Monday, April 09, 2007

Jesus arose and my MP3 player has fallen

Dang it I am so depressed today. I went up to Brookings last night and was listening and grooving to my player through my car radio. I pulled in the driveway and turned the power off and went into the house. I was talking to my parents and then we got ready to go to sleep. I turned off the TV and was going to listen to some music through the stereo in my parents living room. I pushed the power button and instead of going to the menu it did pretty much nothing for around 40 seconds and then the following message pops up 'File system corrupted!' I shrugged it off and tried again- and after trying it an additional 30 times now I am convinced finally that it won't suddenly heal itself. I was just starting to love the damn thing truly!! I had accepted that it wasn't an iPod and I was fine with that, mainly because I had purchased music through and it worked in my player. I feel like I lost a little piece of me- not a major part, but definitely a piece I wouldn't mind keeping. I have looked on the RCA site to see if I could find anything to help my situation. I am going to have to have someone with more insight help me- because I still haven't figured it out. Aaaaaaaaaaa!

I went to Blades of Glory. It was pretty funny at times- I'm not going to deny that I laughed, because I did. I just wish that the original movie (The Cutting Edge) got some credit- I mean come on they even did the same routine at the end! Will Arnet and Amy Poehler are such a wacky cute couple. The funny part about going to the movie is that I took my 10 year old niece to it. I got her parents approval beforehand since they had gone to it. I found myself covering her eyes a couple of times. For the most part things went over her head.

Well anyway-- maybe if I pray really really hard my MP3 player will be fixed. I'll try!

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