Friday, August 31, 2007
Poor AmERICa's Bitch
His brothers older and younger are much cuter than he is. I'm re watching parts of the show before I delete it. Maybe that is the main reason he doesn't want to win HOH, he would have pictures of his much cuter brothers. Just some random post. I need to get to bed. Have I mentioned that I don't like Eric?
Posted by Sarah at 8/31/2007 01:14:00 AM 0 comments
Thursday, August 30, 2007
Rock Star- Nickelback video
I rarely watch videos anymore, does anyone? I was getting ready for work this morning and this video was on. I love the simple concept of having lots of people lip synching a song, so I thought it was cool. Just thought I would put it on. Plus, I'm so not hip that I keep trying to guess what words are bleeped. I think I know about half of them.
Oh my goodness! I almost forgot- Amber got evicted from Big Brother tonight. I got accustomed to her face, and her constant crying, and her stupidity. Ah, I'm actually going to miss her. On to another similar topic...
We had a meth expert come and talk at my work place today. It was a sad, but important inservice. Meth is so rampant in the mid-west that it is important to know the signs of meth use. It was a sad inservice. Imagine being a child who lived in a house that was used for making meth, if you keep living in it you are a second hand junkie. If you get rescued from one, you lose every possession you have. They can't keep anything, it all has to be destroyed. It's completely heart breaking.
Wow! Way to take a posting about a video and turn it.
Posted by Sarah at 8/30/2007 11:49:00 PM 0 comments
More High School Musical stuff
group. Let me know when you have compiled a complete list for HSM2. And while you are checking this out check out some of my other entries. Just click on the hella_goodsd at the top and it will bring you to the newest entries.
I'm straight out lifting this entry from punky_141 ONTD
LiveJournal post. I hadn't seen the video yet, it's probably really old- oh well. Just sit back and enjoy the view.
Along with the video is a list of 100 Things I Learned From High School Musical

1) High school cafeterias are vast and spacious -- leaving plenty of room to spontaniously break into song and dance -- and are in no way packed, crowded or uncomfortable
2) It's completely acceptable for the female drama teacher to walk into the guys locker room where her young male students are showering.
3) A white, 5-foot-9 junior is the best high school basketball player in the state of New Mexico.
4) Creme brulee is a creamy custard that is totally satisfying
5) There's only one fat person at East High School
6) All Troy could remember was pink jelly
7) In school hallways they put up really big posters of the most popular guy in school so that obsessed girls can sing to it
8) It's okay to practice incest if you're acting
9) Students at East High are allowed to work with chemicals unsupervised.
10) Troy's shower head is very impressed
11) Everyone has a secret, and they have practiced to tell everyone in perfect harmony... while dancing.
12) That girl is named Gabriella, and she is very nice.
13) Kelsi has a magic piano: it not only plays piano but it plays guitar, drums and bass too
14) Lucas is NOT gay... even though he dances, sings, hangs out with his girly sister, wears pink hats, and stares at sweaty basketball players because Disney does not promote homosexuality
15) The hottest gossip is that the new girl and baskeball captain are auditioning for a musical, and that is in no way a euphemism for having sex.
16) In high school, you only have class once a day and it's only about 10 minutes long. For the rest of the day you can sing, dance, play basketball, make/foil plans, and hide out in secret gardens as much as you want.
17) While alone in her bedroom, they sing. No sex? Really?
18) No one in the ENTIRE school has ever told Sharpay to shut the fuck up. How is that possible?
19) Gabriella and Troy are 'breaking free'. They are also soaring, flying, and there isn't a star in heaven that they can't reach.
20) You can name a kid in the 21st century "Sharpay"
21) Detention is only 15 minutes long... and a boy named Chad will need you to help him countdown the minutes, as he sadly cannot count that high.
22) It's always good to get extra credit...for college.
23) No one cusses at East High
23) Gabriella can't have people staring her... she really can't.
25) Parents do not teach their children that it's okay to be yourself, only pop songs can do that.
26) Singing and dancing in the hallways is outstandingly normal
27) Playing the cello is very similar to operating a saw.
28) No emos, cutters, or illegal janitors.
29) Gabriella feels AND looks like a girl.
30) Having opera stars' pictures in your refrigerator helps you lose weight.
31) Kelsi can teach you every note, pitch, and word to a song just by singing the first two lines for you.
