My crappy little Futurama sketch

My life. In all it's boring details.
Posted by Sarah at 1/30/2008 12:59:00 AM 1 comments
I was thinking of some songs that I would want to look up to put on my mp3ish player tonight. I was driving home and I heard a song that I knew from a movie (Shag to be specific) and I tried to remember it so I could look it up tonight and I was getting nowhere. I even went through my tape of Shag (I gotta buy the DVD) only to get to the end and not have any of the song information on the end like they do now. It wasn't on the actual music CD (either is Stagger Lee- WTF?) I had to watch my favorite parts while I was fast forwarding through.
anyway...I finally found the title and the singers. It's 'Let Me In' by The Sensations. The song that constantly says wee ooo wee ooo... Anyway that led to finding about twenty other songs that I love and then led me to a song I would play constantly on my parents' record player. I'll Be Your Long Haired Lover From Liverpool by Jimmy Osmond. Yes, he an Osmond and this song kicks Puppy Love's butt. I used to play it over and over again. I think that song can roughly sum up that fact that I was not in the cool crowd in elementary school or anytime since...
If you haven't ever heard the song I suggest you do-- I would marry some guy if he tried to sing this to me. A young child probably wrote the song- but it is one of the most beautiful love songs I know.
I'll be your long haired lover from Liverpool,
and I'll do anything you say.
I'll be your clown or your puppet or your April Fool,
if you'll be my sunshine daisy from L.A.
I'll be your leprechaun and sit upon an old toad stool,
I'll serenade you till I'm old and gray.
I'll be your long haired lover from Liverpool,
you'll be my sunshine daisy from L.A.
You'll be my lovely daisy on the mountainside,
there are lots of other flowers, too.
But all the other flowers hung their heads and cried
because the loveliest of all of them was you.
But you were evidently the exception to the rule,
I picked you quickly then I ran away.
'Cause I was your long haired lover from Liverpool,
you were my sunshine daisy from L.A.
I'll be your long haired lover from Liverpool,
and I'll do anything you ask.
I'll be your clown or your puppet or your April Fool,
cut my hair, I'll even wear a mask.
I'll be your Valentine, and you'll be mine, and things'll be cool.
We'll move along together every day.
I'll be your long haired lover from Liverpool,
you'll be my sunshine daisy from L.A.,
you'll be my sunshine daisy from L.A.
I'll be your long haired lover from Liverpool,
and I'll do anything you ask.
I'll be your clown or your puppet or your April Fool,
cut my hair I'll even wear a mask.
I'll be your Valentine, and you'll be mine, and things'll be cool.
We'll move along together every day.
I'll be your long haired lover from Liverpool,
you'll be my sunshine daisy from L.A....
An Example of my cool factor when I was younger- note the well fashioned Barbie and the Rockers design of my shirt.
Posted by Sarah at 1/24/2008 10:49:00 PM 0 comments
I really hate how women are being treated in this society lately. I'm not an ultra feminist, but shows like Rock of Love and Flavor of Love, and my most recent hate Millionaire Matchmaker. The 'lady' who runs this disgusting organization can try to make it seem all about love, but she is nothing but a fucking pimp. It sickens me. I started watching it just by flipping through and landing on it accidentally.
Patti from Millionaire Matchmaker
She services men who are millionaires and 'helps' them to find their mate (aka whore). Not only do I hate how she treats the women on the show- dismissing some women because of their age, hair color (she hates red heads), and her standard of beauty-- but she is not much better at how she transforms the men. Since these men are rich she tells them how to do everything from how they dress, to how they decorate their houses. I could go on and on about how much this show pisses me off... And I'm sure if I watch anymore I may go on another crazy tangent
There is another matchmaker named Patti that I do like from A&E's Confessions of a Matchmaker. She is down to earth and you can sense that she truly is trying to help the person find someone to share their life with. She is beyond awesome and she could beat the shit out of Bravo's Patti.
Posted by Sarah at 1/23/2008 12:54:00 AM 0 comments
Rest In Peace Heath Ledger. Too young and too talented to die at 28. I've never been a big crazy fan, but I have liked him in the movies I've seen that he was in. It's sad.
Posted by Sarah at 1/22/2008 07:32:00 PM 0 comments
The actor, Allan Melvin, who played Alice's old man died on Thursday. He was 84. I posted this mainly because I love this picture.
Posted by Sarah at 1/19/2008 12:55:00 PM 0 comments
But I just watched about ten minutes of Rock of Love 2 tonight and I was totally A. disgusted and B. horrified and C. ashamed to recognize one of the 'girls' as a former Beauty and the Geek contestant. That made me sad for her that this is her life.
her on Beauty and the Geek with Scooter (who I loved)
her on Rock of Love 2
Posted by Sarah at 1/14/2008 08:39:00 PM 0 comments
What I'm talking about has nothing to do with the clip. I just got done watching Queen Sized on Lifetime. It starred Niki Blonksky as a high schooler who was put up for prom queen by cruel classmates. It was good. I have been on the receiving end of many insults over the years since I am bigger as well. I have never had tough skin and I remember every single hurtful word. The relationship between the mother played by Annie Potts and Nikki's character was just like my relationship with my mom. It was kind of spooky. I twist and turn every comment or look my mom gives me and I know I do. Anyway-- I would recommend watching it if you have the opportunity to. The next showing is actually today (Monday January 14th) at 8 PM here in eastern South Dakota on Lifetime.
