Well after two straight weeks of working- I am now a worker ant- I live for my weekends. That's not true really- I am enjoying all week. This morning I went over and hung out with my baby niece while her mom (my sister) had a little time away. She is starting to get a personality- I can't wait until she responds to me though. I had to be at work at noon- so I was on the road at 11. I need to stop speeding- because it is only a matter of time before I get a ticket. I used to notch it up to 79 then it became 80 or 81. Today I caught myself setting the cruise control at 85. Bad Sarah! Anyway- work is there and I am getting more comfortable with the routine. Tomorrow I look for apartments? Well maybe.... or Sunday. I might go out tomorrow night- have a celebration for my new job and my first paycheck.
I haven't talked about Survivor recently- mainly because it really wasn't too interesting. This week's episode was pretty gnarly- yes I just said gnarly. It was only a matter of time before someone tried gunning for Rupert- and who blames them? I am pretty sure that he won't win- just because he is a big threat for both sides. Still unsure how it is going to turn out- and that makes it interesting. My mom and I went crazy at the last tribal council- when that Trish woman lied to everyone after being asked point blank about the Rupert stuff. That John guy has got to go- totally annoying- I would have wanted to punch him in the face if I was a member of the Morgan tribe- when he told them that they had only won the first challenge because their team had thrown it. When Morgan won the last immunity challenge- the leader (name is escaping me) was so happy he cried. So anyhoo- we will see how it goes.
And other entertainment news... I am getting close to being obsessed with Sex and the City. I am now on Season Three. I have nothing in common with these women albeit a vagina, but I love the show. I had heard about the show and the characters before- and I had always assumed that I would feel more in common with the character Charlotte. I can't stand her at all- I like the actress- but damn she has to play a really shallow person. She's so hung up on appearences, and even though she says she is innocent she has almost sex as the supposed whore of the show, Samantha. I enjoy Samantha, she tells it like it is. Sarah Jessica Parker's Carrie, is alright. She can be annoying as well, and her 'relationships' are totally fucked up. The one character I thought I would dislike the most is my favorite, Miranda. She doesn't know what she wants- she wants it all and she wants nothing. She has red hair and a cat- that is where the physical and life style shared characteristics end. I shouldn't be writing this, but there was an episode where she dates (and on the show- of course fucks) that is a divorced father of a young child. Miranda doesn't feel comfortable with this and states the funniest and most truthful lines about why she has trouble accepting it. I am going to write it down because it is so good- but right now I am without access to the DVD- I'll plug it in later. What she says is so me- it might sound shallow- but it is also just me. I would be too much hard work starting my own family much less meeting someone who already has it started. I just watched an episode last night where Miranda finds out she contracted a STD, and she has to go through her list of partners over her life. Her number was 42! Yikes! And it had stated that she had never been tested before- say what!!!- she's supposed to be this thirty-something smart lawyer and she had never been tested!? If someone so much sneezes on me I am getting tested. I have about 8 years to reach the same numbers- do you think I can do it? First I have to find number one......
Friday, October 24, 2003
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