32) People are doing stuff, stuff that isn't their stuff.
33) The second equation should read 16 over pi.
34) Troy doesn't know that "scared" means the same thing as "afraid"
35) There is only ONE Gabriella Montez on the entire World Wide Web.
36) Ain't nothin wrong with a basketball playing brother who likes to bake.
37) If you're the new kid in school, no one is allowed to look at you
38) If you audition for a school play, you send the entire school into pandemonium
39) Chad can make Troy say things.
40) The jazz square is a crowd favorite. EVERYONE loves a jazz square.
41) Even though you've only sung to your showerhead you will know how to sing harmony in karaoke.
42) Mountain lions are cute, but you don't pet them.
43) Some high schools only have 5 adults on campus. That's how they get away with dancing in the halls.
44) Troy is not just a guy.
45) Apparently the winter musical only requires two cast members.
46) When you're in love with a stranger, you can memorize lyrics at the drop of a hat
47) Corbin Bleu is pretty much white.
48) If you're a stressed jock, you need only to go to the school gardens and sing... nobody will find you or pick on you.
49) It's hard to believe, that I couldn't see, you were always right beside me!
50) Ryan really wants to meet Ashton Kutcher
51) No one said anything about leotards.
52) If you love a girl enough, breaking and entering into her room is not considered a problem.
53) No one on the basketball team is good at math.
54) Ladders can appear out of nowhere.
55) Chad tried to tell him, he REALLY tried.
56) Sharpay is allowed to have a pink locker while everyone else is stuck with an ugly beige one.
57) Troy rides the bus to school even though his dad works there
58) You can bet, there's nothing but net, when Zeke is in the zone and on a roll.
59) If you're gay, you dont know what g-o-d-r-a-m-a-c-l-u-b-! spells
60) If you're heart has been broken by the most popular guy in school, your locker can open automatically - no combination necessary.
61) Where's Gabby's dad!?!
62) Warning bells can be easily mistaken for cell phones.
63) Yes, Troy, you ARE going left.
64) You can have a laptop and a webcam pointing at a person ready to record them and they would NEVER notice
65) It's better to hear it from Mrs. Darbus now than from your friends later
66) You can go to Kelsi's house for breakfast and she has a piano.
67) By taking off your lab coat, the red ribbon in your hair can turn pink.
68) Only fat girls like to pop, lock and drop it.
69) You are allowed to cover your microphone with tacky sequins as long as youre the most popular girl in school
70) All stage fright can be cured by the saying “Like kindergarten”
71) What the heck are those two doing in a tree?!
72) You WILL stick to the status quo or everyone will sing to you until everyone else confesses
73) Gabriella loves pi.
74) Troy's watch is imaginary, but he looks at it anyways and always knows what the time is.
75) Cheerleaders speak a different language than other human beings.
76) Students in high school don't need backpacks... or books for that matter
77) No one finds it weird that you're singing a sexual song to your brother/sister
78) It takes Gabriella's mom and Troy's dad forever to walk to an auditorium.
79) Throwing basketballs at trees is apparently great for stress relief
80) If you climb up to a chicks balcony that hates you and start singing to her, she will fall back in love with you.
81) People keep outfits in their lockers just in case someone spills nachos on them
82) The pregnant teacher stands corrected.
83) If you wear pink and have blonde hair, you are automatically a malevolent popular girl.
84) All fathers with sons in sports are oblivious to their sons's other needs and desires.
85) Teachers from different departments always hate each other.
86) Chad has some pretty awesome shirts.
87) Troy is very slow (Come on! Not even ONE kiss?)
88) If you make good cookies, people fall in love with you.
89) A high school can produce 17 musicals in a span of two years
90) It is possible for the random girl you met at a ski lodge at New Year's to coincidentally move to your school and become your girlfriend
91) Singing absolves a person of any bad thing they've done.
92) An entire school's network can be crippled by the push of a bottom (Taylor must be a really good hacker.)
93) Chili cheese fries and milk are a substantial meal.
94) Interperative dancing is a sign that there is something mentally wrong with you and must see a counselor
95) All practical rules of time and space are lost when Troy and Gabriella hide.
96) The very best way to condemn your friend for singing is to break out into a song yourself
97) If you take your hat off and reveal luscious locks of brown hair you're instantly beautiful.
