Okay a couple of last things before I leave for home from MN. My hair is still mainly black and is getting long- past shoulder length. I keep thinking about getting it stripped and I never set up an appointment. I will have to invest in a black wig if I ever ever get the urge to dye my hair that color again- it's terrible. I have been having my PMS dreams the last two nights (they are very vivid and very strange) I hope I didn't yell out in my sleep- or worse, I sometimes believe that I still sleep walk. Anyway I lost the storylines of my dreams about 30 seconds after I woke up.
This is how incredibly lazy I am- I bought a tv for my bedroom- and managed to find a DVD player and VCR for it. I live by myself! I could go out into the living room barenaked or dressed in a chicken costume and no one would know- I only have me to entertain mainly- so why did I get another tv? Because I'm lazy! It actually has made me wake up a little earlier in the morning and start getting ready- yes that is all the motivation I need in the morning The Early Show.
I am starting to think that I am having a breakdown of some sorts because I am writing a bunch of nonsense. Maybe that is because my friend has been sleeping for over 12 hours and I am incredibly bored. Anyway bye
Sunday, January 22, 2006
I'm alive
I have tried unsucessfully to get my computer at my parents to work- the cookies are disabled again- and whatever magical powers I had last time are not working now. I'm up in Fairmont, MN just hanging out with Rebekah again. It is kind of a lazy weekend. We went to Fun with Dick and Jane this afternoon- it was amusing as long as it lasted- definitely not one that I would want to watch over and over again. Then we went shopping- which is always fun! We went out for supper and then attempted to go to some local 'hotspots', but gave up looking for excitement and came back to her house and watched Underworld- which I had never seen yet.
Anyway- I did finally see RENT. In fact, I went two weekends in a row. I loved it of course. Anthony Rapp is so good- the whole cast is phenomenal- especially Mr. Jesse Martin from Law and Order. I have a little bit of a crush on him now.
Last weekend I went to a George Strait concert in Fargo- it was with Miranda Lambert and Tracy Lawrence- it was really good- but I went with my brother (who was so hungover and in an incredibly pissy mood) and my parents (who suprisingly were fun to be around). All three performers did a great job- Tracy Lawrence was so much fun- I really didn't appreciate how many of his songs I loved. Country music is really good people- just check it out!
My shows are doing well- Lost is pretty interesting- they really have done a lot of revealations lately with the 'monster' and introducing us more clearly to 'the others'. I've got Rebekah and her husband hooked on it since they borrowed Season 1 from me- they are eagerly awaiting the release of the second season since they don't have cable television. I don't really think that I could survive without cable television- every once and a while I get the 'crazy' notion that the TV is bad for me and that I should cancel it- but then I come to my senses. It has been about 27 hours since I have been at home and I don't have my wonderful channels that tell me about the world going on around me and I feel like I'm going insane! Well- on to the next topic...
Gilmore Girls is definitely taking new twists and turns. They have an actress Cheryl Flinn(?) returning to the show after she played a different character about 3 years ago. She was Jess's newly found stepmom and now she is the mother of Luke's newly found out about child. So the source of actresses was so small that they had to bring her back? Anyway- I wonder where they are going with it.
Scrubs is back- which is awesome. I have been watching more sitcoms recently- My Name is Earl and The Office. Project Runway is back and just as fun as last time- gay male fashion designers are so overly dramatic. And basically those are the only shows I care about enough to try to watch.
So anyway- I'm going to go- I'm reading The Devil Wears Prada and it really is fun to imagine that world of glamour and all the bitches that run it.
Posted by Sarah at 1/22/2006 12:19:00 AM 0 comments

Reading got hotter!