Saturday, March 19, 2005

How far is White Castle from SF?

After a horrible winter storm this Thursday/Friday- I rented a couple of movies and got a pizza. I had gotten stuck in my parking lot before work and I managed to get stuck in the same place coming back from work- the first time I got out by myself and the second time I needed help. So then I got to unwind and watch Harold and Kumar go to White Castle and I loved it- perfect stupid comedy. I also realized I love Kumar. I about died during the weed montage.

Anyway at about 1:30 I decided to head to Brookings because I thought I was going to go out tonight. I get in my car to go and surprise I'm stuck- stupid fucking snow and crappy tires! But- I was so proud of myself I got out by myself- I got cardboard and managed to get myself free. Makes you feel like MaGyver...

I am doing some laundry and I'm going to head home- I spent the afternoon hanging out with my youngest niece. Something that has totally made me sick is the abduction and murder of the little girl Jessica. When they showed the pictures of her it looks just like my pictures of Taylor and it breaks my heart. I feel so bad for her grandparents.

Anyway now that I'm crying I'm going to go- I also rented 28 Days Later and this time I will will will watch it.

Sunday, March 13, 2005

Blah Blah Blah....

Hello- I was desperately sick last weekend. I went home on Friday and knew I needed to go to the clinic- so I knew I really wasn't well. I thought I might have Influenza because I work in a germ factory and we had a child who had it. Turns out I didn't have it- thankfully- but I did have either bronchitis or walking pnuemonia and possibly sinus infection. He prescribed medication that fought the lot of it. I felt so miserable and more alone than I have felt in a long time. I had a temp of at least 102.4 (on a not very reliable thermometer) and I had terrible chills. All I had to comfort me was my cat. Anyway I finally feel like a person. I went to 'Finding Neverland' yesterday. You know you are really not 'into' a movie when all you can focus on are the actresses' hair and how Johnny Depp can possibly look so young at 40. I can't say that I didn't enjoy it or cry- I cry at Werther's commericals for god sake! It was a very short movie and I think that they could have filled out the characters a little more- I know that it is based on real people- but it is a movie- pretend that Barrie actually had an affair with the mother. Mainly I think I am just frustrated with all entertainment lately.

Gilmore Girls has been good- I would die for someone to come to my door and kiss me like Luke did- ahhh.... Anyway- I am dedicating next weekend to going out. Even if I don't want to- I will go out! I have massive amounts of laundry that I am dropping off at my parents- I have no energy to find and sit at a laundarmat (sorry for the spelling). I plan on going home before it gets too late.

Reading got hotter!