98) Gabriella always plans ahead thats how she's able instantaneously change into a semi formal dress and heels for a basketball game.
99) You dont mind linking arms with the school bitch that you hate as long as its the final dance number of the movie
100) When the entire East High School student body is decked out in red and white, Troy and Gabriella always seem to be in blue. Until the finale when they finally catch on.
Posted by Sarah at 8/30/2007 11:08:00 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
To declaw or not to declaw
I have gotten fed up with my cat scratching up my new(ish) computer chair and I was considering getting her declawed. I already know that it is a cruel procedure, but so is watching a new piece of furniture getting destroyed. Plus, she's been using them a little too much on me lately...
I wanted to see what the price range was so I was searching on Yahoo, and I got swayed into the alternative. I'm going to try Soft Paws and see how she does with them. I'm actually kind of excited about getting them for her, and I still don't know what color to get. It comes in a pack of 40 and they should last for a couple of weeks each time I put them on. So should I go for pink or the french manicure look? I'll save the holiday colors for Christmas.
This is almost as much fun as when I got to pick out what color of bands I wanted around my braces. I said almost.
Oh my poor cat doesn't know what's going to hit her. I'm not ordering them for awhile, right around the time I pick out a new futon or couch for my living room.
Did I make the right decision or should I chop off the claws? I thought I would include Hella's most diva picture. Yes, the blog is named after the cat- sad...
Posted by Sarah at 8/29/2007 11:55:00 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Disturbing on many levels
Simply no words can prepare you for this video. Other than not safe for kids. I didn't catch much of the second season of Always Sunny in Philadelphia and I don't think this 'ad' is swaying me in picking up this next season. I'm a prude.
Posted by Sarah at 8/28/2007 10:55:00 PM 0 comments
Cute picture
I love this picture of the Superbad trio with Sophia Bush at the Teen Choice Awards. Mainly I love Michael Cera in it. That kid who plays McLovin' is going to get so much play it's unnatural.
Posted by Sarah at 8/28/2007 01:34:00 AM 0 comments
Monday, August 27, 2007
Big Brother 8 - Amber is America's Next Top Model
I actually feel bad for Amber. It's sad. Even if a really cute girl said some of the things she says I would role my eyes. I am all for having a healthy self-esteem, but you also have to be real about yourself.
I also love all the 'visions from God' she has been having and the conversations with God. 'God bless you God!' Priceless
Posted by Sarah at 8/27/2007 11:40:00 PM 0 comments
Superbad: Penis Drawings- NSFW or people who have never seen a penis
The best part of Superbad. There are other good parts, but none affected me in the same way. This weekend Luverne Drive-in is having a double feature of Rush Hour 3 and Superbad. Have I mentioned how much I love that place.
Posted by Sarah at 8/27/2007 11:31:00 PM 0 comments
Sunday, August 26, 2007
Ugh- I just watched the opening of the Teen Choice Awards
I recorded it and just got to watching it. It was stupid and unfunny. It was old people and they were celebrating the 50th reunion of High School Musical. The mascot was humping old people and it was sick. Zac Efron tried to put on a camera face, but you could tell he thought it was ugh as well.
God he's beautiful! I only taped about the first half hour so I might not see anything more about him. They should just have the camera on him the whole show. It's not right!
Posted by Sarah at 8/26/2007 08:06:00 PM 0 comments
Completely filled weekend
First off I'm not complaining.... I have had the most full weekend I have had in a long time and I didn't travel out of town at all. On Friday, my mom came up and we hung out had supper at Johnny Carino's. We had both never ate there before and we try to go to new places often. It was really good, and I'm not a big Italian or pasta eater. By the time we got done eating it was past nine and we decided to go to Wal-Mart and then go to my place. When I have visitors I let them have my bed to sleep in and I usually hunker down on my twin bed in the guest bedroom or on the couch or on the floor in the living room. I had my mom watch Flicka in my bedroom and I was convinced she would watch less than twenty minutes and turn it off. She didn't she stayed up until past 2 AM. I have had a really big problem staying up obscenely late. The next day we got to shopping in the afternoon and eventually went to Qudoba for lunch (another first time for both of us). Then when my mom finally left I had less than an hour before my sister came and we left to go to Luverne for the drive in movie. It was Hairspray and The Simpsons. Hairspray... well I think regular readers know how I feel about it. I had to try hard to not Beatle-scream when Zac Efron came on the screen. Amy liked it, of course. The Simpsons was not quite as wonderful as I had hoped it to be. Instead of it being a more free version of The Simpsons I felt it was the opposite actually. There were parts that were outright funny however I feel like I laugh more watching two episodes than the movie. I'm now being completely lazy and it is fantastic...
