Sunday, October 30, 2005


Alright- I'm totally hooked on the show Lost now- so hooked that I went and bought the first season on DVD. I had seen bits and pieces of the show before, but since I hadn't seen all of the episodes I didn't want to start watching- well now that I am all caught up- I love it. Hurley, Charlie, and Sawyer are my favorites- I just love how it is written.

Anyhow- I left Fairmont this afternoon and then stopped briefly in SF and now I am in good old Brookings. I took off Monday and Tuesday just to be able to celebrate Halloween with my nieces without rushing back for work. I had a good time last night- I dressed in a medieval princess costume- it was gaudy and fantastic. I was buzzing, but not drunk. I was the only single person there- unless you count the 10 month-old that was there with his parents. However- it did make staying single sound better and better- because almost every couple was bickering all night long. There was almost a fist fight over a game we were playing.

Two weeks ago- my friends were up in SF- and we went out on the town. We got really drunk and I made my friend ask questions about a guy I used to know at his apparently former place of employment. I am so glad that I had her do that because now I don't have to wonder about the person anymore. He's not dead- he hasn't moved- he just decided to stop talking to me. Oh well....

I am going to go up and paint pumpkins with my nieces- Taa Ta

Saturday, October 29, 2005


I'm up in Fairmont visiting my friends for a Halloween party- it's going to be great! I'm going to be a princess- which sounds fun but will most likely look like a drag queen version of a princess. I already put on my fake nails and I feel so ladylike. Anyway- maybe I'll blog later

Saturday, October 08, 2005

Three Wishes

I came home tonight for my niece's second birthday and to watch the NBC reality show 'Three Wishes' with my family. In between commercials we managed to sneak in birthday things like blowing out the candles and opening presents. It was really good, the show that is. It made my sister and me cry and cry. It was everything a good reality show should be- without the annoying Ty Pennington. Hell- I don't like Amy Grant, but even I could stomach her for two hours. I really think that Brookings is a great place to live- I really do want to move back here eventually- I am a born and raised Brookings citizen.

Anyway- life has been eh for the last month or so- I can't even remember all the things I've done. I can think of some movies I've gone to- The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants, Herbie Fully Loaded, The 40-year-old Virgin, Just Like Heaven and probably some other ones. I'm possibly going to go to In Her Shoes tomorrow because I love Jennifer Wiener books. She is awesome- and so down to earth- I love reading her blog. I'm also going to go to Red Eye at the 3 dollar theatre- I hope nobody shoots me- this is funny if you know that recently something happened at the theatre- but lucky for me I would never go to Dukes of Hazard.

Damn- I'm crying again- my parents are downstairs watching Three Wishes because my dad wasn't able to watch it the first time. The family from New Orleans and the family with the sick dad- Waaaaaaa! Although my family is so mean that we kept making jokes the whole time we watched it.

I went crazy and cut my hair a month ago- I gave myself bangs. Well then they got long and were in my eyes so last night I went completly nuts and wacked them really short- like those girls that work at small coffee houses (the girls that are always so much cooler than you. ) So I am determined to pretend that I like how my hair looks- because confidence is key. Anyway I'm tired I feel like I lived at work this week. I get to hang out with my nieces tomorrow and then I'm going to go back home and sleep, sleep and sleep some more. Night night

Reading got hotter!