My new secret shame is being addicted to the Sarah Silverman Program. I feel disgusted by myself- but I can't help but bust my gut laughing when I watch it. The episode that was on tonight was the Batteries one and I stopped breathing for about two minutes during the part where she poops her pants. I won't admit to liking it to a majority of the population, but here I can feel free. Plus my favorite Hiro was in the episode!
Heroes was pretty alright on Monday- does this mean that Milo is finally going to have a haircut now- after Sylar cut into his brain? The episode freaked me out pretty good- pretty predictable but what the hey! That's some crazy shit that it doesn't come back until April 23rd.
Lost was pretty good tonight- it revealed a little more insight into the Dharma Initiative- sort of that is. We got to meet Patchy aka Russian Other guy. And stupid Locke blew up the new hatch that had a lot of information and possible technology to help them. Last week's episode with the VW van was a cute little episode.
What other show was on this week?? Gilmore Girls is actually getting back on track- just in time for the end? I am thinking that they are running out of storylines though. How many times can you have Emily be cold to Lorelai and then have Lorelai realize that her mother does really care. By this time in her life she should have it figured out enough that she doesn't have to have everyone tell her the obvious. I might have issues with my mother, but I have finally reached the point that I don't have to talk all my past issues with her to the ground. But that's just me!