I just wanted to post that I'm in a really great mood tonight. I'm feeling very motivated about getting all my big projects done. I have a lot of work to do this next couple of weekends, but after I'm done with it I'm going to be so relieved. You know it is a good day when you come home and you are motivated enough to clean. Work was the same way. I got a lot of small things done, but they added up to a lot. The children were all in a good mood and the last couple of days I got the most challenging child to do things he has had a hard time doing. It makes me feel like 'Hey, maybe I am doing things right!'
I am also pretty excited about this writer's strike if it actually goes on. Maybe I'll do something else besides mindlessly watching my shows. Although I have pretty much given up hope on Heroes. I almost feel like I should write a letter to the show. Sorry- it's not me, it's you. (and no I didn't mix the words up)

I actually went to Last Stop CD Shop and got some new DVDs the other night. Season 1 of Dexter and both Hot Fuzz and Shaun of the Dead. I haven't seen Dexter yet- so at least I can look forward to that. And I love Shaun of the Dead but have always just checked it out from the library when I've wanted to watch it. I kind of ended up just grabbing it when I tried to use the buy one/get one coupon on Dexter and Hot Fuzz and was denied.
Oh my.. I'm just blabbering per usual...
I just colored my hair last week. I chose dark brown, which of course looked like black for the first couple of days. It is now actually looking brown. I made a slight kind of pledge to not cut my hair until it is long enough to donate to Locks of Love, but it is getting really annoying. My bangs are growing out, however they are in the really awkward stage right where they are getting long enough to sweep to the side but they don't always want to stay there. Oh well...
The other day I saw something that I bought impulsively and I think that I'm going to bring it to Brookings for Samantha's enjoyment. A self setting whoopee cushion. Ah technology!