Posted by Sarah at 8/26/2007 02:13:00 PM 0 comments
Thursday, August 23, 2007
I'm beyond excited!
I had a couple of days off and did pretty much nothing- it was great. I was going to go to the drive-in one of the nights and see a couple of movies, but that never happened. I called the number for the Luverne Drive-in to verify what time the gates opened and they announced the movies that were playing till Thursday and then announced the movies they would have starting Friday and I about screamed. Hairspray and The Simpsons! I called my sister and asked/told her that she should come up and go with me. Either way I'm going! I can't help it. I'm sick! I got a fever and my only cure is more Zac Efron. Woo hoo!
Posted by Sarah at 8/23/2007 08:20:00 PM 0 comments
Fun Office video
I just watched this wonderful video done by seat18b. It is to an original Sweet Diss and the Comebacks song 'Dunder and Dwightning' I love The Office!
Posted by Sarah at 8/23/2007 02:47:00 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
I was flipping through my bulletins on MySpace and I clicked on one and I then found myself broken down in tears. Even if you have seen it before it touches you. Rest in peace Kelsey.
Posted by Sarah at 8/22/2007 11:51:00 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Just me talking about nothing in particular
I made a huge purchase today. All right that's not entirely true...
I bought a Shampoo Rinse Cup at Wal-Mart tonight. I happened to wander down the baby area and as I was glancing at step stools I spied it further down the aisle. The picture that came with it is the same one that is shown on here. All my life I have taken baths. I think a lot of people stop having them once they can safely manuever a shower, but I enjoy them most days. One day when I was taking my bath I thought about my cup I use to rinse my hair. My parents bathtub and my current one are not long tubs, laying down is sometimes a tricky endevour- so I use a cup to rinse my hair. I have never seen cups in anybody else's bathrooms and I always wondered if we were a strange family that we had a designated bathtub cup. Now that I'm done with my weird ranting about bathtub cups...
I went on a movie spree this last couple of days. I had a mountain of movies arrive at the library on Saturday and they were almost all 3 day check outs. I watched the original Hairspray with my mom on Saturday night. On Sunday I watched Sherry Baby. Last night I watched Zodiac. And tonight I started watching 'Sweetland.' I have already bawled like a baby during the first part of Sweetland.
I got to talk to my old college roommate tonight. Kathy and I were strangers when we were paired together to be freshman roommates in Binnewies Hall. Ten years ago! It's been a strange night.
I'm going to enjoy some vacation days tomorrow and Thursday. I have no plans really, other than maybe going to the drive-in and seeing 'The Simpsons' and 'I Now Pronounce You, Larry and Chuck.' The former I am more excited about obviously. Anway I better say night.
Posted by Sarah at 8/21/2007 11:41:00 PM 0 comments
BB8: Jen stomps Dick's cigs- Spoiler somewhat
I don't know how to feel about the recent Jen hub-bub, but I'm excited that she got rid of his cigarettes. Dick is disgusting and I would have gone for the thing that would have hurt him the most too. He just makes me sick, he is always constantly spitting and hacking up his lungs bit by bit. I kind of say kudos for getting rid of the cancer sticks.
Posted by Sarah at 8/21/2007 01:34:00 AM 0 comments
High School Musical 2 'Bet On It'
What was the best part of High School Musical 2 Sarah?
Why, I'm glad you asked. It was this part when Zac Efron's character Troy Bolton expresses his anger through interpretive dance. It's beyond awesome. It has so many cultural influences in it that its hard to name them all. The main one of course is Michael Jackson (although I miss the crotch (edited it because I originally had crouch instead of crotch! I never spell check!)grab- that wouldn't have been so Bad!(did you get the MJ joke?) Anyway enjoy!
Posted by Sarah at 8/21/2007 12:36:00 AM 1 comments
Sunday, August 19, 2007
Harold and Kumar sequel trailer!
I am way too excited to see this movie. Way, way, too excited! You would think I would have my fill of guy films since I went to 'Superbad' with my brother today, but I'm not.
