Saturday, September 18, 2004

Damn F-ing computer

My computer (aka my parents') has officially died. I have revived it in the last couple of months about five times- when I thought it was really dead. But this time it is officially dead. Now I am in a computer lab in the library- and my stomach just made a strange sound that other people probably thought was gas. My life can't get too much worse than the last couple of weeks. I lost my contact and had to wear my glasses for about two weeks while waiting for them to finally make their way to me. Then I was thrown up on by a little girl at work- completely covered. Then my car needed to go in for repairs and it cost $300. Yeah, life is great.

I need to get my own computer.

I went out and bought both Kill Bills and I also bought In the Cut after I watched it last week. Mark Ruffalo is beyond yummy- I don't know what it is about Boston accents that drives me wild- but he has the best one.

Life in SF is going fine- just lonely still. Anyway I might not do much blogging since I don't have easy access to a computer anymore.


Reading got hotter!