Tuesday, April 10, 2007

A cute little game

Alright people have probably been doing this for awhile- but it's new to me. Steps for game are 1. Go to IMDb and type in 10 of your favorite movies (one at a time of course!) 2. find 3 plot keywords and 3. see if friends can guess your movies

Here it goes

1. mermaid, school dance, trophy
2. England, snow, lawyer
3. batting cage, face slap, lasting friendship
4. time travel, dance scene, New York City
5. school play, Christmas, London
6. balcony, candle, 1980's
7. sex in elevator, shopping, game show
8. running, feather, legless person
9. buddy film, pizza, rocket
10. end of the world, devil, mute

I probably made it too easy- I dare you Amy or anyone else to guess (ah- who am I kidding it will just be Amy maybe Nate). Enter in comments.


Amy said...

I'm going to feel really stupid, but I only got a few....
2. Bridget Jones' Diary
3. When Harry Met Sally...
5. Love Actually
7. Mallrats
8. Forrest Gump
10. The Stand
All right, what were the answers???

Sarah said...

I'll give you one hint for the rest

1. part of a series

4. magazine

6. alternative lifestyles

9. stars one of the actors from another movie in this list (one you got right).

Congrats! You got the six right! Figure out the last four! You'll kick yourself for a couple of the missed ones.

Reading got hotter!