Posted by Sarah at 8/19/2007 07:57:00 PM 1 comments
Friday, August 17, 2007
I chopped my bangs
It is so extremely late and I should be asleep for at least a couple of hours now. But I had to mention that I did a whack job on my hair tonight and gave myself bangs. I just needed a change. I am still growing out the rest of my hair and when I look in the mirror I feel like I am seeing a version of myself ten years ago. It is the same exact hairstyle I had when I was starting college. I am tempted to just keep cutting, it's a very thrilling feeling when you cut your own hair. I think it looks fairly alright, but if not... oh well it's just hair. It will grow back.
I went shopping a little today too. I got Season 3 of Home Movies (if you haven't ever seen this animated show it's awesome- check it out) and Pride and Prejudice the A&E miniseries on DVD(I have the version on tape already, but I saw it and had to have it)
I also got a couple of books from Barnes and Noble. An Uncle John's Bathroom Reader and The Autism Sourcebook (I have had a copy from the library for about 2 months now and I decided to just buy a copy and let someone else see it). Oh, and I watched '300' tonight. My review is 'ehhh' it was alright, but not my cup of tea.
And now I bid you adieu, but first here is a cute picture of Zac Efron and some of his HSM2 co-stars. High School Musical 2 premieres tomorrow night. Party on Saturday- woo hoo!
Posted by Sarah at 8/17/2007 01:44:00 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
I'm watching i-Caught on ABC
Right now it is showing the now famous prison dancers. It looks pretty damn cruel actually. That kind of sucks. There seems to only be a couple of people that really enjoy it and that is the transsexuals. I do want to see the Sister Act videos though....
This Friday is the premiere of High School Musical 2. My niece and I are planning a slight party. It should be pretty exciting! I have plans that I really need to get going on because I'm kind of running out of time. We will see...
I finished watching Music & Lyrics tonight. It was bland and only slightly entertaining. I picked up 300 at the library tonight- it was there waiting for me- I love the library! I haven't seen it yet, hopefully it won't give me nightmares!?
Big news- My sister asked me if I wanted to come to Sesame Street Live in September. I said hell yes! I'm so excited! I'm so excited! I'm so scared! Zac hold me!
Posted by Sarah at 8/14/2007 10:52:00 PM 0 comments
Skittles commercial
Just saw this on BWE (Best Week Ever- for those not in the know). It is probably the funniest Skittles commercial I've seen in a while.
Posted by Sarah at 8/14/2007 06:57:00 PM 0 comments
Monday, August 13, 2007
The New Season of My Boys
PJ's hotties this season:
Travis Schuldt
Jeremy Sisto
The fourth episode was on tonight and I still like it, nothing much happens plot wise, but I enjoy it. The main character P.J. dates the cutest guys like last episode she dated a Cub played by Travis Schudlt who is Elliot Reed's possible husband Keith. And then this next week she is having Jeremy Sisto as an old love/lust interest! I love him and am completely terrified by him at the same time, it makes an interesting sensation.
Waitress is at the cheap theater this week and I think I may go tomorrow, and yes Jeremy Sisto is in it. I think that he should be in Lost or maybe even Heroes. Oh my! the fall is coming fast- I don't think I'm ready for actual television to come back. No, that's a lie- I am. For goodness sake I'm watching Big Brother that's how much I need TV.
I am completely embarrassed but I'm watching the new episode of The Hills. It is sickening and addictive. Don't get me wrong all the people on the show are brain dead, but that Spencer guy is a tool. Ick! Ugh! What pieces of shit the Bobsy Twins are.
Posted by Sarah at 8/13/2007 11:28:00 PM 0 comments
Sunday, August 12, 2007
If you have not watched Big Brother 8 this summer then you may have absolutely no interest in watching this video. It a small portion of Dick (who calls himself Evel(evil) Dick) completely harassing his fellow houseguests. He is a psycho or at least pretends to be a psycho. He has made numerous threats to rape both women and men and has yet to be shown in the true light on CBS's episodes. There are more of his rantings on Youtube so if inclined please check them out. Remember not safe for children.
Posted by Sarah at 8/12/2007 06:25:00 PM 0 comments
Thursday, August 09, 2007
Oh, I had a bad day!
