entry in here for about forever. Life is pretty much the same since then. I did register for my classes this next semester in July- that was like a blast from the past except that it is so 'high-tech' compared to only four years ago. Some more big news is that my brother was put in the hospital in SF on Tuesday night. I got a phone call right after I was done with work and was told he had been coughing up blood and he had major pains in his rib area. He had been sick for a while, but the doctors in Brookings just basically gave him antibiotics and said it should cure it- it didn't. Turns out his leg which had swelled up to about twice it's normal size had blood clots in it (even though Brookings had looked and not found any). He is on blood thinner and is being observed through the weekend. I took off Wednesday to be with him and my mom. And through sheer luck I was able to spend most of Thursday at the hospital as well. He is obviously getting better, because he is surly as hell. I'm not going to go as long today- because all I get is yelled at by him. I thought I would take an afternoon for me.

There is good news- I am planning on getting a computer of my own soon- with some educational loans I should be able to get one and also internet access- finally! I am trying to not get too excited about it- because it may fall through- I hope not. Well- off to the hospital I go!

Reading got hotter!