A couple of scenes reminded me of Hairspray. I had to include a picture of her with Zac Efron- I just had to...
Posted by Sarah at 1/14/2008 12:50:00 AM 0 comments
Posted by Sarah at 1/14/2008 12:46:00 AM 0 comments
I feel like I haven't had one of those in so long. It really hasn't been any different than what I do for a weekend day, except it's in the week and all the rest of them are working! Yay! I called in to confirm that I had the day off because I took voluntary time off that got covered. I then set my alarm clock for two hours later and then went an additional two after that! I think I'm going to go to a movie today. It is between Enchanted and Sweeney Todd. After that I really don't know what I will do. I have a bunch of gift cards for supper, but I may just want to come home and cook- hahaha- yeah right! I still have to straighten up my apartment a little bit tonight, while I watch Ugly Betty!
TV last night--
Project Runway last night was something else. The person who got kicked out I was kind of on the fence about, he didn't do a horrible job every time but he didn't produce anything wonderful. The winner, however is a different story Victoryia or however the fuck you spell it. Her dress was truly heinous. They were supposed to make a prom dress and it was so ugly. I am so not for the modern empire dress. It makes skinny girls look pregnant, and who really wants to go for that look- especially at prom?
I really hated it and I was so ready for the judges to rip into her and I was so shocked when they praised it. Anyway- whatev I'm not Miss Fashionable anyway...
On to rants about my hair---
I think I really need to get a trim job this weekend. Since my hair is long enough to study the ends I have been spotting split ends every once and awhile and it is driving my crazy. I intend on keeping it long, but I need to slightly even it up and make it look a little more tamed. I also want to do something different with it. I have even let the thought of body wave (aka perming) cross my mind. I had a lot of trauma because of perming earlier in my life so I really need to think it over.
Anyway... on with the day!
Posted by Sarah at 1/10/2008 02:35:00 PM 0 comments
So I have been making my way through season 1 and now season 2 of Big Love on Sidereel. In case you don't know what the show is about a brief synopsis is it is a polygimist family and the drama that surrounds them. Bill Paxton plays the husband who has three wives played by Jeanne Tripplehorn, Chole Sevigny, and Ginnifer Goodwin. I am starting to like all the characters in their unique ways but the first one I took on to was Ginnifer's character Margene. She plays the youngest wife and is young and still getting used to polygamy. I was wasting time on IMDb and I looked up Big Love and went on her page and I saw a listing and went OMG! I knew I remembered her from something. She was on Ed (remember Tom Cavanaugh and Stuckey Bowl?) She played the nerdy girl that Justin Long always hung out with and then later on got with his best friend- her name was Diane. She really looks quite a bit different and it is crazy to think of Ed as being an old television show it kind of feels like it was just on yesterday. I miss seeing that show.
A video that is wanting Ed on DVD
You can see Ginnifer at about 2 minutes in.
The opening for Big Love
Posted by Sarah at 1/07/2008 01:56:00 AM 0 comments
It is almost 5 PM and I am in my pajamas. Last night I got fairly drunk. It was very freeing. I never ever go out anymore. I talked and talked and I acted all sorts of a fool. But I love the idea that I can blame all that on being drunk. I went to Perkins afterwards with one of the five couples I hung out with(yes that part did suck a little bit), but it turned from a woo hoo! fun time to awkward and I keep trying to pinpoint if it was something I said or just that we are all old. I had them bring me back to my car and then I did drive home. I probably shouldn't have but I did. In my defense it just really sucks being single without real friends or family in Sioux Falls. If I get a taxi home then I have to get another one to get my car the next day. So it comes down to spending money and the inconvenience factor versus ending my own and/or somebody else's life. Hmm... which choice should I have gone with? I'm a terrible person. But, this Conan skit did make me feel better.
Posted by Sarah at 1/06/2008 04:39:00 PM 0 comments
I am still undecided as to what I am going to do for voting for a president but I totally remember this 'slogan' from awhile back and I love it! This is the first candidate from either party in at least the last couple of years that I can stomach though.... Hmmm...
I really didn't mean to make it look like Obama was doing the threatening, but it works either way...
Posted by Sarah at 1/05/2008 01:03:00 AM 0 comments
I totally should be sleeping but I just checked ONTD and the Britney drama is on. She holed herself and her two young sons in her mansion and refused to turn them over to Kevin Federline's bodyguard. Apparently she is being treated by paramedics because they believe her to be on something, definitely a car accident that you can't look away from. I am praying for her little innocent boys.
Posted by Sarah at 1/04/2008 01:30:00 AM 0 comments