That's so lame- but so true. My Wednesday started with me waking up and strangling one of the two alarms I had set. After messing with it for about twenty seconds I realizied that it was the other one going off. So I slapped snooze on it only after I had managed to turn off my other one that hadn't even gone off yet. I woke up at 7:53 and I was supposed to be at work at 7:45 so I called into work and told them I'm going to be late. The rest of my day went pretty well, no major drama really. Everyday is dramatic in it's own way, I do work with 3 and 4 year olds. So my long day is over at 6:00 PM and I decide I'm going to get Taco John's. Since my window is busted deciding to have fast food requires me to (shudder) go inside and interact with people.(uuuuuuhhhh!) I go inside and order up my regular to go. After I get my food I make sure I have all I need. Debit card- check, cell phone- check, food- check, car keys- so not check. I panic while at Taco John's and search everywhere I was before coming to the sad reality. Go outside and stare in the window- and there they are on my passenger seat. I admit I freaked out a lot bit. Since I had my cell phone I decided to call my mom and dad. I explained my situation and that I don't know how much a locksmith will charge and that I don't want to get ripped off. They were at their health screening tonight so they were finishing up that before they could help. As I sat in the fast food place I suddenly just got very down. I felt and feel very alone living here. I have no one. I admit that I threw a pity party for myself, but my day had started shitty and my evening was going the same way. After almost four years of living in SF, I had never locked myself out of my car. I am also almost never late, so two crappy things in one day pissed me off. After a while my parents called back and helped me out. I ended up paying 25 dollars which is bad enough. After some tears I realize I may have to find a friend here, if only for the reason of having someone to bring my spare key. Ah, necessity!
I had to post my new favorite icone that I found today. I told Taylor that I wanted to find it and I did! Hooray! I'm trying to figure out how to put it up, it's Zac licking his hand and smoothing his hair. Ugh, I can't figure out how to put it up. I'll keep trying.
Posted by Sarah at 8/09/2007 12:40:00 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, August 08, 2007
Amber confronts Eric- ugh I can't stand the witch!
Let me put it on blast.
The bitch went on a reality show where she is in a house that has cameras on 24/7 and told many people about having abortions (she had two, but told her boyfriend she had four- yeah I don't know??) Eric did do a 'bad' thing by saying he was going to use it against her, but damn you stupid bitch YOU ARE ON INTERNET FEEDS ALL THE TIME- EVERYBODY NOW KNOWS! The clip is definitely full of swear words- watch out! Plus, it is a 'spoiler' for those that don't want to know how the game is going.
If the people in this Big Brother they will give the bitch fake phone numbers on the last day.
Posted by Sarah at 8/08/2007 08:42:00 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, August 07, 2007
Amber: She's not only annoying, now she's racist!
Ugh! What an incredible bitch! The ignorance that she spews is so sad. There is absolutely nothing good about her.
This is the side of the people in the house that they don't show on CBS! It is just sickening. I have relatives that say stuff about other ethnic groups and I get so pissed off at them. The phrase that makes me jump up and scream is (forgive me please)'Jew them down' which is supposed to mean bargain with them. I always say why can't you just say make a deal with them. I admit that I am not perfect about being PC, but who goes on a reality show knowing that people watch them all the time and says such ignorant shit?
Amber just reminds me of a ten year old that repeats the garbage her parents tell her. However she's a grown fucking woman with a daughter-- and the cycle of hate continues... I really think people need to have licenses to have children. Ugh!
Posted by Sarah at 8/07/2007 11:46:00 PM 0 comments
Sunday, August 05, 2007
Al Roker doing lines!
Someone finally posted this clip. Enjoy!
Posted by Sarah at 8/05/2007 11:49:00 AM 0 comments
The Simpsons: Best of Ralph Wiggum
Man I need to go to The Simpsons Movie. Ralph is the man.
Posted by Sarah at 8/05/2007 11:37:00 AM 0 comments
I love this video done by CBS
Yes, sorry it is more of Amber crying. I just like what Eric has to say about her crying.
Posted by Sarah at 8/05/2007 12:15:00 AM 0 comments
Saturday, August 04, 2007
Best of Amber crying on the CBS show - updated
God I hate her! The thing is that she has said that she thinks she is America's favorite. WTF? By the time they finish they are going to have way too many minutes of her crying.
Posted by Sarah at 8/04/2007 12:15:00 AM 0 comments
This is literally how it feels when Amber starts crying
I love this little video.
Posted by Sarah at 8/04/2007 12:11:00 AM 0 comments
Friday, August 03, 2007
This week's episode of The Soup is the funniest
I stopped breathing for a little bit when they showed the clip of Al Roker saying he enjoyed The Simpson Movie. He followed up by saying that he and another person were doing lines all day. Matt Lauer's reaction is what sells it. I really need to watch it more often because I think that Matt Lauer is funny and cute.
I always think that The Soup is head and shoulders above Best Week Ever.
I am up to pretty much nothing right now. I have The Last Mimzy which I have yet to watch. I've been watching the last two discs in Season One of Dead Like Me. Yes, I like to watch TV episodes that are three years old. Why do I like that girl that plays George/ia and/or Millie? I looked at her IMDb, Her name is Ellen Muth and really she hasn't done anything since the show. I go from being annoyed at her to finding her absolutely fascinating. It's strange. Anyway, I got done with that last night. And of course I love Cynthia Stevenson. I always have. I think it's because she kind of reminds me of my mom or at least some characteristics.
Something that I am slightly ashamed of is my recent habit of watching Big Brother. The actual CBS show is not as exciting as the reality of what goes on. Plus the fact that events the happen are shown three days after they happen. Plus the half stories that get told to the viewing public are really unfair. The things that Evil (or Evel?) Dick said to Jen were the filthiest things I've ever heard someone say. Someone watching CBS would be like, Dick wasn't that mean- he was actually just pretty honest. I told my co-worker some of the things he had said and she couldn't believe it. Anyway- I just look at some sites that update what is happening on the live feeds. The link to one is located here
I put up the pictures because, I hate Amber. I hate her ugly stupid face. I would cry, but hopefully not that annoyingly. Ugh! I also like the picture of Dustin and Jen. I think Jen is doing very well considering that no one likes her.
Posted by Sarah at 8/03/2007 09:11:00 PM 0 comments
Thursday, August 02, 2007
Mark Indelicato (Justin Suarez) - Good Morning Baltimore
Alright, I just may have to check out Ugly Betty. I just don't have the capability to watch it on a weekly basis. I was luck enough to stumble upon it tonight when they aired the scene. I love that kid, frankly he needs his own show.
Posted by Sarah at 8/02/2007 11:16:00 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, August 01, 2007
How to Catch an i-Jacker- Dateline
I'm a little pissed off at this Dateline show. I thought that they were unfair to the people. If it was an iPod that had someone's name on it I'm sure that it would have been returned. Putting out new i-Pods is not fair. If I found a brand new i-Pod out in a unattended place I would probably take it. Just like I would pick up money off the ground. If I saw money falling out of someone's pocket I would tell them and that's the same for the i-Pod. What made me feel a little mad is that they had Chris Hansen doing the confronting of the people who took the i-Pod. They registered the device and gave Dateline the info to track them down. Then they are interviewed in a RV, outside of their house. If I was tracked down by Chris Hansen I would panic that he was there to talk to me about my fascination with Zac Efron. My plea would be- "He's 19! He's 19! I'm not a pervert!"
Posted by Sarah at 8/01/2007 09:42:00 PM 0 comments
Oh my!
Updated pictures
A bridge in Minneapolis collapsed about an hour ago. It's pretty scary because it is such a main road that people go on. I have friends that live in and around the twin cities so that is a concern for me. A school bus is trapped on the bridge. Totally frightening! The live coverage is crazy, there are cars caught like a roller coaster going over the edge. It was just confirmed that one person is dead, but I'm sure that the count will go up. My thoughts and prayers are with everyone involved. I'm going to try and talk to my friends up there.
Updated at 8:08 PM
I just called Kathy and she and her husband are fine. I talked to her for a while and then I called Rebekah who didn't know about it and called to talk to her friend who lives in the cities. I haven't heard back from her yet, but I'm praying everything is okay.
Posted by Sarah at 8/01/2007 07:32:00 PM 0 comments
Zac Efron Gets Punk'D By Ashley Tisdale
I'm behind in my Punk'd watching so I didn't see this before.
Ashton could never ever be Zac- even in his hey day.
You are sick Sarah- sick.
Posted by Sarah at 8/01/2007 12:07:00 AM 0 comments

Reading got hotter!